Help! Which 5 videos should I choose to get me started?


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-01 AT 11:57PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-01 AT 00:32 AM (Est)[/font]


I am going to try Cathe's videos for the first time. I posted a message concerning MIS. Thank you for your input.

I have decided to buy 4 videos + 1 FREE to get me started! I cannot decide which combination to buy. I have come up with 2 combo's based on responses to my previous posting.

Here is a little info about me:

Fitness Level: intermediate

I used to do the FIRM series consistently apporximately 1 year ago.

I am not coordinated at all. I get confused with even mildly complex footwork, especially with a step.

Cardio is my greatest weakness. I enjoy strength training and I tend to neglect the cardio aspect of exercising.

My goals are to lose weight (20-25 pounds post baby weight!) and to achieve noticeable definition (toned muscles, not bulk) in all areas of my body. I would like to minimize (or eliminate) cellulite on my legs too!!

I am looking for a quick (within reason, no fad diets, etc) way to achieve my goals.

Here are the combinations of tapes I have put together. Any input into these selections would be greatly appreciated!

combo #1
Pure strength series

Pure Strength series
Body Max

One more question....

Once I have my selections, how do I go about setting up the most effective rotation? Should I incorporate the FIRM tapes too? Is 30 minutes/5days per week ok to start?

Thank you!

Both are winners

I think you can't lose with either choice:)

However, considering your time and goals, I think you'll get more bang from your buck with Combo #1.

You mentioned shortened workout times and the benefit of getting your cardio out of MIC is that you can do the Hi/Lo one day and the Step on another. Both of which, by them selves for short cardios, are killer workouts.

You probably could do the same with BodyMax as well but it really only has the first 1/2 hour as step cardio and the second half is a circuit...and you have plenty of strength with PS..and or MIS. You wouldn't want to do the circuit work the day after doing other heavy strength. You may want to wait on BodyMax..but don't wait too long, if you find you love this first batch..stick BodyMax on the next order;-) has one of my favorite cardio sections on it.

With MIS you can also split that up as lower body/upper body as you shorter workouts and other options for rotations.

As far as ideas for rotations, you can hunt through the check in posts in the Open Discussion section and see how Cathe fans throw together tapes and workouts or you can also search the archives looking for rotations.

Have fun with those tapes! And seeing that you haven't done Cathe before, don't get too overwhelmed with the step stuff...Cathe is the best cuer..and if you have problems with it at first..take it slow and it will come to you. Enjoy:)
Hi, Ronni! May I suggest an alternative combo?

Interval Max (basic choreography, serious cardio and leg conditioning!)

Body Max (contains cardio step AND total body conditioning)

Pure Strength

I'm biased - I swear by the Interval Max workout; I believe it is the most challenging cardio workout on the market, and Cathe provides enough modifications for a participant beginning this workout to get started, stay with it and PROGRESS with it over the long term. Plus, you get quad and hamstring conditioning as well, because several of the intervals recruit these muscles in a way that most other cardio workouts don't. However, you really can't help but win with the combos you've already come up with. Just get used to the possibility that Cathe Friedrich tapes are like peanuts - no matter how many you've had, you always want more!

Have fun! You sound like you're paying a lot of attention to your "growth spurt"! Good luck!

My concern....

If you have never done Cathe's step before, you probably should begin w/ easier step videos than Body Max or MIC. Although with MIC, at least, you could stick with just the hi/lo. It's very high impact, though. In Body Max, Cathe uses a lot of moves from previous videos, but doesn't break them down, assuming that her audience is familiar with them. The tempo is pretty fast paced as well.

The original Step Reebok is often mentioned as a good step video to get the basics. Kathy Smith's step video is another one. I know you said you've done step before, but it sounds like you're not really confident with it yet. After you get the basics with some easier videos (and build up your cardio endurance), Step Heat or Get in Shape for Your Wedding are good Cathe videos to start with.

Cathe is my favorite instructor, but her step videos are definitely for those with step experience. Please don't take offense...I think Cathe's so great, I hate to have you turned off from her because of possible frustration with the learning curve. :)
RE: My concern....

My two cents...

As far as cardio, I'd go for Interval Max which is tough but can be easily modified to lower intensity, and the choreography I feel is pretty basic. I'd also go for Circuit Max which incorporates both cardio and light weight training. If you tend to neglect your cardio these two tapes I feel give the most bang for your buck. For strength I'd go with the PS series. Maybe MIS and BodyMax on your next order?? It was tough leaving MIS out of this line up, but I think Interval Max and Circuit Max would be such great additions for the choreographically challenged who need to kick the cardio up a notch.

:) Stacy

P.S. Keep in touch, we LOVE to spend everyone else's money!!
RE: My concern....

Hi Stacy,
Circuit Max and Step Fit are the only 2 Cathe vid's that I don't have. Are you saying that Circuit Max is not too complicated as far as footwork goes? Just curious. I can do the wedding video, Step Jam, Step Max, Step Heat and MIC step. I have trouble however with Powermax and StepWorks. How do you compare Circuit Max choreography to these tapes. If it's not too confusing, I think I might order it soon. Thanks, Lisa
RE: My concern....

