Help with C-Sections


New Member
Hi Cathe,

I have had 3 C-sections and a LOT of loose belly skin... I also have a lot of weight to lose... around 80 pounds... i have started Weight Watchers and i recently purchased your SLOW and HEAVY series...I have a treadmill and a STEP bench at home which i use for cardio...

My question is, with 3 children and a full time job, my time available for exercise is limited... What is the best way to go about this ? More cardio ? Which other workouts do you suggest ? I prefer low-impact..

AND is it possible to have a flat stomach again ? EVER ?? I have that C-section (3 times over) pooch! please HELP !!

Any suggestions ?


Hi I just wanted to say I have the same pooch... I had 3 c-sections too ... Anyhow I stared my journey a little over a year ago . Still have the pooch ...(down 48 pounds) But its smaller !! I just got Cathe's Hardcore DVD's and Its helping !!! 2 more inches gone in almost a month ... Anyhow Just wanted to let you know you are not alone ... Hang in there .It feels so good . I will get mine as close to flat as possible one of these days ..:) :) .Without a Tummy Tuckx( :)
I am in the same boat too! I just have had one c-section though. I have lost 20 and have 60 to go. When I get my tax refund I will be ordering core max. I will try to get it done 3x a week. I am hoping that it will help. Until then, I am going to up my cardio - low max, kpc, basic step/body fusion. I used to have washboard abs. Good luck to all of us to get them again!
Hi Mita! If I might suggest the Cross Train Express series. These are extremely time efficient DVDs. It gets the job done in record time. Cathe starts you off with a warm-up & then into 30 min. of intense cardio (which you need in order to lose those 80#s) & then she works low weight/high rep strength endurance for about 10-15 min. She works one body part per day. This series would be perfect for you due to time restraints. In this series there's Leaner Legs which only works your legs & is excellent!! I lost body fat using this series. I highly recommend it. Kathy:D
Mita-Oh, my gosh!!! I was happy to see your post. I just had my first child (by way of C-Section). And, I have been wondering, after reading that it is nearly impossible, if I would ever be able to get "close" to what my abs used to look like before baby. I was also wondering if it would be possible to have 3 kids (by way of c-section), and if it would be humanly possible to have 3 kids and continue to work. Wow-you did it! I am still recovering-about to enter my 3rd week after the surgery. I was amazed to find that some of my skin is still kind of numb, and the incision still burns, especially at night. I can't wait till I feel totally pain free (please tell me this will happen). I also can't wait to get back to exercise. I have been taking small walks with the baby, but then by night, I feel it! I hate having to still wear ugly big clothes.

Well, good luck with getting rid of the pooch.
I'm not Cathe but I wanted to mention that it is possible to reduce the c-section pooch because I did it. I had triplets via c-section a little over 2 years ago. Although I have lost all the "baby" weight through exercise and healthy eating, and haved really concentrated on firming my abs and strengthening my core, I have not achieved a 6-pack washboard look but have really toned up nicely and reduced the c-section pooch tremendously. The skin in my lower ab area is still somewhat loose and doesn't really look smooth but realistically I don't think that part will ever go away without surgery. It has been worth the effort to have firmer abs underneath though. (I think I look pretty good for being 38 and having triplets and a 5-year-old!) I'm sure the extent to which anyone can reduce their c-section pooch depends upon their commitment to exercise and diet, and of course genetics plays a role too. I can attest to the fact that it can be done, even with time constraints, if the commitment is there. CTX was mentioned, good choice... less than an hour a day!

It is definitely possible. I've had 2 c-sections and after both I had very flat abs. My only problems is I have stretch marks around my belly button which are really ugly now as I've gained some weight with age. I was young and very into exercise before and after both my C-sections which probably helped a lot. Believe it or not, I was actually doing ab work after my 2 week checkup with my first which was doctor approved. She said my abs were in amazing shape as I did ab work while pregnant until I literally could not do the ab work because I got so big. Just keep at it and don't give up.
Hi Jen,
Congrats!!! I had my 3rd baby (3 under 5) about 1 year ago through C-section. It will get better,just do not push yourself too much or you will be sore longer. Your body will bounce back! Just keep up on your rest for that sweet baby!!!!!
Let me know when you start working out again, maybe we can do a buddy check!!!!
Take care,
SHEir :)
Since my C-section 3 weeks ago, I have discovered my belly pooch has sagged very low, right at the incision. Wouldn't it be great if surgeons would automatically tighten things up right then and there?

I can't wait for my 6-week check-up when I can find out if I have the go ahead to work out again. I'm getting stronger day by day, and it's getting easier to get in and out of chairs and beds now without too much discomfort.

We visited the pediatrician today and all is well. Little Eric is gainng weight and has a clean bill of health.:7 Whoo-hoo!
Hi All,

I don't have any experince with actually having a c-setion, too young. ;-) But my mother had one with me, it was the old kind where they cut you hip to hip, and after 6 months she was back in her size 3 jeans and no pouch. So for those wondering if it can be done, it can. Even having a daughter who is about to graduate high school she's still between a size 1 to 3. I'd be stilling her clothes but she's a bit taller then I am, and I hate having the bottom of my pants drag on the floor. Anyway she did it with 80% cardio and some ab work. But her cardio is more then most people's she has always worked as a waitress and she literally jogs/runs from table to table. Well it's a run for me as I a few inches shorter and have to take about a step in a half compared to her one step, I work with her a lot of time as a fill in, as where she works is really short handed, so I do know how much she runs all day. I talked her into wearing a pedometer, and she walks about 10 miles for a 10 hour shift. But anyway it can be done you just got to be determined, or become a waitress...


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