Hi Gettinfit@39 aka Donna................


I am in Waynesboro, so you are in Fayetteville(if I spelled that right) what a small world we live in. Another man who runs a Christian Fitness board lives in Chambersburg. We should try and meet sometime I homeschool my boys and have a vehicle every other week, my dh is commuting to Frederick with a co-worker now so I actually have a vehicle part of the time.

Nice to meet you!:-jumpy

God bless you!!

Hi Annette,

I don't live anywhere near you, but I thought it was nice to see another homeschooling mom on the boards. I homeschool my 3 children also. Just wanted to say hi! God bless.

Hi Denise, it is always nice to meet another homeschooling mom. How old are your kids? Mine are 10,8 and 6 and all boys like I said before I think. So they can be a handful. So nice to meet you!! Where do you live if I may ask?

God bless you !!!


I am also a home schooling mother - there are a few others on this board who home school - mother-of-six is one who lives in New Mexico - we e-mail each other daily now it has been really nice!

The thing is I live in Michigan, so we live far apart - I have ten children - 8 of them are home and I home school 5 of them - 2 of them are preschool age and one of them is 25 (he has a brain injury from a car accident in April of this year).

It is nice corresponding with other homeschooling moms out here.

God Bless,

Hi Annette,

We're in Delta, PA, a very small town along the MD/PA line. My kids are 14, 11, and 10. This is our first year of high school. My daughter is in 9th. Wew!! My 11 year old is a boy and he is my "busy" one so I know you have your hands full. God bless you! Where do you find time to fit in your work-outs? We use BJU Home Satellite so once I get them going, I take my "exercise break". I used to try getting up early but the earlier I get up, the earlier the kids get up. They have built in radar!

Wow Cheryl,

You're my hero!! What a blessing to have such a large crew and homeschool. That is sad about your son. Praying he has a full recovery.

Hi Denise,

We are on the MD/PA border almost also in Waynesboro, PA in Franklin County. I exercise in the morning before we start school. Sometimes I get up early and sometimes I don't we usually start school by 10 a.m. on most mornings. Great thing about homeschooling is they don't have to be done when the regular school in done. I take it your 10 yo is a girl also since you only mentioned the 11 yo as a boy. Again it is really nice meeting you!

Take care and God bless you!!

Hi Cheryl,

Nice to meet you too, I didn't realize how many homeschooled on this board. You must be a busy woman with 10 kids and 8 still at home. I think I will pull my hair out just with my 3 boys. That must have been a tragedy to have your son be in such a bad accident. I hope things go well with him.

Take care and God bless you!!!

Hi Annette :)

I lived in Waynesboro before moving to Fayetteville. It's a lovely town, not too big, not too small! And a parade for every occasion it seemed!

I still come to Waynesboro to grocery shop at the Martin's Food. Hubby doesn't care for the long lines and "hustle and bustle" of Wal-Mart so we come to Waynesboro to do our grocery shopping.
I remember when I first moved there from Washington, D.C. and my first reality check of small town living was that there was no shopping mall in Waynesboro. This was a foreign concept to me?! No mall? Back home there were huge mega-malls all over the place with multi-levels and 50+ stores and movie theaters and food courts, etc. So moving to a place with NO mall was quite a "culture shock!" I remember my then 14 year old daughter saying, "we are still on earth aren't we mom?" But we grew to love it there quickly and met just the kindest people in the world. We moved to Fayetteville in 2000, and have been here since.
We'll have to meet up sometime, it's nice to have a fellow Cathe-ite so close by.


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!

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