Hey Francine!

Hi Sherry! I'm counting the days down:p It's this Friday! Can't Wait! I'll be in AC for the whole weekend attending the other workshops and seminars too. So when I return home, I'll be sure to report back with some more helpful info & ideas for the BOSU!;) Stay tuned
Hey Sherry...

Have you tried some of Cathe's plyometric moves on the Bosu?? I have been messing around with the one at my gym and it works really well to get your heart rate high. In just a few days I have invented so many of my own things to do with this thing!!LOL!! As far as whether they are "safe" or not, I could not tell you, but it is working for me!! Maybe soon I will fork over the $$ to buy one!! If you don't mind, can you let me know some of the stuff you currently do on it. I have done planks, lunges, squats, push ups, oblique work and just all out jumping on it.

Does it get more intense if you inflate it or deflate it?? It has to be one way or the other...


I haven't tried any of Cathe's plyo moves on the Bosu. I have done all the things you have done on the Bosu except all out jumping. I don't do a lot of cardio. I bought some DVD's from Bosu.pro that I really like. Candice Copeland's Core Synergy is great. Lot's of balance. Also, Jay Blahnik's Bosu Equilibrium is good. It has a lot of Yoga, Pilates type work in it. Dome upside down and right side up. Haven't I mentioned I'm before I'm creatively challenged and I have a hard time thinking of things to do on my own? :p (Probably a blessing to my clients I've never implemented my Personal Trainer Cert! :7)
As far as inflating and deflating it, I haven't gotten that far yet. Waiting for a vid to come out to tell me! :7
Sherry http://www.gif-seite.de/vorschaubilder/smilies/laola.gif


Hey Sherry! I passed my Bosu certification! Woo-hoo! It was an amazing certification. Douglas Brooks and Rob Glick were our teachers! I was totally impressed how they squeezed in 3 yrs of Bosu training and 15 years of body mechanics and science in 5 hrs! They covered alot of material and were very thorough! Their presence was non intimating, very approachable and just all around wonderful teachers who wanted you to just get it! They took the time to make sure you understood what they were saying and doing ! When the test was complete who ever failed they went over the answers with them for them to understand where they went wrong(not that it changed their results--they just wanted them to get it) I thought that was cool of them to take the time when they could of bolted and hit the beach! It was a beautiful day and there was a 3 hr break before the nights fab four pre conference workshops. Rob Glick did most of the choreography and Douglas showed modifications and the super advanced moves! Rob kicked our butts, he did 5 modules of training then put it all together: Athletic conditioning,total body conditioning,core conditioning,rythmic conditioning and flexibility conditioning! It was an intense,educational training day! I recommend anyone interested in the bosu to buy the manual, read it ,learn all the basic moves and try the bosu in small doses til you build up the tolerance on it. It does take your fitness to a whole new level. Here's the workout we did on the bosu(like I promised)

Warmup: acclimation and preparation
(mount and dismount in all directions,centered position with level feet-head turning,tilting-visual tracking with and without arm movements)(dynamic balance-alternating compressions-inversions/eversions,dorsi flex/plantar flex,squat w/counter balance-double leg bounce/jump & stick(holding position)Static balance-single leg balance w/toe touch & lift-double leg balance w/ rotary torso and visual tracking) static stretches-gastrocnemues/soleus-hamstring-ankle foot stretches)
A lil sequence below:
Tap the bosu from the floor
Compressions on top
ankle rolls
alternating kicks
Kick over, and walk around the back of the bosu
Move around Bosu
Stay on the side of the bosu & practice going over top
Slow Basic(single time Basic tap down repeat left lead)
Squats on top
Tracking drills
Kick march on floor
Step touch on & off the Bosu
Stay on the side of the bosu & practice going over the top
Hold on top & start stretching sequence(calves,hamstrings etc)

