HELP, no results in 2 months!


New Member
Hi, I have made a goal that for 3 months I will commit to working out with weights 5 to 6 times a week. I started October 1st. I have not varied in this process and I measured myself yesterday with hardly any inch loss! I am so disappointed. I know that I have toned up because I can actually see it but when I put on my jeans it actually fits tighter! I am 41 years old, is this a hopless case! Please answer I am desperate. I want to see size 10 again and I am stuck in 16!
Dear dear. I have read this so many times and I and others will tell you that changes can take years not months. I have been doing Cathe for 6+ months and I am still not seeing much visible results (I think diet is a strong factor). Never believe what you read about miracles that happen in 2 weeks. You really need to dedicate yourself to exercise and diet and you will see results. Sometimes when you first start exercising you will see some weight gain, but that is only temporary. Over the months your body will change.

You also have to lift heavier too. My rule is the more you do the more you can do. Can you do MIC in it's entirety? Or BodyMax or MIS? When you can work like that then you will see some changes.

Thanks for your reply, Yen. I have been doing the Firm tapes and a couple of Cathe's. No, I have not tried MIC or BodyMax or MIS. I will order one. Maybe I just need more cardio. I know I have gained weight - about 5 pounds since I have been working out. I will keep at it and work on my eating also.

I'm with Yen on the Diet (hate that term) food connection. Honestly, when I began this trek three years ago I was 65lbs. over weight and heading toward 40. I knew that I did NOT want to go into mid-life feeling the way that I did ( as well as looked). I had no joy. I couldn't keep up with my kids. Everything was affected. I too was a Firm Believer. I loved those tapes. They taught me how to lift weights! As I got stronger, the tempo of some of those tapes became too fast for the weight I was lifting and that's when I found Cathe's Pure Strength series. I began with a walk/jog progam, Cathes PS series, and ate well and often(4-5 small meals a day). I remember thinking that If I never lost another pound of weight I would not give up the way I felt....I felt alive and well for the first time in years! I think that we can often forget this aspect of fitness. Yes, I lost the weight in a years time. I am not a Step fan, however, I did buy BodyMax and use it still!

Hang in there, take a close look at your it high in fiber? Lean? Find how many calories you need and break them up into several meals a day. Planning my meals is key. Ya know, the ol "Fail to plan-plan to fail" mantra. And drink water,lots of it. Rest. Man, now that I'm in my 40's I need proper rest between workouts. Be kind to yourself. It will happen for you!
I like the FIRM and use one of their tapes here and there for variety but if you want results IMO go with Cathe strength tapes and step tapes. That's what's done it for me. I've lost 70 lbs. Yes there were changes in the food I cut out sugar totally and cleaned things up a lot. I also started to eat more protein.

I also need to tell you that it took about 4 years to lose that. Maybe not what your hoping to hear but it did. The journey has been sooooooooooooooo worth it though. I feel 100% better than I ever have in my whole life.

Be sure you're eating the right amount of calories. You may not be eating enough. That can really backfire on you!

Also, increase the amount of weights used. If you're using small weights, you won't see a difference. Increase as much as you can, even if it means only doing a few reps at a time.

Hope this helps. Laura
I agree, for me in took ages for results but once it started to show it kept going. That's why I shake my head at my sister when she keeps going on fad diets and refusing to workout. has some real good information on eating clean and on measuring fat loss. It talks about what happens when you first start exercising and that the scale isn't a good tool for measuring your progress.
What you eat is so, so important. Weight watchers plus Cathe is a sure-win combination. I lost 19 pounds this way and it's stayed off.
Please do not be discouraged. You have seen some results so that is good. I personally do not think that you need to do weights 5 or 6 times a week. If you're really gung-ho on weights, 3 full-body workouts is the most I would do, or a series of cathe's for total body with say one full-body workout added on. Other than that I would try to do 4 or 5 cardio workouts of at least 45 minutes each weekly. Keep this up and I guarantee you results will follow.

