Hi Everyone!

Cathe Friedrich

As you now know, filming is complete:7. It has been a very busy last couple of months and will continue to be very busy right up through the editing process. I'm eager to get back online and answer your many questions. I just needed a couple of days to reconnect with my family. Thanks again for your patience. I will be on later this afternoon after a business meeting. Please note too that tomorrow is a full editing day and I will therefore most likely not be online. I am sooooooo pleased with the the new Body Blast Series and excited to complete the editing process so that we can move forward on getting them out to you as soon as possible.

I just happened to glance at a couple of questions before posting this and noticed that there is a huge interest in a mystery guest. Yikes, I sure didn't mean for this to be any kind of a tease. I simply was keeping quiet about announcing any new cast members incase things didn't work out, which in this case it did not. The two "mystery" guests were going to be in the kickbox tape but there was a scheduling conflict and things did not work out. So to make up for it Jai, Lorraine, and myself worked extra hard to make sure this workout delivered the intensity that it deserved}( :7 . We were kickin butt and having a "blast" doing it :) Another question I happened to see was about wearing gloves in this workout. No, we are not wearing gloves, we are wearing wraps. We also taped them up so that they wouldn't accidently unravel during our more aggressive points in the workout. I found these wraps to be very beneficial for focusing on keeping my wrists in proper alignment.

Okay, time to prepare for the meeting. I will be back later. Have a great morning! Cathe
Morning Cathe! Thanks for the update. I was just browsing the newest Kick Punch and Crunch pics... all I can say is WOW! Well, that and I'M SO EXCITED!

Have a great day!
Thanks for the update Cathe! We are so grateful for the hard work you and SNM put in to these new workouts! (I'm also sorta grateful to hear that weighted gloves aren't used in Kick Punch and Crunch :eek: )BTW, the pictures from filming are AWESOME!
Hi back, Miss Cathe!

Obviously, we are all positively drooling for the new Body Blast Series! Thanks again for all your hard and fine work, as well as Jai's, Lorraine's, Rhonda's, Cedie's, Brenda's, et al! I must say I was looking forward to seeing Drew Carey as the mystery guest, butcha can't have everything.

Thanks for the update!

Good to hear from ya! Its nice to know that the Body Blast series didn't kill you.I guess that there is hope for us after all! Although the other videos seem really new still, I can't wait to get my paws on the newer ones. I was my b-day gift to me:p
Hi Cathe,
Thanks for all the updates and for posting the fabulous pictures. :D
You and the crew look gorgeous. I'm very excited about the new workouts. It has everything I wanted in a series, especially when the DVD's are made. Yippee!!
I'm so glad that the 'gloves' are wraps. I was getting fearful that you had 5 or more pounds of weights in each hand. ;-)
Just maybe just maybe, Kick Punch and Cruch will be doable after all! LOL
A quote from you is now running through my head...."you thought this was easy, but just you wait!" }( :7
Thanks so much for all the updates and pictures - I so appreciate you including us all in the process - its half the fun of getting the new workouts!

I hope you get a well deserved rest after all of this!
Hi Cathe...like everyone else, I thank you for your time and dedication in making this new series. I love it already.

My 7 year old son is next to me and wanted to say "Hi!" He just loooooves you and feels like you are family. He also asked me to tell you:

"every morning I hear a "noise" I come downstairs and then I know that my mommy is doing "Cathe."" :p :+

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
Hi Cathe,
Thank you for the update! The Body Blast pictures look so inspiring-- you and your crew are such an inspiration.

Thanks for your hard work!!! I can't wait to get my butt kicked :+
Take as long as you need... We're the ones who reap the benefits, after all, so nobody can complain!!! We know you're working extremely hard for us :)

Thank you Cathe very much for the wonderful pictures! I really appreciate all the hard work you and your crew do to make such great videos/DVDs. I am sure the blast series will be as super, if not more so, than your previous series.

I intend to try using a pair of wrist supports I have for the Kick, Punch, Crunch workout. I purchased these years ago for rink roller skating, but found another purpose for them a few years later when carpal tunnel syndrome bothered my hands. I wore these at night to keep my wrists from bending. I don't know if the company which made them is still around or if the supports are still available, but the name on them is San jon.

The pictures sent me over the edge and forced me to pre-order the VHS versions of the cardio workouts just now, in addition to pre-ordering ALL of the DVD's when the pre-order period first began.

It's all YOUR fault, Cathe!


*p.s. keep up the good work*
Cathe, those sneak-peak pictures are soooo motivating!! You ladies look hot!!! I can hardly wait to get my pre-order! I think I'll be receiving them just in time to be in tip-top shape for the holidays. Great timing!!! Yippeee!

Hi Cathe,

Thanks so much for the update & for all your very hard work. Thanks to your crews & to everyone at SNM also.

Love the pics...everyone looks just fantastic! Like everyone else, I can hardly wait to see & try the workouts. (DH says he's not sure why I want them because everytime I finish a workout I collapse in a heap & say "the woman is trying to kill me"!)

I had a lot of success on a S&H rotation this winter & have now finished a Pyramid/Power Hour (!) rotation with wonderful results. I'm about to try the One Body Part/Per Day thing until I get my DVD's! I feel like a little kid...so excited!

Thanks again, always, for everything,

Where can I go to look at the new pictures of the body blast series. I have been scanning this whole site and cannot find them.

Thank you.

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