<---hello lampost, what 'cha knowing?

<--- runs into thread with new MP3 player in hand
<--- bought it last night & got a heckuva deal but now doesn't know how to get started
<--- is technologically challenged
<--- plans to download CCs to a CD at home over the weekend & then transfer them to MP3 at work on Monday
<--- may need more help from the technologically advanced then
<--- says her DH wasn't all that thrilled that <--- came home with that last night
<--- is generally supportive of <--- & her fitness addiction but...
<--- says he doesn't understand why <--- needs the MP3
<--- thinks he will get over it & <--- will jump on the CC train!

<--- waves at all of the lovely OAL ladies!
<--- hopes Robin enjoys her convertible ride this weekend
<--- wants to see pics of Shelley's newly enlarged pond extravaganza
<--- passes Deb a huge pot o java & tells her to wake up!
<--- wonders what new DVD Ronne just got
<--- also enjoys yoga/pilates
<--- thinks Robin's bracelet sounds absolutely beautiful & thinks her DH is very thoughtful
<--- also plans to be friends with Shelley longer than 5 minutes
<--- waves at Michele as she passes through
<--- hopes her bloodwork goes well
<--- sends mega (((HUGS))) to Catherine & sends lots of positive thoughts & vibes to her DMIL & DF's sis
<--- also hates waiting like that & hopes she hears something soon
<--- hopes Phyllis has a good Fried-Day at work!
<--- is sorry Beth's SIL is staying at her house while she's gone on vaca & hopes her stay is uneventful
<--- hopes Nancy's lower back & other aches feel better soon
<--- wonders what peekytoe crab is?
<--- is glad Nancy scared away Liann's hiccups
<--- hopes to see pictures of Robin, Liann, & the weiners!

<--- is super duper glad it's Friday
<--- isn't glad to be cleaning out a crawl space tomorrow... ICK!
<--- will be glad when it's over & is hoping to have a day of R&R on Sunday
<--- must get back to work for now but...
<--- will BBL!
<---is all set up with Liann and the Weiners for GTG
<---thanks all for the anniversary congrats - says actual anniversary was while we in WA - May 28
<---is laughing and a bit teary eyed at the thought of Nancy's mom crying and how her dad would have reacted
<---tells Nancy to think of me with her first toast tonight
<---says Daniels sounds soooo sophisticated and classy
<---wonders if Nancy will wear anything special?
<---or do New Yawkers not dress up?
<---says no one around here dresses up
<---always dresses up when we go to our favorite upscale restaurant
<--thinks Robin is a sweetie for appreciating the emotions involved
<--says Dad was a very unique kind of guy who had more fun playing with the grandkids than the grandkids did ;)
<--tells Robin that <-- was disappointed to learn that DT will have to wear a jacket tonight
<--says DT feels confined in a jacket, and <-- doesn't blame him
<--told him to take off the jacket as soon as we sit down and put it on the back of the chair ;)
<--will be wearing clothes with an elastic waistband which will allow for maximum tummy expansion :p :p :+
<--- is home between errands
<--- thanks y'all for the blood work vibes
<--- IS slightly worried about her blood work
<--- says her last blood work was teetering on the edge of good and evil;(
<--- hopes her hard work and sacrifice (diet & exercise) has paid off
<--- drove through Tim Horton's after blood work and got a 12 grain bagel and egg sammy:eek: }( :9
<--- got it sans cheese or butter
<--- shouts HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! to Robin and wonders when it is exactly
<--- feels bad about Beth's vacation bombshell
<--- is LHAO over Liann and the Wieners band
<--- is excited that Elaineee has been finding time to post again
<--- is praying like mad for Catherine's MIL and her friend's sister
<--- is jumping up and down with excitement over Kel's new MP3 player!!
<--- thinks Robin should give CC a try -- and Kel, too!
<--- thinks DT will live well past 80 because happily married men live a LOOOOONG time;)
<--- hopes Ronne's lunch is yummilicious!!
<--- wonders if Phyllis has any exciting plans for her day off
<--- thinks Debbie earned a rest day
<--- wonders how much bigger Shelley's pond is
<--- knows Shelley's had a few friends for at LEAST 10 minutes:p
<--- adores Shelley to bits!
<--- is still praying for Evily's grandma and all
<--- waves at Cuz, too!
<--- hopes she hasn't forgotten anyone
<--- says if she did it was completely unintentional
<--- really must sign off and probably won't BB until Sunday night or Monday morning
<--- almost forgot -- she won't be here Monday morning because she's going for her annual physical;(
<--- needs major vibes for her physical
<--- gets sick just thinking about going to the doctor
<--- sends hugs and kisshies for all with her best wishes for a wonderful weekend :* :*
<--- replies to self because ^^^ post is already way too long:p
<--- just coming back to congratulate Nance and to ooh and ahh over that restaurant!!
<--- says that's <---'s kind of place:9
<--- saw her post last night but couldn't respond because DH needed the computer
<--- is very proud of Nance and hopes she has a wonderful time tonight
<--- hopes Nancy has a fab time tonight. the restaurant looks wonderful.
<--- also doesn't know what peekytoe crab is
<--- new dvd is by kerry bestwick called yoga/pilates something or other (good title huh?)
<--- likes the look of it so far
<--- wonders if elainee would like to pop over and do some painting round here?
<--- sends gadget comprehension skills to Kel
<-- off to pick daughter and friend from school soon and take them to party. crisps, chocolate, snacks and e-numbers here we come!

