HiiT 30/30

SNM Videos

HiiT stands for High Intensity Interval training and is hands down one of the best ways to burn fat without causing your body to catabolize your own muscle tissue.

HiiT features three different high intensity routines that are all right around 30 minutes or less making these workouts perfect for you to use on days where you’re short on time.

The first HiiT workout is 30/30, and as you might have guessed from the title, each interval is divided into 30 second high energy, plyo reps, followed by an equal 30 second rest for a total of 16 tough intervals.

The 2nd HiiT workout is 40/20 and you’ll be doing 16 intervals. Each interval will be divided into 40 second high energy, plyo reps, followed by a 20 second rest. 3 additional one minute breaks will be spread throughout the program, and trust me, you’ll be glad they are there.

The 3rd HiiT workout is Double Wave Pyramid. You’ll do 2 rounds of intervals separated by only a one minute rest in this workout. In each round, you’ll follow a pyramid cycle of 9 intervals, in which you’ll start your first set with a 20 second interval, and work your way up to the top of the pyramid, increasing each interval by 5 seconds as you go. Then you’ll work your way back down the pyramid decreasing each interval by 5 seconds.

Today, we want to start to share some pictures on flickr from the filming of HiiT 30/30. - View Pictures
Whoa, I can't believe how damned sexy they all look!! How can they keep smiling during all that exertion?? I don't even smile when walking briskly....
This looks crazy intense and I LOVE that!! I am still shocked at how good everyone looks on the crew - my face would be beet red the entire time I'm pretty sure of it ;)
OMG!!! Not only do I not see how you can smile during all of that but how are not just dripping sweat!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
I just cancelled my order after looking at these. Much too hard on my knees. Thanks so much for the pictures, giving me plenty of time to opt out.
Reading these details kept me from cancelling my preorder! I've been a little back and forth lately but I'm getting excited again!
For SNM or Cathe (or anyone). What kind of modifications can be used for the high-impact moves these pictures show? I sure hope there are some. Otherwise, mine will be for sale on ebay soon. I hope I can do these by taking out the jumps, but will I still get a good workout? Please advise.

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