Hey PYGFO girls...


Good morning. Just getting us started and then I'll BBL.

Ugh, have I got stuff to tell you guys. But I'll have to do it mostly later. Basically I spent all day fighting with insurance yesterday who in their infinite wisdom decided that they wouldn't approve my son's MRI!! He's on his way with DH to get an X-Ray instead right now. Can you believe that? He's 15 years aold, has a large lump on his leg, a qualified surgeon wanted an MRI with contrast, but some lady behind a desk decieds that it isn't warranted. I wonder how she would feel if it were her kid!!

My stomach is doing flips... I have to go teach but I really think I might throw up from nerves. Maybe teaching will get my mind off this for a little while... I doubt it, but maybe.

Well, hopefully you guys had a better day yesterday!! Sending you guys big {{HUGS}} , but mostly that's selfish 'cause I'm the one who needs them!

Oh, Robin: So glad your mom's move went smoothly. Your sister has done so well, as have you!!

Okay, I'll BBL.
Lol, we posted at the same time!!! :)

Insurance companies suck Vicki! (Sorry all you insurance agents). I'll keep your DS in my prayers and I'm sending hugs to you! [font size=+6 color=hotpink]<<<HUGS>>>[/font]
Here's another big {{{{HUG}}}} from me, Vicki. Will the insurance company pay for the MRI if the Xray in inconclusive? D@mn them anyway. Good luck with the battle. I'll be praying for you and your DS.
I closed off the second PYGFO thread. Here is my original post from there:

"Hope all is going well over here in PYGFO land. I thought I would start us out today since I have been MIA since almost the Road Trip. I am going to go through all of the old threads now and try to catch up. I need to find out how Vicki's son is doing and what the rest of you are up to.

Last night was Muscle Max for me and I'm feeling it today! I will probably do some cardio tonight - maybe kickboxing.

I'll be back for personals in a minute! Gotta catch up! ;)"
{{{{VICKI}}}} Did you ever see that movie Sicko by Michael Moore? Some of the horror stories about insurance companies, just unbelievable. With this x-ray will the surgeon be able to tell anything, or will he need the mri to determine if it has to be removed?

Good Morning, PYGFO Girls ~ :)

Continuing to be lazy .. I did BC since being back from the RT, horrible... :( Last week I was beat, and this week, I found out why....can't beat this cold. Felt better yesterday and then it hit me all over again last night...My chest is killing me :( Hopefully this weekend, I can get on the ball and get things moving again!

Vicki ~ {{{{{HUGS}}}}} Damn Insurance Companies, what is wrong with people?? Is it possible for your doctor's office to give the insurance company a call and let them know your son needs to get the MRI done? I don't understand how they can make their own decision when a surgeon is requesting the MRI?
You and your son are in my Thoughts and Prayers...Please let me know if you need anything at all...We are here for you!! :) {{{HUGS}}}!!!!

Hi to Everyone Else...Will be back later for personals...

Take Care,
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


Hey you guys.

I just got back from teaching. DH and DS are home and all is well at this point. The X-Ray came up negative for anything in the bone. That was our biggest worry. I can't even tell you how much stress I have been feeling worrying if it was coming from the bone. All I can say is that if that was the case then it could have been extremely serious. So, we spoke to the pediatrician who got the results, now it gets faxed to the surgeon's office and I guess he'll decide if he still wants the MRI. I would think now that we did the X-Ray like they wanted they would now approve an MRI. I will become their worst nightmare if they give us a hard time again! The Ped. feels that it is most likely benign, and although we don't know that just yet, there's a good chance it is and it still has to come out. DH and I are sooooo relieved right now that at least it's not what we feared most. Now we take it from here!

Michelle: yup, I did see Sicko and this is case in point!! DH and I actually had a little argument about it yesterday. He refuses to see the movie because of his "dislike" of Michael Moore, and so he doesn't understand alot of the points that I bring up. Even with the mess we had to go through yesterday, he thinks our Health Care system is better than most of the free world. **ahem** No comment!