Module 1
Athletic drills:
Run up, march down
March on top, run on top,high knees on top,football drills from the top
Tap up from side putting together soccer kick,side leap, jump up &across the top
Bounces with Jumps
Free Play
Jump squat up step down
side lunges from top, exit
Come back on top,cross country ski modules
1/2,1/4,1/2 jumps

Module 2 (step)
Combo #1
Basic knee ( 8 counts)
side stomps(8 counts)
side knee squats(8 counts)
leg extension(8 counts)
Combo #2
double knee repeater , Move to front(8 counts)
alternating side lunges exit to the back (8 counts)
Repeater variation(8 counts)
L step, squat (8 counts)

Module #3-floor moves
Mambo chasse on the floor-pivot turn(8 counts)
Revolving door(8 counts)
Pendulum(8 counts)
Quick feet, run on top(8 counts)

Trunk exercise: supine curls,supine pelvic tilts,supine bicycle(ouch),bicycle w/rotation(eee-ouch)supine rotary trunk balance,v sit/v-sit w/counter rotation, v-sit w/tuck, lateral flexion,sidelying leg tuck,kneeling oppositearm/leg raise, prone triunk extensions,arm/leg flutter,supine bridge w/extension,prone pike ups (lots more of core work available on the bosu)
Upperbody:prone platform pushups(can tilt side to side for more intensity)prone platform lunges or diagonal jumps(ala Cathe's mountain climbers position)prone platform tricep presses,seated dome tricep dips(use of dumbells/bodybar for upper body standing or seated-great for compound moves) etc
Lowerbody:Standing lunges(forward/reverse/stationary),standing abduction,standing adduction,lateral hip lift,prone hip extensions,hip extension with spinal extension, one leg balance,front extensions,front- side -back -kicks and much more

I'll post this under my rotations for Bosu users

The rest of my weekend I still had 4 more classes with Douglas and Rob, and I also met other experts and aerobic presenters. My favorite was keli Roberts, I took 3 classes of hers in a row, upperbody tubing,lowerbody tubing then her sports max circuit. She showed all the exercises for tubing and how to make circuits w/ cardio,weights& drills! (Right up my alley!) In between classes we shared some Whoppers(chocolate malt balls) she said she'll never forget me for turning her on to these ! I seen her at the candy stand later buying a lb of them to go(how funny is that) It was nice to chat with her and get pointers for class instructing ,she was very helpful! There were soo many others there (janis saffel, petra ,Calvin wiley, Althea, Scott cole etc) but my highlight was with Douglas, Rob, and Keli! Oh, I also took a 2 hr group fitness class for seniors! Oh man , this was a hoot, my girlfriend teaches seniors and I'll sub for her in July when she is on vacation and I wanted to get more insight from the pros, let me tell you we were jamming, they played 70's 80's music and showed all the moves done in a chair, I had an idea of what to do but wow putting it all together even with modifications was fun, from kickboxing moves,cha chas,plies,some funky fun moves in the chair and more, I really left that workshop feeling more confident in teaching a senior class, it's all about having fun no matter what age you are! The more you enjoy it the more you'll just do it!
Sorry to babble, I'm still winding down from the weekend, I had to give my DH extra special attention yesterday for leaving him home alone all weekend with the poochies and for understanding my passions , being supportive of me continuing my educations in fitness without any hassles! He's the greatest! I hope you enjoy your Bosu workout! I'll get back in touch with you when I design my weight workout on it, I already started a bodybar routine on it, just have to add more, then fine tune it!
RE: Sherry!


I am so envious right now that I cannot stand it - you are so lucky to have had such a great weekend. I would have given anything to do classes with all of those well known instructors. I bought two bosus and have all of the BOSU training DVD's - I have even done Douglas Brooks 90 minute personal trainer in which he incorporates the two BOSUS. I absolutlely love the BOSU.