I think Circuit Max choreography is very basic. Everytime I do this workout I feel like I'm going to puke, lol. I guess the intensity gets to me! I used to do cardio all the time but havent done it as intensely since living in an apartment. I move into a house at the end of this month so I cant wait to jump around like a fool and get back some of my endurance!

Hi Ronni - I'm new to Cathe too and just have been doing her tapes for the last couple of months but have been doing The Firm for over 8 years. I don't have a lot of Cathe tapes yet but I got into her tapes when someone recommended them for more cardio than the Firm provides. From my perspective, if you really want cardio, I would get Cardio Kicks as one of your 5 choices. It's a fun, creative workout and you don't need a step. I have MIC and it was a little too hard & long for me to enjoy the first time through (I'm almost scared to do it a 2nd time!!). Being a FIRMie for so long and used to the short and tall box, I also am a bit uncoordinated on the long step and the Cathe tapes I have so far have routines that are still a little complicated for me to pick up right away. They're great and I look forward to building my endurance and expertise with them because who wants a tape that's too easy right away? Interval Max is also another good cardio workout, much better than The Firm's Volume 3 (my opinion) and is another tape I aspire to complete someday without too many modifications.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-01 AT 00:31AM (Est)[/font][p]I would like to thank everyone for their input. I am definitely going to order the PS series and MIS. I have a few questions concerning Interval Max and Circuit Max. Will I acheive better results combining Interval max with the strength tapes since it does not use any weights? Do my muscles require a break from the weights? Or, should I order Circuit Max and just supplement with a Kathy Smith 15-20 minute cardio tape?

It is very helpful to receive input from people who have actually used these tapes. I am exicted to begin using these tapes. I really enjoyed the FIRM when I used them. The routines really did change the shape of my body, the results just stopped short of definintion. Would this be dietary or lack of cardio?? I'm hoping to achieve even better results with Cathe's series.

Thank you again for your input!

I'd definitely go for Interval Max instead of your latter choice of Kathy Smith. I believe a little extra cardio goes a long way, and for someone who finds it hard to include cardio in their workout you definitely get more bang from your back with an interval type of workout like that found in Interval Max and Circuit Max. If you're planning to purchase the PS series and MIS like you mentioned above I'd definitely plan on purchasing Circuit Max or even Cardio Kicks someday to add a little variety to your cardio. And, because Circuit Max incorporates some weights it wont seem like just a cardio workout. Variety is the spice of life!

Can't wait to hear how you like your purchasee,

:) Stacy
RE: I-Max plus Strength Tapes

Hi, Ronni! I think, time permitting, following I-Max with one of the PS strength tapes is a fine idea - I-Max includes enough arm movement that your upper body joints are thoroughly warmed up and worked thru a full ROM, which is nice to have before doing a strength set. They'll be so warmed up you probably won't need to do the initial warm-up segments that preface each PS tape - you can go right into the strength work. I usually do I-Max then about 10 minutes of weighted squat, lunge and hamstring work, then abdominables :), then upper body strengthening - by the end of that, and after the much-needed wash-up - I'm absolutely sailing with energy!

Go wild! Bring it on!

I would like to thank everyone for their input. I have decided to go with the Pure Strength series, MIS and IMax. I hope to begin using them 5 days per week.

Any suggestions for segments/rotations to use to get started would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you again!

Before we offer you a rotation what other tapes will you be planning on using or are you wanting to stick to an all-Cathe workout?? Also, how many days a week do you have to workout and for how long??

Thanks for the add'l info,

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-01 AT 03:07PM (Est)[/font][p]Hello!

I have the FIRM vols. 1-6, Tortise/Hare, Cardio/Strength, Legs, Tough Tape, Kathy Smith Time Savers and Lift Weights to Lose Weight. I can alternate any of these with the Cathe tapes. As far as Cathe tapes go, I ordered MIS, PS series and IMax.

I have between 30-45 minutes/daily to exercise. This varies with Maddie's mood (my 5 1/2 month old!) and my endurance.

As, I've said before, I'm really anxious to lose the post baby flab and begin to feel like myself again. I'm looking for a quick way to feel better about my appearance! We have a wedding to go to next month and I'd like to feel and look thinner! Any thoughts on using Slim Fast along with the exercise plan?

Any help with this is GREATLY appreciated!

Thank you again!


P.S. How do you use the happy face, etc icons?? I'm not current on all of the internet options! Just the basics!
Hi, don't know much about the happy face icons, but maybe I can help with a sample rotation for you. From the tapes you've listed I don't have any of them so substitute what you think is best below. I was thinking of a rotation concentrating more on strength and definition then one with a bit more cardio. Maybe you could do one for a few weeks, then switch or even alternate each one week by week. I noticed your workout time was limited so I tried to keep that in mind.

-Interval Max
-rest day
-rest day

-Cardio of choice
-Cardio of choice
-rest day
-Interval Max
-Cardio of choice
-rest day

Keep us posted on your progress and let us know what you've decided...we love to share notes!!

Good Luck,

Thanks for the suggestion! My tapes should arrive tomorrow, so I'll get started then! I'll try your rotation and let you know! Thank you again!


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