Okay, off to shower and get on with the day. But first, have I told you all lately how much you all mean to me. I can't tell you how your support just made my day! Thank you so, so much. It's good to be part of such a supportive group of wonderful women!!

Off to de-stinkify ( I think that's a word ;-) )
Back one more time for an update:

The surgeon's office just called. They got the X-Ray results and it does recommend the MRI. So, hopefully now it will get approved and we can get in ASAP.

Funny, except for my DH, you guys are the first ones I updated... Guess I should call my parents now, huh?
Vicki, I am glad to hear that the prognosis looks better than you feared. I hope the insurance company approves the MRI now that you've jumped through the hoops for them. Keep us posted. :)

Well today I am sore as heck. I did PLB yesterday morning and as I feared, my hamstrings are really feeling it today. I'm actually sore in my upper body too. I've been toying around with the idea of doing a P90X rotation so I bought a chin up bar. DH helped me hoist myself up for 5 chinups and I can really feel it in my lats today. I will probably start the program as soon as I get some rubber pull up bands.

Have a great day ladies!
Good Afternoon Ladies!

Today was GS C&T. I was so gung-ho on working out when we came back from the RT and now, I am lagging a little. I just won't let myself get into a slump though!! Only 1 rest day a week for me!}(

Vicki--(((((((HUG TO YOU!!)))))) Glad that everything came back negative with your son's x-ray. Now hoping that the ins. co approves the MRI and that it will also come back negative. Sending prayers your way.

Tess--Have you purchased p90x? Marcy on "Deanie and Friends" thread finished p90x about 2 months ago and she can tell you all about it. Deanie and I tried to follow a faux p90x using Cathe and made it to about day 70.:p Too much back and forth switching dvds around.

Jennifer--Hope you feel better soon.

Hi to Liann, Robin and Michelle!

Vicki, I'm so glad to hear the bone isn't involved. I hope you have no trouble with the MRI and get good news. I'm with your DH in avoiding Michael Moore movies. He's a little too one sided and it's a different side from me. But I'm sure there is some truth in his films. As a member of the medical system, I have to say that most of us are just trying to do the best we can. Unfortunately, the government has to get involved and there are too many regulations etc etc.What is meant for the good of most causes huge headaches for the few.

Jennifer, feel better soon! One of my co-workers said her cold is hanging on and on too. I'm trying to stay far away from her.

Tess, have fun with P90X. I'm intimidated by it. I've never been able to do pull ups or chin ups. I think I'm too old to try now.

Gin, stay strong! I've been doing pretty well since the RT, only missing days when I absolutely couldn't fit a workout in because of traveling. I think I may take a rest today though. DH and I are hoping for a little "us" time this evening. It's been a couple weeks since we've done anything besides wave in the hall.
Okay, I'm a dork. I posted this on yesterday's thread. Duhhhhhhhh....

Hi everyone.

Today was Firm Total Muscle Shaping. Had to use my club bench for the abs at the end because that Transfirmer is too darn short for me to use for incline abs. Not a bad workout overall, just felt a little stilted/herky-jerky compared to Cathe's more dynamic movement. I used 12# dumbbells for almost the entire workout, so that made it fairly challenging. Only 2 more days until Cathe......

{{{Vicki}}} - So good to hear there is nothing in the bone and you should get approval for that MRI now. Those insurance companies are such a PITA, to put it mildly. It's too bad these medical procedures are so expensive we can't just pay for them ourselves and tell the insurance bureaucrats to eff off.

Robin - So glad to hear everything went well with your mom. I think you and your sister a both candidates for sainthood. Also, you're not too old for anything - you are one tough lady! (And I'm with you on Michael Moore.)

Jenn - I hope your cold clears up soon. Get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids, and you'll be back at it before you know it.

Tess - I've been thinking about buying the P90X series. Have you tried any of it yet? The chinups are one of the main reasons I want it.