I also think Keli Roberts is wonderful, too. I read her story in a fitness magazine about her struggle with bullimia - I was shocked, but I really respected her more for admitting her problem and how she dealt with it. I sometimes get turned off to the personal trainers who have breast enlargements - but have not felt that way about her. She looks fantastic I love her humbleness and her personality.

You said you were in AC - now where is that? I am so excited for you what an awesome husband of yours to take care of the kids while you were gone. That weekend would be better than going to a spa or something like that.

I am getting long winded because I am just excited about your weekend as you are! I do not even teach any aerobics, but I have been into the fitness for over 20 years and I love how it has evolved.

Did you meet Cancace Copeland, too. Isn't she Doug's wife? I noticed she has his last name - I kind of figured they were married. She has a great BOSU DVD Core Synergy that I really love also.


RE: cheryl

I'm still on cloud nine and know how lucky I am to have been in the company of soo many amazing people!I was in Atlantic city NJ. There is another conference in Cape cod coming up! You can check out www.aaai-ismafitness.com for more info of conferences, I try to post workshops and conferences here when i hear about them to give people a heads up! They are soo educational and fun! I recommend them to all fitness enthusiasts whether you teach or not! I haven't met candace but I can tell you that she gave up on teaching Douglas the musical phrase to choreography, (Douglas wanted to know why it's 12345678 and not 9, 10 )so she threw in the towel and now lets him demonstrate while she keeps to the tempo and cues the moves, too funny, he's on his own beat!I was cracking up when he shared that story with us, even Rob said he's the only one to be off beat when we were doing the choreography ! As for Keli, she has struggled with her relationships with food and showed how human she is! (You have to respect that!) She has more muscle to her now(very strong body) and I was totally impressed with her athletiscm ( never seen her in action like this before in her videos )Her sports max was an intense bootcamp and she was the Sarge in Charge, she pushed us soo hard and also joined in on the fun(oh I mean pain}( Definietly a memorable experience!
RE: Sherry!

Hi Francine. I loved reading your post - I don't know if my husband could handle a w/e alone with the little ones but your post makes me think it may be time for him to take the plunge ! I definitely enjoy bringing new things to my classes and would love to attend such a conference.

Would you share something you learned from Keli on how to make circuits w/ cardio, weightrs, and drills? I have a class like this coming up in the fall and would like to hear what she had to say.

Sounds like you are a Cathe in your own right. Congrats on being able to pursue your passion!

Thanks! Lynn:)

Hi Lynn! DO IT FOR YOURSELF! He will survive a weekend w/o you,(even though I'm still getting the house back in order, I know I'll catch up eventually}( It is a wonderful oppurtunity to further your education , freshen your ideas, and meet the most amazing people with the same passion! There's nothing like seeing the experts in action and having the oppurtunity to ask specific questions when needed, they are all there to "help" us better ourselves ,educate us more, and teach us how to keep things fresh and fun! It's a very motivating experience! I have soo many new ideas in my head from this weekend's experience that I have to work on organizing everything into programs now. This is the fun part! Taking a lil bit from here , there and everywhere then putting it all together. I have posted new programs from this weekend under
I hope these are helpful to you! I started this section to share ideas with the forum to spice things up for themselves or for their classes, it would be wonderful to see more instructors/fitness enthusiasts share their ideas/programs with the gang too:p It holds us over while Cathe is working on her new videos:7 BTW what classes do you teach? What equipment do you have available, I can be more helpful with ideas for you!Do you have tubing/bands? That was the biggie this weekend using all the different tubing exercises that can be done in a choreographered sequence, or for toning, tuff stuff! Oh that reminds me, tubing will be available for the Bosu! It will be an attachment! Tubing is cheap, effective and a portable workout,even though we all knew about tubing , it is very underestimated! Seeing Keli struggle and really working it with the last reps (but not giving up, she's a real TROOPER)was very convincing to me that tubing is not for WIMPS! :p
RE: Lynn!

