Hi again Cathe, Sassyella here! :)


Hi Cathe,

Just checkin in to let you know what a pleasure it was to meet you today. It's been so long since I've actually been in a real live class with other bodies besides my couches to keep me company. :) Whew! So many other forms of torture available when you really have the room to move, huh? :)

I feel so lucky to live close enough to check out your live classes even once in a while. My schedule tends to alter every 5 weeks (I teach Microsoft Office and Intro to Computers at a local business school) but if my Mondays stay open for a while, I'll try to make your Cardio Kickbox class a regular thang. :)

Thanks again for takin time to chat. You really are as nice as everyone says you are. :) South Jersey is so lucky to have you. I lived and worked in L.A. for 10 years -- let me tell ya, those plastic divas have got NOTHIN on you!

Think I'm gonna put Evan down for a nap now, and go soak in the tub. :) I feel the DOMS a-comin' :)

Reach out when u can... ([email protected])

Pam aka sassyella
Hello, Pam!

I am so GREEN with envy that you got to meet & talk to Cathe in person! I am looking forward to the day I can partake in her beauty and talent more intimately than the TV! Ahhh, to meet the lady that I refer to as "MY CATHE"!

Take Care!
Oh she's just delightful. I've been fortunate to meet and work with some really cool people in my lifetime -- and you know many times the ones that have the room to boast the most turn out to be the coolest. That's my take on Cathe after just a few minutes of chatting. Genuine, nice, real down to earth...

THAT being said, she WILL kick your butt in a workout. Not that you don't already know that. :)

Have a great day...

Thank you so much for coming Pam! You were awesome!

I really enjoyed chatting with you after class and meeting Evan too (absolutely adorable). I'm so inspired by your weight loss story. Wow, 70 pounds, you go girl! You look wonderfully fit and what a beauty too. Keep up the great work.

I'm looking forward to sweating it out with you again soon.

Take Care,
Hi Sassyella,

Nice name!! I also had the pleasure of meeting Cathe in person and taking a week's worth of classes with her. I even took her spinning class! This was back in 1998, before all the road trips and such, and I would be the first to say, she is awesome!! She welcomed me and my son with open arms. We went for lots of lunches, took great pictures, got some cool souveniers from her, and worked out hard!! Wow, an experience I'll never forget. I flew in from Chicago to meet my idol, and to this day, she still is. Work out with her everyday!! :7

Oh My God Cathe!!!!

We are great!!! Wow, I'm so happy right now that you asked about us! I talk about you each and every single day, and cannot wait for my new video's. My son (Tony) is 16 now, 6'2, size 14 shoes, driving, working etc.., and I am still teaching and training. The day we came home from Jersey, his famous motto was "Jersey, my home state", and he still says it all the time. We really miss you. Chris was so kind to us too. Special people like you all, will be kept sacred in our hearts forever. I got to say, all those other fitness gurus can't hold a candle to you. They can't even polish your shoes Cathe. I still have that little step key charm on my key ring. Remember that? I krazy glued it so it would never come apart. And you gave me a seat cushion for the spinning class that one day, and I never re-used it. I have it hanging up on my workout room wall. You have so many fans, and deserve them all. God bless you! I may not make any of your road trips, but one day I will get another chance to see my idol in person again.

Love ya Cathe!!!:7


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