HELP I can't put my baby down


As some of you may know, I had a baby just over two months ago, and he WILL NOT let me put him down. He always wants to be held.
He'll scream his little baby head off, like he's being tortured until I pick him up. I'm at my wits end.
I'm in the process of finding a daycare since I'm going back to work soon and this is making it VERY difficult.
Any advice how to get him to be by himself?
1. Baby carrier...mine loved it.
2. Enjoy it and let the laundry go. Once you return to work, you'll crave just sitting and cuddling together.
There is a really good book called "The Happiest Baby on The Block" by Harvey Karp, I swear by this book. I never had any problems with my DD and she is 6 months old. Swaddle your baby and see if that helps, my DD loved to be swaddled all the time and we still somewhat swaddle her at night to sleep, no problems.

Swings are also magic.
He's too little to be left to cry. Enjoy him. Hold him as much as you can while you still can:) He'll manage the transition to daycare. Babies are resilient creatures.
I have a 6 month old and he loved the swing. (although I prefer holding him :) ). Like the others said, enjoy it - they grow up so quickly.

And don't worry about daycare, babies adapt quickly.

My oldest cried all the time - but he loved the carrier. I got a lot done while wearing it (running errands, hanging out laundry, vaccuming, etc.).
My now 4 year old was like that and at the time I thought I would lose my mind. Not only could I not put her down, she didn't nap. Shelly and Sarah have the right idea. Savor it because it goes by sooooo quickly and you're going to miss out on it when you are at work.
Elaine, Sophie had colic so she cried whether I picked her up, put her down, whatever. She also wasn't good at napping, so I completely empathize!
Basically, you take a small blanket and wrap them up tightly so all their arms and legs are tucked inside the blanket. Some babies really like it.:) Think of taking your baby and wrapping it up like a burrito:p
gotcha....well it sounded claustrophobic and a little scary when you desribed it at first, shelley, but then when you compared it to a burrito i understood how that could be very cozy and secure feeling....i just relate to food i guess....
Burrito. Yum. I'd like a sweet potato & black bean burrito right about now.:9

Sorry about the highjacking.
>Think of taking your baby and wrapping it up like a burrito:p

lol! It's true though. My boys loved that.

Susan, I feel for you. I have a book I had to read with my second. I can't think of the name of it. If I still have your address I'll send it to you. I had the baby Bjorn carrier that I used with my second as well. It worked wonders. I needed free hands because I also had a 17 month old running around who needed attention. Just remember - this too shall pass. I do agree with the others to savor it, but it's hard when he's crying a lot. (((((HUGS)))))

Ok I know swadding sounds really strange, but babies love, love, love it. It reminds them of the womb and it can help calm a baby down. They have swaddle blankets at babiesrus and Target. Yes you do have to be a genius to figure the blanket out (it took us 2 days to get it and then we were like "duh")...but they really do work. Trick is to wrap them up tight, it won't hurt them, just remember they were crunched up in the womb so it's ok.
Baby Bjornes are fantastic too!

Sorry you are going through this, I know it can be hard, but hang in there!
I totally empathize...picture this...carrier with infant on front of my body, carrier with infant on back of my body (switching them periodcally and sometimes both in carrier to front of my body) and a 3 yo hanging onto my leg and a teenage DS driving me totally nuts --- simultaneously!!!! And I will tell you it goes waaaay too fast. Hold and love your little baby.
Do you have one of those little chairs that vibrate? That was a Godsend when my DD was a baby. The swing was also great.

my son is the same way. i wish i had an answer. i just posted to say i feel your pain. hang in there it will definitely get better.
My youngest was like that. She hated the swing, stroller and vibrating bouncy seat. She did like the Baby Bjorn, though. My neighbors always teased me because I was always holding her while pushing an empty stroller.

At two months old, I would do anything I could to make him feel secure. If holding him keeps him content, then that's what I would do as much as possible. Obviously, there are times when he'll have to be put down and just tell yourself that you're doing the best you can.

Good luck - it really does go fast! Before you know it, you'll be celebrating his first birthday and wondering where the time went!


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