Hi Francine! I know you are right - currently where I teach am known for introducing new ideas in my classes. The participants are so excited to be getting fresh stuff and adding another dimension to their workourts. Currently I get my ideas from books, magazines, and videos and,like you said, pull it all together, pick what I like, and couple it with my own ideas for a great workout. But I don't really have anyone to bounce ideas around with (DH is very supportive and listens, but no one to brainstorm with). That is why I think I would have the time of my life at a conference.

I think Keli is great also, I love her instruction and approach.

I teach step, hi/lo, circuit,strength, and kickbox. Haven't had the chance to try BOSU, but I'm sure I will. Sounds like it is a going to be a winner. I don't do much with tubing, just because of lack of experience with it. It is available were I teach as well as hand weights (up to 12 lbs), body bars, and steps. Another club I teach at has the med balls and stability balls as well. I chose these clubs because they are close to home. But as I get more experience (certified since September 2002)I think I will venture to see what the larger clubs have to offer.

It is great to "meet" someone who is willing to share their experience and knowledge to help others. That's what it is all about in my opinion. I'm going now to check out the link you provided. Hopefully I can share as well!

Thanks! Lynn
RE: Lynn!

Hi Lynn! Once you try the Bosu you will have soo many more ideas for your class, just changing the (stable) surface of what you are doing now(which is alot of variety-good for you) and incorporating it on the bosu(unstable surface) will be a change in its self! It's a whole new fresh workout ! Check local gyms to see if any certifications are being held there or if there are any "training" sessions being held to get you acclimated to the BOSU ! You may find a gym that holds Bosu classes and tell them that you are interested in teaching it and they will train you there(you will most likely have to commit to one class a week though for the free training)If this is something that you would be interested in or just take a class if you are curious! Also I highly recommend getting Keli's upperbody or lowerbody tubing workouts from www.spri.com to give you more ideas for circuits(or any other tubing video to get a feel for it or again you may just want to take a class to test it out)It's always good to have the basics down so that you can incorporate variety and just wing it! It's not about being great at everything we do , it's about having a foundation of the basics and building from there and most importantly, HAVING FUN:p
Take a look at all teh equipment available at the gym you are teaching, write it all down and go from there and start to write down stations to create circuits or drills. You can add things in small doses or all new, do drills whether sports related or not, intervals stations-cardio/weights, bootcamp style,kickboxing rounds, drop tubing or bands in certain stations, have a limbo set up(if available--good for the grand finale--(finish line)hahaha just to give a few ideas! You will really benefit from experimenting and toying around, yesterday I had a blast with the Bosu's after doing a variety of exercises on it cardio/kickboxing/unilateral training with a dumbell/very lil step/core work, we did drills and made a circle, did a hop 4x and jump(stick it) then reduced it then hop,jump, then jump,jump jump etc then we lined them up in rows and did plyos on each then every other,the high knees up running across, then mixed them up for one legged squats reaching to each side trying to pick up a med ball and then putting it down on the other side, nothing planned just rolled with it, you just get caught up the more you have in your head(scary}( but fun) Keep checking my rotations in the future , I add when I can, I hope they are helpful! Here's a quick bootcamp drill for you that I posted before, I just copied and pasted it!(I'll put it under my rotations too)
Kickbox Bootcamp
First half hour was sequences of cardio: punches,side kicks, front kicks-chambers,combos of upper/lower etc the bootcamp drills were 2 mins with 30 sec recovery:
Equipment of each station-steps,mat,dumbells,kickboxing bag,stability ball,dumbells,punching bag,jumprope,tubing,med ball
* I had a lil modifications for those who couldn't handle it(but they were still working out:) give you them at the bottom
2 steps ranging in height
Step 8 in high for jumps/ * one beside it 14 in(for mod)
Round 1 ski hops and jump up on step
Round 2 any ab work on mat (drill to fatigue abs)
Round 3 military presses (3,5,8) start heavy and lower as you feel the burn)
Round 4 step up on the bag with the right foot(hold top and kick with the left foot high(kick) then step down and step up with the left foot holding on to the top of the bag and kick with the right foot(high kick)
Round 5 pushups on ball(feet on ball and extended out)
Round 6 tricep extensions (1 arm a min a piece)
Round 7 punching series on the bag for 1 min then kicks on the bag for 1 min
Round 8 jump rope
Round 9 sumo side lunges *(tubing for mods)*
Round 10 plyo hops with med ball 5 up walk back 5,
then we did sparring drills for 8 mins(partnered up) we finished off with butterflies ab work ,planks and a tai chi cooldown
***The modifications for some rounds were
butt lifts for Round 1 ( 1 min per leg lift on the 14 in step crossing arms in front and over head)
Round 5 (pikes on floor)
Round * tubing-standing on the tubing holding the straps and going side to side together side )not much movement but with resistance)
RE: Lynn!