ETA: <--- sends extra get through the physical vibes to Michele and good weekend vibes as a bonus!
<--thanks Michele very much
<--sends her lots of good blood work vibes
<--tells Michele that <-- really has confidence in her and all the work she does to stay healthy
<--has a strong sense that Michele's blood work is going to be great, if only because of all that olive oil she had in Italy ;)
<--really should go to the office :(
<---shushes Nancy out the door
<---will be hoping and praying for a clean bill of health for Michele on Monday
<---tells Kel once she figures out the MP3 thingie, post the directions to <--
<---thanks Ronne for metioning crisps which <--is now craving
<---thinks anything dry, crunchy and salty will do though
<---asks Shelley for more info on free iTrain - didn't see the word "free" on the website
<--- tells Robin to try these codes for free iTrain workouts -- AH2007 and CW2007
<--- is really signing off now:*
<--- points Robin in the direction of the free codes Miss Lee posted above
<--- says to enter them on the payment page in the special box
<--runs into thread and yells, "I'm baaaaaaack!" :D
<--has not even attempted to read ^^ yet
<--thinks it was odd being witout a computer since Tuesday
<--was also kind of nice to have a break from everything
<--didn't even answer cell phone
<--missed chatting with OAl ladies, though
<--is going to try to catch up on 4 days of posts
<--will BBL!!!
<--has come to the conclusion that painting would be much easier and enjoyable if <--wasn't so anal!!!!!!!
<--thinks <--might have neglected congratulate Nancyx(
<--sends NTF best wishes and happy eating vibes for tonight!!!
<--thinks the firm is very fortunate to have her!!
<--thinks the fumes must have gotten to <--brains:eek:
<---waves to Lorie!
<---glad to see her and her cute avatar back online!
<---just finished preordering the 4-day split
<---will have it shipped to work cuz' knows her DH will say "Why do you need ANOTHER workout???"
<---waves hi to Lorie and is glad she enjoyed her getaway
<---LOL at Liann's sneaky purchases
<---hopes Liann's back/abs are better
<---had to go to Nancy's restaurant's website again
<---thought she was fairly food savy, but needs interpreter for many of the dishes
<---wonders if they are nice about questions or snooty at Daniel
<---ate at a place in Washington, DC with parents once and was totally offended at the snooty waiters
<---says Dad left a tip, but DH went back and took it off the table
<---doesn't want to start a flame war, but <--tips generously when service is comentable, adequately when service is same
<---says that is the only time <--and DH didn't leave a tip
<---waves hi
<---was in a foul mood earlier and didn't want to dump bad vibes into the thread
<---is feeling a bit more chipper now
<---has let this thread get way too long to say hi to everyone individually, dang it!
<---sends everyone happy Friday vibes and hopes the day just zips by
<--(((HUGS))) Nancy
<--often thinks of <--'s dad during big life events
<--knows that our fathers our proud of us (((Big squeezy HUG))
<--agrees DT should take his jacket off
<--lol at Elaniee and being anal, painting, etc
<--is glad Lorie has made it back
<--thought Michele had her physical already
<--lol I guess she just got the prep work :p
<--is excited for Kel and her new toy
<--will get one someday
<--oh almost forgot
<--MIL is doing ok
<--some arteries blocked 100% but not the main ones
<--one of the main ones is 70%
<--MIL's surgeon thinks can manage with medicatiom
<--MIL does NOT want to do another bypass!!!
<--will be heading up to see her shortly
<--did legs and back today
<--was able to do 6 chinups in a row again!!!
<--for some reason can not repeat that every week yet
<--would like to work up to 10 in a row
<--but at this rate will be 100 years old before that happens :+
<--also squated 65# 3 sets of 10 and deadlifted 70# for 3 sets of 10
<--my butt felt like lead afterwards
<--enough chatter BBL



<---wants to say hello to every one
<---loves reading your posts to each other
<----wants to know if she can "play"
<--- waves to Teri Ket and says of course you can play!
<--- is impressed with Catherine's squatting and deadlifting weights
<--- thinks we can call Catherine "Ol' lead butt" :p

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