Holy cow - got master's female at 5K!!


I simply cannot believe it! I ran a 5 k (probably my 5th or 6th) this am in our hometown during our annual balloonfest. About 450 runners and I got Master's Female (basically the fastest old woman over 40,lol) My prize was a gift certificate for a new pair of Mizuno running shoes for up to $100 - wow!:eek:

I also PR'd my time by 30 seconds which I was realy proud of - came across at 23:09...next time I'm pushing to get under 23:00...

Thanks for letting me gush:D

Heidi, doin' the 5k happy dance
WTG, Heidi!


That's a sweet prize!
Just call you the Dara Torres of the Roadways!

Congratulations! I can maybe do a .0000001K myself. Keep up the good work!

Great job, Heidi!!!!

I almost ran that race, but DH is on call this weekend and I couldn't leave the kiddos with him to go up to Findlay and run. Have you spent any time at the balloon fest?

Fabulous time, BTW, you ROCK!!!
Thanks, everyone -- your hive-fives and congrats mean a lot:D

Becca, we did go down to the balloonfest (after we went to Toledo to get my new Mizunos - they ROCK!). We saw them fly out, some skydivers, and now this am while I drink my coffee, I can see them out my window and hear them firing up their flames for their last competition fly-in. I should ride my bike down there and watch but the view's pretty good from here, and I'm feeling particularly lazy today...

Maybe I'll see you at the next 5k? Where are you again? There are quite a few 5ks this fall between Lima and Toledo and a cool grass run in Fremont at Terra Community College, too.

Thanks again all!

Maybe I'll see you at the next 5k? Where are you again? There are quite a few 5ks this fall between Lima and Toledo and a cool grass run in Fremont at Terra Community College, too.

Heidi, I am just 20 minutes south of you in Bluffton!:D We have a 5K here in town Labor Day weekend, but I will be driving and driving that weekend. When is the race in Fremont? That sounds fun!

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