Height and Weight? Personal, I know........

I really would store my scale, but my DH just loves weighing himself, especially AFTER a huge meal. What a nut! Can you imagine a woman doing that??!!

I am almost 37, about 5'3" (I swear I am shrinking, I was 5'4" a few years ago) currently weigh 132ish and usually wear a size 4.

When I weighed 120 before having my kids I wore a 0/2. No one believed I was over 100 lbs.

For me, it IS harder to lose weight as I age. Thank goodness I know about the benefits of strength training!
Dang! It IS possible to weigh what seems like a lot, and it doesn't really matter. I know for a fact I am gaining muscle, so I was thinking that was where my weight was staying the same though I seem to be getting smaller. I was getting to the point of not wanting to wear sleeveless shirts, but now I see my arms again. Pants are getting loose...you get the idea. But as I have said, that darn scale just won't budge a bit. It is a Tanita scale with the fat moniter thing. Supposedly it sends some sort of current (scary, must be magnetic) through your body to measure fat percentage. It does say that various things will contribute, like eating, time of day, exercise.....and you have to average it over time. Regardless, nothing seems to move. I know it isn't broken because I weigh my children, and they are not 144:)

I think you are the second person to mention age (thank you very much) and honestly I had not considered that in relation to this. It is funny, but at my last annual exam the nurse mentioned something about me getting to "that age" where I needed some additional checks done next year.....mamogram etc. I just about died!! I said "That age, WHAT age?!" She laughed and I think it was the first time I have realized the age in my head and the age on my medical sheet were two different things:) Obviously, I should consider that as well, we don't spring back the way we used to......

Thanks again!
I too am amazed at weight and sizes :)

I am 47 5' 7" size 6 generally .. 132..
I WATCH MY CARBS... and if the scale is not budging ... FOR A LEAST A WEEK .. journalize your food .. add ur protein carbs and fiber... !!!

it really does work
and i work out every day ... it could be just my triceps... but if i am really burned out i take the day off...

>I was in the same boat. I was at a plateau for over a year
>and a half. I was eating 1100 calories a day, lifting weights
>with Cathe 3-4 times a week, and riding my bike 1-3 hours a
>day, six days a week. I couldn't lose an ounce! In fact, at
>one point I actually GAINED 4 pounds! I was so discouraged.
>I tried everything I could think of . . . more calories, fewer
>calories, more exercise, more intensity, vitamins, etc.
>Finally, I read about a program called
>physiquetransformation.com here on the Cathe website. It has
>been my miracle!
>In the past 7 weeks, I've lost 14 pounds! Finally!!! Turns out
>I wasn't eating NEARLY enough. On this program, I actually
>lost weight on 2,840 calories a day! I honestly can't believe
>it's true, but I feel I owe it to all the people who were so
>kind to me all these months as I've whined and complained
>about not being able to lose weight to tell this story again
>and again, so if you've heard it before, I apologize. But if
>there's one more person out there like me--desperate--I want
>you to consider the possibility that you're not eating enough.
> It's NOT too good to be true. It really can happen, despite
>what even my doctor told me.
I have been looking at the physiquetransformation.com program and have a couple of questions for you. Did you gain weight during the first phase (conditioning phase)? How long were you in this phase? I am really intrigued by this program, but DO NOT want to gain any more weight.
I am 33, 5'3" and my weight fluctuates between 105-110 lbs. I can wear sizes 1-3 depending on the manufacturer.

My diet sucks (working on that) and I exercise about 4 days a week. I like to workout 6 days, but sometimes I get too busy.
***QUOTE***I have been looking at the physiquetransformation.com program and have a couple of questions for you. Did you gain weight during the first phase (conditioning phase)? How long were you in this phase? I am really intrigued by this program, but DO NOT want to gain any more weight.

Hi Rebecca,

I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Personally, I didn't gain weight during the conditioning phase. I actually LOST 7 pounds while eating nearly 3,000 calories a day (whoo hoo)! I guess I had my metabolism so screwed up, I immediately began losing weight the minute my body realized it wasn't starving. Some people do gain a little weight, but there are things you can do. You don't have to just watch your weight go up, even during conditioning. (Mine lasted 4 weeks. Some last up to 8.) There's a support board for program participants and everyone is entitled to a free consultation with a personal trainer, who can tailor the program to better meet your needs.

