Hi! New to Forum.


New Member
Hi Cathe fans!
My name is Cindy and I am new to your forums. Many of you probably remember me from the old Firm Forum (ahhhh--the good old days) and from FitPrimes Forum. Anyway, I need forum motivation and I am planning to spice up my workouts with some Cathe videos. I have always been more of a Firm/FitPrime girl (scared of Cathe's workouts, LOL) but I think I am missing out on some good workouts.
~~~from sea to shining sea~~~~:)
Welcome! And you have been missing out! Cathe is fabulous! She'll keep you motivated, that's for sure. It blows my mind that she's doing everything I'm doing, and still talking . . . and even smiling. Yikes!
Hi Cindy,
Glad to see you here. You are really going to see some wonderful results by doing Cathe's workouts. Cathe takes exercising up a notch or two. While there is always the way to modify and work up to top speed intensity, you will, for sure, get a great workout.

What Cathe tapes do you have? Looking forward to seeing your posts. I think you are going to really like it here and you'll just love Cathe :D
Cathe just announced we can preorder her new videos. We are all pretty thrilled about that and burning bandwidth to get our orders in. :D
Hi Cindy! I know you from the FitPrime forum - I was PTM Barb there! Welcome to the Cathe forum! I think that you'll love it here!
I do!!!!
Welcome Cindy to the board, I am relatively new to Cathe myself though I wasn't into the Firm before Cathe, I was into Taebo. So if I can do it and make it through a Cathe workout then anybody with any exercise background and the right mindset can too.:D I plan on getting more of Cathe's stuff soon, just remember that once you are hooked you will want MORE too:+ . So be aware of that fact.:)

Again welcome to the group you will get all the advice, encouragement, and tips you need right here with this great bunch of guys and gals!
Hi! I too am fairly new to Cathe forums. I was used to many of the firm tapes which worked for me 2 1/2 yrs ago, now after experiencing Cathe there is NO GOING BACK!! She definetly spices things up and pushes you further than you thought possible!! All good things though!! Good luck and enjoy;-)
Hi Cindy,
Welcome!!! You'll love it here! These women have so much knowledge and are always here to answer your questions. Glad to have you join us!
Hi to Wanda, Debbie H, Sherry, Barbie A.K.A. PTMBarb :)and Annette, Leggs and Dawn A!!!!! Thankyou for the warm welcome!
I only have Cathe Power Hour which is a little long for me but I know it is a great workout. I am thinking of buying BootCamp and Imax2??? I like shorter workouts with more weights/toning than Cardio.I am choreographically challenged, LOL! I need to go workout~~it is getting late in the day and my butt has been at this computer too long.
Thanks again for the warm welcomes! See ya'all soon!
~~~from sea to shining sea~~~~:p
Welcome, BeachBum!

You are going to love Cathe and this forum. They certainly help give you inspiration and motivation to workout!

I LOVE the pictures on your homepage. When I first saw the picture of Honey at 5-6 weeks, I thought it was a picture of a stuffed animal.

That picture just to the left of the 5-6 week picture....my black lab mix does the exact same thing but she stretches her front left paw so it's straight. My boyfriend and I call it the "avalanche position" because he read a story about a man who was in an avalanche and thrust his hand up as he was stopping. It was the only way the rescuers were able to find him. I'm contemplating teaching her how to do it on command but I don't think it will ever save her life seeing as Southeastern Michigan doesn't get many avalanches.

Are you lucky enough to live on a beach? I dig the water!!!

Shelley http://www.animatedgif.net/animals/dogs/rundogblack_e0.gif
Hi, everyone,
I'm new to the forum too. And new to Cathe, and I sure do like her. I own MIS, Power Hour, Circuit Max, Cardio+Weights, Step Heat, and 10-10-10. I've done Circuit Max, Power Hour and Step Heat and like them. I don't have a full length club step yet; only a 22" long one, so that's why I haven't done her tapes more. But after reading so many good things about her at the Firm YaYas and Video Fitness, I had to try!

She's awesome!


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