
Being from the Twin Cities it's nice to hear how people from all over love Prince. A person I went to highschool with actually is in Purple Rain!! I probably have 95% of his CD's all the way back to his very first one. I got to see him in Jacksonville, FL and it was amazing and he didn't charge some crazy price to see him, AND we got his new CD for going to the concert--how nice is that!!!
Hi Cathe,

I only watched the ads off and on. I'm 42 so I grew up with Prince Purple Rain. I'm not to much of a football fanatic so I was doing laundry in-between plays. Cathe, I just started doing basic step. I got your DVD in a step box at Wal-Mart. So far I've lost 6 pounds. I do the routine 5 days a week. I'm focused and determined to lose 25 lbs. My life is on a complete change health wise. I quit smoking 1 year 4 months. And now I've started step. I feel great!

P.S. I just ordered Low Max!

Have a Super Day!
Annette Bethel

I watched the Super Bowl as well! I kept watching for Sheila E to play the drums. But I am perpetually 22 :D.....

Also, as a side bar, I found 4lb weights at TJ Maxx if anyone is interested.....

Have a great weekend!
So, I've been away and just saw this thread.

I watched the Superbowl for my BIG BAD BOYS IN BLUE!!!!! WOO-HOO! I live in Indianapolis and have been waiting for this day for a long time!

I picked up the Sports Illustrated special Superbowl edition over the weekend, and when you read the history of when the Colts moved here and what those first few years were like, it makes tears come to your eyes. They were just awful, and nobody here cared one lick about football. The players had all the heart, but nobody here knew who they were and didn't really care at the time. COLTS used to stand for "Count On Losing This Sunday". We even had a local musician write a song titled, "Lord Help Our Colts". I remember those days. I remember going to a couple of games where the home crowd boo'd 'em off the field. I still remember this: I said to all those people who had nothing good to say about the Colts: "You all need to quit booing, because one day this team is gonna be great! You need to support your team, win or lose! If you don't, you're not a true fan. We don't need any fair weather fans here!" That was twenty years ago, and I was just a little girl, but I was right!

Believe, Colts fans! Believe! Indianapolis, you've got yourselves a FOOTBALL TEAM!
Hey Catwoman!

Enjoying the snow??? I'm just up the road a little in Kokomo!

I LOVE the lastest installment of Lord Help Our Colts! A far cry from back when we had Jeff George or Jim Harbaugh and the years of 3-13! I've been a Colts fan since moving to Indiana 18 years ago!

I'm wearing my Superbowl Champions sweatshirt as I type!


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