Personally, I was TERRIFIED! I couldn't afford to gain an ounce. I've always been a hard loser, but a year and a half at a plateau is ridiculous! I just knew if I gained any weight, I'd NEVER be able to get it off. I wrote to the program founder, explaining about my loooong plateau and that I'm hypothyroid. He personally soothed my fears, reassured me that he'd help, and convinced me completely that the program would work for me. However, I would probably never have tried the program, or even looked into it seriously, if I hadn't been absolutely desperate. But I had honestly tried everything I could think of.

Here's the address for their support board. I'm betting you could lurk for a while and listen to what people are saying. These things are discussed often, and everyone has been extremely helpful. The address is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pfasupport/

E-mail me if you have any other questions. I'll be happy to help you. And whether or not you decide to use the program, you'll learn a tremendous amount about nutrition. I thought I was pretty well informed, but I became aware very quickly of things I didn't know I was doing wrong and things that I'd underestimated the importance of. (What a horrible sentence for an English teacher. Yikes.)

Hi Dani,

I'm 51, 5'6" and have about 50 pounds to go on weight loss (have lost over 55 in almost 1 year) but I don't weigh myself everyday. If I did that I would go nutzzz. My inches loss so far have been about 28 in total and was a size 22 and now a 13-14. All this weight gain came from surgical menopause in my late 30's. Everyone burns/stores fat differently. I read through the Physique Transformation e-book among others and I agree - when the body thinks its in starving mode, it will hold on to the fat and not let it go. In my experience with weight problems, especially while in menopause I found that when I was not fueling my body correctly I gained weight. Didn't matter how much I worked out, how much I sweated - the weight was not coming off. Now that I have finally adjusted my intake on proteins/carbs/fats together with a well planned workout schedule I have been able to lose weight on a consistent basis and look "buff" where I need to be and toned and firm in other areas. I refer back to my journal - I started it July 12, 2002 and read everything I ate, thought about that day, if I worked out or not, when I increased my weights, etc. It's second nature for me now to write down everything I put in my mouth - no matter what it is. For the last 5 weeks or so I haven't worked out due to back problems and receiving physical therapy. Because my physical activity has slowed down considerably, my intake of food has also come down because I'm not working out as I once was - but my weight has been maintained as well. So you see, regardless of what my scale says or doesn't say, I know that when I look in the mirror I look smaller, trimmer, firmer because of the inches lost. Sorry if I'm rambling. My advice to you - start a journal, be aware of what you eat and when you eat it. Ensure that your food intake is clean and not filled with "hidden" sugars, fats, chemicals. I know, I know, its hard and can make you feel sad when the scale doesn't say what you want... but that number will change. Take care and keep the faith. It will happen!!


"There are so many things that we wish we had done yesterday, so few that we feel like doing today." - Mignon McLaughlin

I went to physique transformation.com and am on my 3rd day of the trial. I like it, and it makes sence. We will see what they say about my food analysis.

>I>I am almost 37, about 5'3" (I swear I am shrinking, I was 5'4"
>a few years ago) currently weigh 132ish and usually wear a
>size 4.

I would swear I was 5'5" and 1/2 (have to add that half you know) but closer to 5'6". But last summer when I got measured, the doctor's office has me a whole inch shorter :( I'm 37 so maybe somewhere in that 36th year we shrank <G>

