Hello, my name is....


I'm not sure if this has ever been done on here before, but since I'm new and I don't know anyone, and you all seem to know each other, I thought I'd introduce myself and maybe find out a bit about people who frequent the forums. So here goes:

Name: Shelley
Age: *gulp* I'll be 41 on my birthday at the end of this month
Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Kids: Just one - Sophie, who is 7 and in grade 2 and is the centre of my universe
"Cathe" history: I got Body Max after I had my daughter, then when the Blast series came out I got Step Blast and KPC. So far I have Kick Max and Imax 3 from the Intensity series. Cathe's workouts are DEFINITELY addictive!
Other workouts: I run, do Tae Bo, and I have a couple of other short tapes I do when I am pushed for time.
Interests: I love all things decorating and am currently working on my house that I moved into with daughter and SO last September. It's an on-going process. I love reading, and can't wait for the weather to get warmer so I can get out into my garden.

That about covers it. :)
Hello Shelley, welcome again ;-)

I'm 43yo, single with two boys 12 and 14yo and live in Hollland in a place called Almere near Amsterdam. I have all Cathe's w/o's and an elliptical, and am still waiting for the HC series to arrive. I also run with my oldest son, love to read, eat and gardening.

Dutchie ;-)
Welcome, Shelley. I'm glad you've checked in. You'll find lots of good tips on this site and ladies (and some guys) just like us that are busy but still taking the time to get and keep in shape. Lots of nice folks here.

Someday I would like to garden too, but with work, cycling, horse, and family obligations can just not fit it in and give it the time it needs. Bout all I can do is keep the lawn mowed and watered.

Nice to meet you!

Hello Shelley:D
Welcome to the WONDERFUL world Cathe!!:7 It is so nice to meet you!
My name is Nicole I am 39 years old, and I have a dh,4 kids, and a dog. I would have to say my hobby is working out to Cathe(mostly) but I also have others I like to do. I also LOVE to read. I am currently loving Cathe's new Hardcore series and doing the fat loss rotation, and by GOLLY I am going to stick with it!! :7

Take care,

Nice to meet you Shelley.

I'm 32, from NJ USA and pregnant with my first child (it's gonna be a boy!).

I discovered Cathe just this past December and have hardly even LOOKED at another work out video since! :+ I have been working out on a regular basis for almost 3 years now and I love love love it!

Aside from working out I like surfing the web-visiting this forum in particular ;), shopping...all kinds of stuff.

Welcome to Cathe-land. Have fun!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hi Shelley,
Another fellow Canadian here! I am in Newfoundland.I have been to Hamilton a few times.Once all by myself when I was on my way to Calgary for WestJet training (that was hard)And a couple of times with friends,partying,shopping or on my way somewhere else and just having a layover in your big airport!:)
Cathe is definitly addictive and so it this site!
Hi Shelley!

Welcome to Cathe-Land! My name is Sandra, and I currently live in Edmonton, Alberta, but grew up in a small town near London, Ontario! I'm always thrilled to see another Canadian discover Cathe, because she keeps such a low profile around here. How did you first hear about her workouts?

I also have a daughter, 4 1/2 years old, and am expecting another baby in mid-September. I've been working out with Cathe since about 1998, with a long hiatus when my daughter was born. My daughter loves Cathe and has become my assistant coach during my workouts. Does your daughter share your enthusiasm for Cathe? My doctor has put me on temporary bedrest, which means no workouts for a while, and DD looked at me mournfully one day and said, "Mommy, I'm sorry you can't do your Cathe's."

In case you're interested, there is a "Daily Check In" thread in the Open Discussion forum, where anyone is welcome to post their activity for the day, and just generally give a wave to other Cathe enthusiasts. It's interesting to see the creative workouts that others put together, and a great way to keep yourself motivated to try new challenges.

Ironically, it appears that we are having a much nicer spring than you are! You seem to be getting all our snow and cold. Stay warm!

Wow, what great responses! Thanks so much for the warm welcome

Sandra, I first heard about Cathe when I read a review of Body Max in Shape magazine.

Sophie LOVES it when I pull out the step. She starts "working out" on it immediately. And she's already told me that she wants to run with me when she's old enough.:)

I've discovered the daily check in thread and have started using it. It's so nice to have some support. Nobody I know is quite the "fanatic" that I am when it comes to exercise and eating well.

I'm hoping that since March came in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb!
Hi Shelby,

I'm really Cheryl but I like the name tytbody as that is my goal. You are way ahead of me on Cathe but we are here. Thanks for smiling your way in the door and just have fun.

I am

Working towards Perpetual Motion
Welcome Shelley.My name is Mariángeles. I am spanish. I live in Toledo. I am 28 years old. I live with my parents , my brother and my cat.I discovered Cathe in the spring of the past year.Cathe is the best.Aside from working out I love the cinema.Welcome.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Hi Shelley! Welcome!

I'm Shirley, 34 yo, six children. I'm originally from Michigan but live in Texas now. (I love Canada! It is beautiful!)

I've owned Cathe's Pure Strength series for years and let it collect dust (I'm ashamed to admit). I've recently begun exercising again with Cathe.

You'll love this forum. The ladies here are very knowledgeable and supportive.

Hi Shelley! Welcome!

I'm Shirley, 34 yo, six children. I'm originally from Michigan but live in Texas now. (I love Canada! It is beautiful!)

I've owned Cathe's Pure Strength series for years and let it collect dust (I'm ashamed to admit). I've recently begun exercising again with Cathe.

You'll love this forum. The ladies here are very knowledgeable and supportive.

Hi Shelley and Welcome! :D

It's very nice to meet you!
My name is Nicole and I live in San Diego. I'm 36 years old, married, no kids but I have a puppy and kitten who are best friends. I discovered Cathe about a year ago and haven't looked back since. Her workouts are certainly addicting! I don't have all her workouts, but my collection is building. Just started a running program to complement my Cathe workouts to help drop some weight.

I too don't have any friends who are fitness "fanatics" so I visit this forum!

Great to see you!

:) Nicole
Hi Shelley and Welcome! :D

It's very nice to meet you!
My name is Nicole and I live in San Diego. I'm 36 years old, married, no kids but I have a puppy and kitten who are best friends. I discovered Cathe about a year ago and haven't looked back since. Her workouts are certainly addicting! I don't have all her workouts, but my collection is building. Just started a running program to complement my Cathe workouts to help drop some weight.

I too don't have any friends who are fitness "fanatics" so I visit this forum!

Great to see you!

:) Nicole

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