

Hello everyone,

It's time for me to start training for my 150 mile bike ride in June. Does anyone have or know of any good/worthwile spin podcasts or mp3's? I do not have a spin bike at home, but I'm going to check with my gym to see if I'd be allowed to use the spin bikes when know classes are going on. (usually the door to the spinning room is locked!).

Thanks in Advance,
and Happy New Year to all!

If you do a search for Carmichael Training Systems (Lance Armstrong's Coach) they have some audio workouts. You also might check out www.spinervals.com. Of course they have tons of DVD's - not sure about audio stuff. They have some 3 hour DVD's though so maybe? Are you doing the MS 150?

Good luck with your training!
I don't know anything about spin podcasts -- I just wanted to wish you lots of good luck in your training and subsequent ride!! :D
Spinervals has a Hardcore 100 DVD. I use a bike trainer - they take up virtually no room. Any chance of getting one of those?
Oh good heavens, no! You put your bike into it and pedal normally except only the back wheel turns - you control resistance through your gears. What I have is the Cycleops Fluid 2 Trainer but what I want is the Kurt Kinetic Rock n Roll Pro - it has a flywheel you can add for more endurance type rides.
Thanks guys for the suggestion so far. I had checked out both Spinnervals and CTS VERY briefly this morning and did not see any audio-only product; however, I did read that there is free sound-extracting software so I'll just have to decide how much I want to spend, and where I want to spend it...I'd love input from actual users. This made me realize how spoiled I've become by Cathe's site (thank you Cathe!)....all the clips, detailed descriptions and forum member's feedback!

The bike trainer sounds awesome; but that won't be happening this year, unfortunately. Perhaps a future thing?

Thanks for the good wishes, too, Miss Lee. :)

Sorry about the uninformative title; I wasn't paying attention as I zipped it off before leaving this morning.

Yes, I am doing the MS-150. :) It'll be my second year. It'll be more fun this year as I have another friend committed, and possibly my boyfriend. Last year I did it alone! :(
There are a few audio only for Spinervals. I've not done them and cannot say anything other than they exist. Not sure where to find them but I think I've seen then on the Spinervals site and also on ebay in the store section. If I get the new trainer, my Cycleops will be up for sale if you would have any interest...

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