Hi Francine! I will order those videos on the tubing so I can start incorporating that as well. I told my husband about your experience at the conference and he is on board for me to do it. Now I just need to find a good one!

I have done a lot of subbing to date, but just got three of my own classes for the Fall and am very excited to add some of these new ideas! I also told the fitness director at the club I teach at about the body bar workshops - as you mentioned in another post. Does he just need to call the 800 number you posted if he is intersted??

Thanks again! Have a great day! Lynn
RE: Lynn!

Congratulations on your new set schedule, very exciting;) it's also great to hear that your hubby is supportive in your passion! As for the workshops, yes for the body bar you can call Sherry at the 1 800 # to book it, also I have some links for you to bookmark for future certifications or workshops(you get a complimentary one when your gym hosts it-so hopefully your fitness director or gym owner will give it to you)Here's a few to check out (variety here from certs to workshops)
http://www.canfitpro.com/ (in Canada for our friends there)
www.resistaball.com www.yogafit.com www.fitlaunch.com
You can always email an instructor of your choice and see if they have workshops available too, it never hurts to ask :p Also check local gyms and see what they have coming up as far as certs and workshops go, you will be surprised since they never advertise, oh and if you don't have enough people for your gym's workshop, make sure you get local gyms fax #'s to fax over your flyer to fill up the class with those who may be interested. Hope this helps, pass it on to your fitness director, and feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any other questions. Also let me know what state your in so I can keep you posted if something pops up!
RE: Lynn!

Is it just me, or does it sound like Francine has some seriously tough workouts that she needs to make into videos? I am exhausted just from reading all her routines and ideas! Really Francine...is this a goal for you? If not, you should consider it! I would pre-order whatever you came up with! Happy sweating, Heather

Hi Heather, I really enjoy designing programs and being experimental with exercise equipment and putting it all together for a kicka** workout! I hope you are enjoying my programs or atleast getting ideas for yourself! As for my goals, I do set a goal for myself quarterly- to stay focused and keep things in check-haha)but doing an AMATEUR video has come up! I now have 2 pre-orders from you and DebbieH(thanks for the confidence ladies)This will be a low budget film :p
However still going unrecognized in the world }( My main mission is to continually educate myself and others while motivating them to maintain a fitness lifestyle!
RE: Francine's video

I agree!! Thanks for always posting new ideas, routines and fitness possibilities. Your energy is great!! Sue
RE: Heather


I would pre-order a video from you, also. Would you incorporate the BOSU and the stability ball and the body bar? I love all of your ideas.

I did the BURN by Keli Roberts on the BOSU a few times and I don't feel that it is beginner/Intermediate. Well, maybe the steping part of it is. The lunges and the squats were awesome and quite challenging on the BOSU. I really liked what she called the BUG for her abs on the BOSU, too. I like her teaching style.

I do the Core Synergy video by Candace every other day, so I know some of the moves that Keli did already. I love that BOSU.

Keep us posted on when you will be making this AMATEUR video. Which I am sure won't be amateur. How about if we suggest it to Greg Twombly?


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