Don't worry about what the scale says at first and how pants are fitting. When you first start working with weights you do tend to balloon out a little. I guess it is because you gain muscle but keep a little fat at first. But gradually that will change and the fat will melt away and be replaced with muscle. The other posters are right. It DOES take time. Be patient. Good luck. You are NOT a Hopeless case. You can meet your goals, you just have to be very dedicated.

Kristie :)
I agree with Kristie completely. Cardio! I too am 41. I too was a size 16. I too have used The Firm. I found my way here sometime in August and Cathe's cardio workouts have made a tremendous difference for me. I do at least a half hour if not more of cardio 4 times a week. I'm currently using Cathe's 16 week maximum weight loss rotation and I'm down a full size. I especially love CTX because I get intense cardio workouts plus good solid weight work.

I found that shifting my focus to cardio but still doing the weights has helped me make good progress. And that progress has provided me motivation to keep going.

Good luck and hang in there!
Thanks everyone! I am beginning to think I do need cardio (I hate Cardio!)and less weights (I love weights)Thanks TMom you have given me inspiration that maybe it will happen. My eating hasn't been very good these last couple of months so I will clean that up. I haven't bought any of Cathe's cardio tapes, which one would be the best for me? Which one is one of her easier ones if there is such one?
Thanks everyone! I am beginning to think I do need cardio (I hate Cardio!)and less weights (I love weights)Thanks TMom you have given me inspiration that maybe it will happen. My eating hasn't been very good these last couple of months so I will clean that up. I haven't bought any of Cathe's cardio tapes, which one would be the best for me? Which one is one of her easier ones if there is such one?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-02 AT 10:36PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-02 AT 10:36 PM (Est)[/font]

I started the beginning of the year wearing a size 10. Changing my diet and incorporating aerobic and strength training has me down to a size 4. It didn't happen overnight. It took at least 4 months before I noticed a difference. Be patient. Good things come to those who wait. :)

Step Heat is probably one of the easiest ones. None of them are too easy! But they are so fun and they grow on you! You need a step for Step Heat of course.

Cardio Kicks is awfully fun too, and it requires no equipment. It's easy to learn but tough! That cardio leaves me "Flyin'high" on endorphins almost all day!
I wanted to offer general encouragement. It looks like you're doing great so have patience!

I also want to encourage you to find some sort of cardio that you enjoy. It doesn't have to be step aerobics nor does it have to be conventional. But hopefully you will find some sort of movement that keeps your heart rate high for a sustained period. If you don't enjoy it, you'll struggle to stay consistent. Your heart is your most important muscle.

Enjoy your fitness journey!
I too, want to add words of encouragement. I have been working out seriously for the past 3 years. I am just now starting to see definition in my legs and arms - however, during those years, I have toned down, dropped from a 12 to 4Petite and can lift heavier than I ever thought. It takes time. Also, please be realistic regarding your results - very few of us can look like Cathe -(oh if only it were true) but we can look the best we can given our body type and genetics. Also, muscles actually grow and get stonger during the rest days - you shouldn't lift more than 3 days a week - adding more cardio to my rotations has helped me.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-02 AT 00:47AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi,

You really need to dedicate yourself to eating cleanly. For example you need to eat more lean proteins and opt for fat free, whole grains and whole wheat products. With the dedication of eating cleanly and exercising religious for 5-6 days a week should get you results, but remember you didn't gain the weight in 1 month so its not going to take you 1 month to get it off. Remember, that it usually takes 6 weeks to see a transformation in your body. Also you MUST change your routine around a little every 3 weeks to surprise your muscles and work them differently. REMEMBER that if your clothes feel loose, thats the first step to success and don't go by the scale too much.

***NOTE: You need to try and incorporate more cardio workouts into your fitness regimen to burn off the layer of fat hanging around to see the muscle definition you created and also the first month or two, your clothes may fit a little tighter than usual, but thats normal, you just have to do more cardio to burn off the fat.

Hope that answered your question. If you need further help, feel free to email me privately at [email protected]

Marian from NY

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