Lara - What an exciting time for you! Yes, it is exhausting, and soooo worth it. Don't worry about personals. I'm impressed you have time to check in at all.
Hi, ladies. I'm back in Fort Worth--finally!!!

We close on our new house a week from today, so I may still be an irregular poster till then. However, the house where we're staying has broadband, so I can get off if my kids cooperate.

We are staying with a member of our church--he's a widower and had just moved into an enormous, beautiful house when his wife died last year. He's gone all day to work, so we pretty much have the house to ourselves. There's a pool out back, so the kids are having fun. Means I have to do lifeguard duty in the hot sun, though!

We just flew in yesterday, so I didn't try to work out today. I'll start tomorrow with kickboxing--something I can do with no equipment.

We had a great visit in OH for the week after the road trip. My mom's family is fun and rowdy--she's the youngest of 12 siblings. Yikes. I have 29 first cousins on her side. So the family reunion was wild. We went to Cedar Point, as I mentioned, and walked, walked, walked. (That ought to count for a couple workouts!) We also drove through Amish country and ate the yummiest homecooked Amish food at Der Dutchman restaurant. We're going to crack the whip on clean eating now that I am in control of my own schedule!!

Tess--My DH and I are staring a P90X rotation on September 21. We have to wait till then because we have a conference in CO from the 13th to the 20th and we don't want to start now and then interupt. I'm planning to use the big resistance bands instead of the chin-up bar. DH bought a chin-up bar. If you haven't started your own rotation by then, I'll let you know how it goes.

Michelle, Liann, Lara, Vicki, Robin, Mona, Gin, et al--I'll try to post personals tomorrow. Too much to do today after just getting back.

We have Meet the Teacher tonight for my DS who's starting 2nd grade. He has never been to public school, so this will be a little strange for all of us. I think he will love it, though. He has had such fun on our family trip being with all his same-age cousins. I think a whole classroom full of 7-year-olds will really "wow" him.

Hope to be back tomorrow!!

PYGFO Check-in

Has anyone seen my game face? I left it somewhere and cannot seem to find it! My cycle has been wiping me out this week. I have not worked out at all since last weekend! It appears that I am destined to be a weekend workout warrior this month. Now that my cycle is finally over, I am hoping to enjoy a fun Cathe step workout in the morning. I may even give Step Max a whirl!

If I do not check-in tomorrow night with a workout, please give me a firm kick in the butt!

Vicki, I am praying for your son. Thanks for the laugh earlier this week. I needed it more than you know.

Laura, welcome home to Texas. We need to get together before you leave Texas.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Hello everyone.

Vicki...I am SO thankful the X-ray was negative for anything in the bone. Now, hopefully, your son can have his MRI---D@#$ insurance companies!!! I will continue to think about your family.

Laura...So glad you are back and about to be in one place (for awhile). Have fun in TX and stay in the pool with all of this heat!! I hope the meeting with your son's teacher went well. Let us know how he likes his new teacher and class.

Liann...Talk to you soon!!

Michelle...I have never seen sicko, but I am sure it will make me angry!

Jennifer...I hope you feel better soon. It is frustrating when you don't feel like working out!

Gin...I know the feeling. I had my one and only rest day yesterday, and it is going to be so hard fitting in workouts the rest of the week. I am determined, though, to only have one rest day}(

Robin...I hope you were able to slow down a little and enjoy a little down time with your DH.

Mona...Yes, it is so worth it!! I am so tired, but when it is all over, what will I have to be so excited about when the RT, the wedding, and the party are all over!! I am trying too take it all ina nd enjoy! Good luck with the Firm (i have never done that series of workouts).

Today was Body Max 2 Cardio Premix plus Bonus cardio followed by upper body X2. I have not lifted that much lately (no time:( ) and I really felt this. I need to get back to the weight room!! Maybe when this party is all over.
Have a great day tomorrow.
RE: PYGFO Check-in

Waving to Heather, as you posted while I was typing mine. Now, get Step Max out and DO IT!!! Let us know how it went:)

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