Hey Adri (Sekcy Gymnast)

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Yes Toni,

Right click the picture, go to properties, and you can see where the picture is posted on the web. Take away the name of the picture from the address, and you get the web site.
Yea thats me. From my gymnastcs academy they take pics of all of us during competition season. They have a nice web page though. Not sure how you got those. But thats cool you found them:)

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

Ya know, I pointed out in another thread inconsistencies in "her" posts. another thing, since I analyze a lot, is, all Cathes workouts that she "LOVES", but hmmmmm, never does them. I read the Check in's and "she" goes to the gym and never mentions a Cathe workout. I have more, but I'll wait for now.
>Ya know, I pointed out in another thread inconsistencies in
>"her" posts. another thing, since I analyze a lot, is, all
>Cathes workouts that she "LOVES", but hmmmmm, never does them.
>I read the Check in's and "she" goes to the gym and never
>mentions a Cathe workout. I have more, but I'll wait for now.

I always thought the screen name was odd, for a 14 year old posting on a "grown up" website. Maybe on IM with other 14 year olds but on the Cathe board where you know you are going to be interacting with adult women (and men)? Also noticed that even when the school year began posts were made in the morning and middle of the day, when most kids are at school or after school activities. Of course, between going to the gym, doing hard core gymnastics AND Cathe workouts there might not have been any time for pesky things like school. :p


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Well, I've always thought it weird that any 14 year old would spend so much time here. My son is 14 and thinks we are just a bunch of Cathe-obsessed women (and token males, lol). He would be bored to death with most of our conversations!
>I always thought the screen name was odd, for a 14 year old
>posting on a "grown up" website. Maybe on IM with other 14
>year olds but on the Cathe board where you know you are going
>to be interacting with adult women (and men)? Also noticed
>that even when the school year began posts were made in the
>morning and middle of the day, when most kids are at school or
>after school activities. Of course, between going to the
>gym, doing hard core gymnastics AND Cathe workouts there might
>not have been any time for pesky things like school. :p

Dont forget the track team too!
I'm glad you mentioned this. Maybe I've been watching too much Dateline...I was a little concerned about a 14 year with that screen name on an "adult" forum, too, along with the photo of a young girl. I was thinking that this girl could find herself in a very bad situation if the wrong person happened upon this forum.
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