I used to think I was 5'4", but at the doctor last week they measured me at 5 feet 3 and three quarters inches. I'm 44 years old and I weigh 132 pounds. I usually wear a size 6, but also a few 4's. I am maintaining my weight loss (from 153) and keeping up my strength. It's a constant restart!! It's fun with Cathe, though!
Hello - I am new to this board. I just started Cathe tapes a few weeks ago after reading this forum. I am 38, 5'5" and 116. I have been stuck at a plateau for a couple of weeks now and am wondering what Colleen did to lose the 2" in her hips and abdomen (my big trouble spots). I am doing the Body for Life, but have cheated a bit on the diet today. I also mix Firm and Cathe workouts, but never use weights above 12 pounds. I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.
I am very proud to say that I weigh the SAME as I did 33 years ago when I got married the first time, AND when I was a freshman in high school. I hover in the mid-130's, and I'm 5'5". I'm smaller than I was way back then because of the weight lifting. I HAVE gone up and down a few time, like when I quit smoking, and I have no idea what my highest weight was, because I wouldn't get on a scale (senior in high school). I'll guess I may have gotten up to about 160+ then.

No magic bullet - eating right and exercising keeps it off.

Just Do It! :)

I am 41 years old, 5'2 and 150. I had the longest time accepting that muscle weighs more than fat. I have no scale because I don't want to drive myself crazier that what I am now.

I am wearing smaller tops, tho, and that's a good thing!


"If I don't stop, I have not failed."
We seem to keep crossing paths:)

Do you mind me asking what size you are? We are very close in height and weight. I am 5'3" and 144......still!!! I wear an 8, but had gotten up to a 10/12 in certain pants. I am happily back to a solid 8, thank goodness. Even since I first posted this question, I have not dropped a single ounce. I even thought the scale might be broken because it weighs digitally, but I put my kids on it and they weigh differently.

Anyway, thanks for the response.
Hi Dani! I was dress shopping for a wedding today and was thinking about all this weight/clothing size stuff. I am 5'6 weigh about 142 and wear a perfect size 6. Yet, for some reason I get down on myself and feel I should weigh less. I know some people who weigh the same as me and wear a size 10 or 12. I have noticed that just since I hit my mid-thirties(I'm 35) things have "shifted" on me. I have just recently really pushed up my weight training and decreased my cardio(just a bit) to see if it'll shake something loose! The main thing is, don't get so darn hard on yourself. You take good care of yourself, no one but you knows what the scale says. Be patient and don't overtrain or under eat for that will have adverse effects also! Take care, stay fit - Susan
>I used to think I was 5'4", but at the doctor last week they
>measured me at 5 feet 3 and three quarters inches. I'm 44
>years old and I weigh 132 pounds. I usually wear a size 6, but
>also a few 4's.

I had a strange thing happen with my height in the last few years too. I seem to have grown an inch! I am 46 years old, 5'7" tall (thought I was 5'6") and weigh 112 lbs.

I am very small boned and wear size 0-2 in just about everything, especially pants.
I thought I was 5'6" and now I find out it's actually 5'5". Still weigh 108 after losing nearly 80 pounds 2 1/2 years ago. 43 years old.
Hi JeanneMarie, I am very small too, I am 5'2" and I weigh right now 119, lost another lb, I fit into a size 6 levis right now but still losing so it will probably be a 4 soon. I am small boned. my fingers are very small, ring finger is a 4 1/2. So I am right there with ya :7 ........ I am 43, and married and half a 17 yr old son and a 20 yr old son and have been married for 22 yrs ........ :7 :7 ........... Rhonda
Hey, Rhonda,
Me too! Very petite and small-boned. I was 5'3" and 115 lbs. for decades. Then I went to the nutritionist and now I'm about 120, but I feel much better because I'm eating some fat in the form of oil twice per day. I used to avoid fat all the time and felt awful. It's worth it to weigh a bit more and be healthier. I'm trying very hard to make some muscle gains lately, but it doesn't come easy for me. I won't mind weighing more to have more muscle. I'm still around a size 8 petite in most things.
I just remembered something. When I went to the doctor this year, she was less interested in height and weight than in the waist to hip ratio. She said that a waist to hip ratio of .7 is excellent, which means that you have a low risk for several types of diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. Above .7 starts to be riskier. It's not so much what you weigh, but what your shape is and where you carry your weight that determines health she said. Her assistant told me I was a .7, but she measured wrong. I am actually .77, which means I need to work on it. I guess if you're below .7, that's even better.

How do people here fare based upon this measurement? Just curious.


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