Heavy squats question


Dear Cathe and others who train heavy, I'd really appreciate your opinion on this.

When doing the squats in S and H, I now find that I cannot lift enough weight onto my shoulders to really fatigue my legs. Up until now, I have being missing out the pre-fatigue sets because I didn't feel the need. The other day, I increased the weight by putting a rucksack on my back with a 5kg weight in it. It felt okay - just takes a little extra concentration to balance.

Do you think this is a good way to continue to increase the intensity and therefore increase muscle in the legs? Or, would doing the pre-exhaust sets be better? I just wonder whether the leg muscles will really grow from doing pre-exhaust lunges followed by lighter squats.

Thanks in advance!
Hi Sharon,

I'm obviously not Cathe :) but I did PS Legs/Abs this morning and your post reminded of something Cathe says in this video. She says since it's difficult for women to hoist really heavy weight up on our shoulders without a spotter, she puts exercises in that pre-fatigue the leg muscles. In PS it's the lunges w/dumbells and sit n' stand squats. They really work! In S/H I always do the pre-fatigue moves for just this reason - to fatigue my muscles by the time I'm doing regular static lunges & squats. She also does this for plie squats in both PS & S/H. Instead of trying to balance a rucksack on your back, try doing the pre-fatigue moves... that's why cathe put 'em in! :)

Let us know what you think!

Hi Sharon :)

I too fall into your boat with most leg workouts, with the exception of Crosstrain Xpress Leaner Legs! I'm a person who can do S&H Legs with a 60lb barbell, but Leaner Legs has me whimpering and cowering at 40lbs! Want a really good leg workout? Check out Cathe's Leaner Legs, and it'll give you room to "grow with."
squat rack

Sharon---Invest in a squat rack. It allows you to load up your barbell and then you back into rack, remove the barbell from the rack, and put in on your back. I can do S&H squats w/70lbs on my barbell by using the rack! Suzanne
Hi Sharon! Unless you have a spotter I would not recommend using the rucksack (back pack). Its not that this is a bad thing for strength improvement, however, your balance will be altered as you bend down to pick up and put down the weight causing a potential stagger or fall. The pre-fatigue sets were specifically put in as a way to get around not having a spotter at home. This will do the trick for most but depending on just how much size and strength you want to build, you may need to consider another option. If you are VERY into lifting HEAVY weight, then I would recommend purchasing a smith machine (or sign up at a gym that has one)to assist you as you go very heavy. This is a safe option designed for heavy weight lifting. Good Luck!
I was wondering the same thing. I tried the knapsack idea and found that when I added the weight I really needed it became very unstable. I was thinking about purchasing a weight vest. I know they are sold up to 40 lbs and I believe the weight might be distributed evenly enough on one's trunk or torso to manage during weight training sessions.

Any feedback on this idea?

I've been hooking two 5 lb ankle weights together and strapping them around my waist. The velcro straps are very sturdy and the weight is evenly disbursed around my waist. The only problem I have is sweating underneath the thing, because the sweat can't escape very well. I think the weight vest is a great idea, but they cost a pretty penny (less than a gym membership, I'm sure!).

Sandi M
Dear Robin,

A smith machine is a torturous device(just kidding) a steel framed structure that surrounds the user and supports the barbell, which slides up and down along the frame as a squat or lunge is performed. It allows the use of weight greater than the lifter could independantly support.

Anyway, there are alot of sporting equipment websites that sell vests ranging from, I believe, 10 to 40 lbs. Not sure I am allowed to name names here.

The vests I've been window shopping range from $90 to about $250.
The pretty penny is the reason I'm looking for input before I buy!
I've been hooking two 5 lb ankle weights together and strapping them around my waist. The velcro straps are very sturdy and the weight is evenly disbursed around my waist. The only problem I have is sweating underneath the thing, because the sweat can't escape very well. I think the weight vest is a great idea, but they cost a pretty penny (less than a gym membership, I'm sure!).

Sandi M
I've been hooking two 5 lb ankle weights together and strapping them around my waist. The velcro straps are very sturdy and the weight is evenly disbursed around my waist. The only problem I have is sweating underneath the thing, because the sweat can't escape very well. I think the weight vest is a great idea, but they cost a pretty penny (less than a gym membership, I'm sure!).

Sandi M
I've been hooking two 5 lb ankle weights together and strapping them around my waist. The velcro straps are very sturdy and the weight is evenly disbursed around my waist. The only problem I have is sweating underneath the thing, because the sweat can't escape very well. I think the weight vest is a great idea, but they cost a pretty penny (less than a gym membership, I'm sure!).

Sandi M
I've been hooking two 5 lb ankle weights together and strapping them around my waist. The velcro straps are very sturdy and the weight is evenly disbursed around my waist. The only problem I have is sweating underneath the thing, because the sweat can't escape very well. I think the weight vest is a great idea, but they cost a pretty penny (less than a gym membership, I'm sure!).

Sandi M
I've been hooking two 5 lb ankle weights together and strapping them around my waist. The velcro straps are very sturdy and the weight is evenly disbursed around my waist. The only problem I have is sweating underneath the thing, because the sweat can't escape very well. I think the weight vest is a great idea, but they cost a pretty penny (less than a gym membership, I'm sure!).

Sandi M
I've been hooking two 5 lb ankle weights together and strapping them around my waist. The velcro straps are very sturdy and the weight is evenly disbursed around my waist. The only problem I have is sweating underneath the thing, because the sweat can't escape very well. I think the weight vest is a great idea, but they cost a pretty penny (less than a gym membership, I'm sure!).

Sandi M
This is so interesting to me because I would LOVE to add some mass to my glutes. I did s&h this morning and i did a lighter then usual pre-exhaust so I could increase my barbell weight, hoping that would help give me a little bubble.

All I have to say is that you guys are amazing!! I've been doing Cathe tapes for about 3 years now and the heaviest I have to go on any of her leg workouts is a 25 lb barbell! What is your secret?????

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