Here's a dumb question


When you say "I'm using a 35 pound barbell for leg presses," does that mean you've added 35 pounds worth of plates to a bar that weighs who knows how much? Or does the 35 pounds include the weight of the bar?

I wondered why using the barbell seemed more challenging than I was expecting considering the weight I had put on it, then my husband helped me figure the weight of our bar alone - it's 13 pounds! That really makes a difference.

Just wondering...

Hi Angela,

It is not a dumb question, because I have been wondering the same thing ?
Many thanks for asking it ! Look forward to your replies !

Hi Angela,

I'll bet that barbell felt heavy! My bar weighs 18lbs. I definitely would not consider myself as one of the "Educated Crowd" (yet :)), but I'm pretty sure I know the answer to your question. When Cathe says she has a 50lb barbell, this is the weight of the plates & the bar combined. Someone please chime in if this is incorrect. Thanks,


PS - The only dumb question is the one you do not ask! :)

Our attitudes control our lives. - Tom Blandi
I asked this question a while back and was told that it includes the bar. I believe Cathe uses a 5 pound bar and packs weights from there. When she says she has the bar loaded at 35 pounds, that's the total weight bar and all. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I asked this question a while back and was told that it includes the bar. I believe Cathe uses a 5 pound bar and packs weights from there. When she says she has the bar loaded at 35 pounds, that's the total weight bar and all. Correct me if I'm wrong.

RE: Right!

Whew! Thank goodness! I'm having a hard enough time working up to Cathe's weight as it is!

I was doing CTX UB last night for about the third time. It's killin' me. My husband was laughing at me because I said, "That woman's insane!" when Cathe did crazy eights with a 25 pound barbell like it was nothing. I was using 8 lb. dumbells and thought my arms were going to fall off. And that's just the first bicep exercise!


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