<---hello lampost, what 'cha knowing?

<-- has somehow missed a very important announcement from Ms. FancyNancy
<-- will bb as soon as possible...
<--- agrees that Moose is a great name for a cat
<--- wonders if Moose is a large cat?
<--- is having a small nervous breakdown over the complete and utter chaos that is her backyard, among other things that are better not discussed here
<--- started to dig out the area for the new flagstone patio by the pond and made more mess and started hyperventilating so decided to come inside and stare at the computer and pretend the backyard doesn't actually even exist
<--- loves the caviar caveat
<--- keeps all her own money so her SO would never ever question her on any purchase she decided to make (unless maybe it was $450 caviar:p)
<--- is going to go breathe into a paper bag and think about how insane y'all must think <--- is
<---pats Shelley on the back and says "there, there, it'll be okay"
<---asks what exactly she expects when she starts digging around in the dirt?
<---says the backyard is SUPPOSED to be a mess!
<---suggests that she throw a few clods of mud at the SO
<---thinks that might make her feel better
<--- tells shelly to take slow deep breaths
<--- thinks beautiful patio and pond will be worth it
<--- says moose is a goofy 13lb Himalayan
<---wonder if hyperventilating Shelley needs a phone call?
<---would be glad to if it would help
<---but not until after <--does a workout
<---agrees with Shannon's assessment (are there too many sssssss's?) with the condition on backyards in general
<---agrees that Moose is a good cat name and assumes he is largish
<---has never been to RI, but wants to go
<---better get to work on workout
<---tells Shellbell to keep breathing - breath in, breath out, move on....

ETA:<---also LOL at the cavier caveat
<---wonders if there is a cavier forum
<---tells Robin she used exactly the right number of s's... esses?...
<---wonders what the plural of S is?
<---ss? ses?
<---thinks Teri needs to post a pic of her kitty
<---is outta here for the drive home
<---will see y'all tomorrow, probably
<-- is now thinking of the way Tony Randall says "moose" in Pillow Talk when Rock Hudson tells him that the lady's name he wants Tony to have dinner with is "moose- ah, I mean..." and then TR says "MOOSE?!" and it's just really funny
<-- wonders if the paper bag is all soppy with condensation yet?
<-- wonders if Shelley can review all the compliments we posted a few days ago if that would help?
<-- was bummed to see the FPP announcement was not really an announcement, but old news
<-- is happy that FN and DT are having dinner, though!
<-- doesn't understand separate property states, for the record here
<-- doesn't have any cards shared with DH (yet) but we all know that his debt is <-- debt and <-- debt is his debt and then we sing
<-- wonders if you have to have been a bluebird to understand ^?
<-- is reeeallly not working today, LOL :p
<-- is researching a hot air balloon ride but DO NOT TELL THE DPs!!!
<-- says it's a surprise }( :p :7
<--thinks the DPs will LOVE the hot air balloon ride!
<--thinks Ame may be the only person who received the announcement who was bummed by it ;)
<--asks Ame if she didn't at least like the description <-- wrote???
<--tells Ame that in common law states each spouse is responsible for the debts of the other too, as long as it's for necessities
<--just realized that in NY, Ame's DH would have nothing to worry about :p
<--is jk
<---tells shannon will try to post pic of kitty <--not very good with computers
<--- would be happy to give Robin the official tour of my very small but very beautiful state
<-- just posted and lost it
<-- was ROTF over Nance's jab
<-- didn't mean that she hit <-- and <-- fell over, but rather that <-- fell over laughing
<-- should have maybe said ROTFLMAO or something, but <--'s A is still there... :eek: x(
<-- would LOL a lot more if that meant <-- could LMAO
<-- brought oatmeal for lunch today
<-- hopes there is a spoon someplace
<-- is rather bored after 2 days of this particular project
<-- thinks <-- forgot to tell youse it's DP's 40th anniversary this year
<--- wanted to pop in one more time before leaving today
<--- thinks you all are up to some silly antics here this afternoon!
<--- says thanks for the chuckles & smiles, ladies!
<--- is glad Ame dragged Robin back in here
<--- wants to see a picture of Moose!
<--- thinks that a really cute name for a cat
<--- hopes Shelley is feeling better now
<--- hopes everyone has a fantabulous weekend
<--- will try to peek in if possible but if not, will see y'all on Monday!
<-- jumps in to tell shelley that <-- can sympathize with backyard issues
<-- 's dh is outside cursing the would be swimming pool that looks more like a meteor crash site
<-- is also staying inside pretending backyard doesn't exist
<-- hopes shelley's backyard woes go away quickly and smoothly
<-- doesn't have a back yard
<-- didn't know how great that is until today
<-- thanks all of you complainers for telling <-- ;)
<-- is sorry you're unhappy with the mess that lives behind your house
<-- grew up 2 houses away from a backyard that had a pool-sized hole for years and years and years and never had a pool :eek: ?
<-- wonders what color Moose is??
<-- wonders if Tammy ever wore the beautiful Ann Taylor dress?
<-- thinks the people on my block my be saying the same thing about US soon.
<-- hopes to never be knows as "those people who had the pool sized hole but no pool"
<-- says hello and happy friday to everyone since <-- was so rude in original post and didn't mention that :eek:
<--sends Shelley anti-hyperventilation vibes
<--often pretends things aren't there to see if they will go away
<--wonders if <--pretends dissertation isn't really there will it go away<--tired to do that with comprehensive exams...didn't work :(
<--is just ready to get that dang Ph.D. already!!!
<--glad Robin was pried away from the chocolate forum
<--wishes Kel a happy weekend
<--hopes Miss Nancy Pants has fun at dinner
<--is glad to be back on the forum
<--missed you guys!!!
<--tells Shelley, "Breathe in, breathe out..."
<-- bets Lorie that the dissertation will go away if you ignore it long enough
<-- expects the Ph.D. will go away, too, if you ignore it long enough
<-- wonders if George would sit in the swing like Lorie's puppy photo
<-- doubts it ;-)
<---waves hi and welcome to mamacody
<---tells Cody's DH to hurry up with that pool
<---adds that we are all ready for a dip
<---is packed for the G-burg getaway tomarrow
<---has packed capri pants and tank tops
<---is afeered she's going to be showing too much skin
<---hopes she doesn't look like a trampy old lady
<---'s DH and DD assure her the outfits look fine, but <--has her doubts
<---is waiting for DH to finish his workout and light the charcoal for grilled chicken
<---thinks maybe a glass of white merlot would help speed up his workout
<-- thinks "white merlot" sounds gross
<-- is sure Robin looks like a hot mamma in her capris and tanks
<-- just saw Robin is concerned with looking like a trampy old lady
<-- asks Robin how many trampy old ladies do you think we let into the OAL??
<-- assures Robin, not one trampy old lady is allowed in these parts
<-- tells Robin that therefore, you are not a trampy old lady nor do you look like one
<-- still thinks "white merlot" sounds disgusto-rama
<--- smacked self in head, got her wits together, did Bootcamp and is now about to take Miss Sophie to the mall to get away from the mess
<--- thanks everyone for their support
<--- tells Robin a phone call probably won't be necessary.... today:p
<--- started doing a planting plan and thinks that helped
<--- is quite sure Robin will not look like a trampy old lady, unless the capris are skintight leopard print and the tank tops are actually tube tops;)
<--- also wants to see a pic of Moose the Himalayan
<--- can totally sympathize/empathize with Cody's pool-sized hole
<--- thinks she should just tell the neighbours that it WAS a meteor!

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