Heavy squats question

I have also been using the great idea of strapping the two 5 pound weights around my waist, but I still wish I could add more! About 6 weeks ago I tried to add too much weight to my barbell in Slow and Heavy. It felt fine for my legs, but on the last set, when I tried to remove it from my back--I couldn't! I finally took a deep breath, and using momentum hoisted it back over my head--ouch! I immediately felt a strain on the right side around my scapula/lower neck region. Even though I took a full week off from weights, it still comes back when I lift, especially for shoulders or triceps. Drat!

I learned another lesson the hard way--should've listened to my intuition saying "DON'T DO IT!". :)

Stacy, have you tried to add a little bit of weight on at a time? That's what I did, and I progressed quickly. Much more quickly than for upper body weights. Women have strong legs!
I've been hooking two 5 lb ankle weights together and strapping them around my waist. The velcro straps are very sturdy and the weight is evenly disbursed around my waist. The only problem I have is sweating underneath the thing, because the sweat can't escape very well. I think the weight vest is a great idea, but they cost a pretty penny (less than a gym membership, I'm sure!).

Sandi M
RE: squat rack

You mention '16'....is that 16 inches tall?
And Which Firm video goes along with the Fanny Lifter?
I need to add some bubble to my butt.
I had another thought on this topic, although not specifically about s&h

I was wondering if I could gain mass by doing step ups - 3 sets of 8 (each side), very controlled and with a 1 minute rest between sets. I would hold very heavy dumbbells. It seems to me that step ups use your body weight as resistance and if I added say 2 x 20# dumbbells, then I'd be getting that much more. It seems that anytime I do step ups in a tape they are pretty fast and there are so many of them that I have to limit my db's to 10 or 12 pounds. I would definately do this on a different day from S&H.

What do you think?
Hi fitden, How much weight were you using on your barbell? I'm just curious what some others are using on the squats and lunges???
Stargazer I think that's definitely worth a try. I was just thinking the same thing myself while doing a video workout with a lot of step-ups-- I actually halved the time/number of reps in some sets. But I bet you would want to add a set or two of squats at the end just to even out the exercise and make it feel like you worked both sides at once to cap it off.

I think I'll make a concerted effort to do what Cathe says during her video workouts- use different weights and alter the tempo as I get a better feel for what I'm needing at the moment.
A squat rack or power rack is a good investment if you're serious about lifting heavy especially when you consider the money you may save by avoiding injury, rehab, lost time, etc..

Stargazer, I think that you have an excellent idea in the slow and controlled step-ups. This is how I prefer to do them and I think that they are very effective.
I think it seems like a good idea. In fact, I have replaced step ups for stationary lunges in S&H. (Stationary lunges just aren't comfortable for me.) But I couldn't do them in that slow 8 count. I put in more than 8 step-ups when Cathe did 8 lunges. I guess I would just catuion you (& me!) to be very careful and controlled on the way back down. The only other pitfall I can think of is that it can sometimes be difficult on the forearms to hold really heavy dumbbells. Gloves help with this. (I have been known to put on my leather winter gloves!) If you try this, let us know your thoughts. Jeanne
Well, I replied to myself, trying to get this post in the right order...

I haven't tried this yet, can't seem to fit it all in (everyone's problem, it seems) I am encouraged by all this feedback. Thanks everyone. It is on my list of to do's.

I'll let you know how it plays out. I believe I will add a few squats afterward to even things out...
Hi, Cocomac! Sorry I didn't answer your question sooner--I was spending all my computer time on one of the swaps, having fun spending money! :)

I believe I had 55 pounds on the barbell the day that I hurt myself. Now I use 45 with the 10 pounds around my waist. I know I can still handle more--I would love to purchase a Smith machine, but they must cost a fortune! I'll have to look into it. Anyway, this is my second round with Slow and Heavy, and I can easily hoist that over my head--big thrill, haha! Have you tried S & H yet? It really does improve your strength! Plus, I just absolutely love the series because the pace feels so natural to me. When I do some of Cathe's other strength tapes, I often fall a couple of reps behind, because I would have to use a lighter weight to keep up with her (she's amazing!).

I'll bet you could lift much more if you increased little by little, but if the lower weight still feels challenging to you, that's the important thing! Don't try to compare yourself to what other's are lifting, because everyone is different. There will always be someone who lifts more, and always someone who lifts less. Good luck!
Thanks, Fitden! You are strong!! I have been using 30-35 pounds on the squats and it's tough, especially on the faster reps. No, I don't have S&H yet but I'm going to be ordering them soon. They are the only newer ones I don't have. I have the PS series, but I'm always ready for a new and challenging video.

I know I could slowly increase my weights, but I'm sometimes too lazy to pause the tape and change the weights on my barbell. I'm always watching the clock :D I usually try to use what Cathe says she is using--when she tells us.

P.S. Those Smith machines aren't all they are cracked up to be. I have one and it's in my garage, I don't use it anymore. It is too rigid and you can't really get a good range of motion. I have a resolution never to buy an exercise machine again. OK for weights, steps, and mats, but nothing else!!

Keep up the good work!:)
I am always looking for ways to increase weight on leg exercises. My upper body is much weaker relative to my lower body, so hoisting a heavy barbell is difficult for me. I've been able to get 55 lbs on my shoulders, but usually go with 52.5 and then strap 10 lbs around my waist. I wish I could find a way to strap more around my waist, but that might require me to buy those expensive 10 lb ankle weights.....

I only use the 62.5 lbs (total) on S&H. I am currently using 47.5 for MIS lower body, 40 for PowerHour squats/lunges and 35 for Leaner Legs. I plan to start using PS for the first time in a long time next week, and will probably start at 47.5 for PS SLA and go from there.

To give you an idea of how weak my upper body is compared to my lower body, I can only use a 27.5 lb barbell for bicep curls and shoulder presses in MIS. While I start using PS again next week, I plan to do the tanktop rotation to try to build upper body strength over the summer. S&H has helped tremendously, but I still need more work!

Sandi M
Cocomac, since we are all so good at spending each other's money...I have another great reason for you to buy Slow & Heavy!! Since you sound like you hate to stop to change weights as much as I do (too time consuming!), Cathe uses dumbells almost exclusively through the entire series (the exceptions being the Legs portion, and one exercise in the Biceps section--that's all I can think of, anyway). I love that--you're never having to change the weights on the barbell all the time--just pick up a different set of dumbbells! In the PS series, changing the weights adds an extra 10 minutes or so for me, despite the fact that I have the Bollinger Slip Locks. I guess I take the time to stall a bit and catch my breath! :)

Thanks for your opinion on the Smith machine--you probably saved me a lot of clams! Don't you wish you could purchase a "spotter" that was there just when you needed one?! One that you could just store away in the closet when you weren't using it--now that would be great! haha

I am always looking for ways to increase weight on leg exercises. My upper body is much weaker relative to my lower body, so hoisting a heavy barbell is difficult for me. I've been able to get 55 lbs on my shoulders, but usually go with 52.5 and then strap 10 lbs around my waist. I wish I could find a way to strap more around my waist, but that might require me to buy those expensive 10 lb ankle weights.....

I only use the 62.5 lbs (total) on S&H. I am currently using 47.5 for MIS lower body, 40 for PowerHour squats/lunges and 35 for Leaner Legs. I plan to start using PS for the first time in a long time next week, and will probably start at 47.5 for PS SLA and go from there.

To give you an idea of how weak my upper body is compared to my lower body, I can only use a 27.5 lb barbell for bicep curls and shoulder presses in MIS. While I start using PS again next week, I plan to do the tanktop rotation to try to build upper body strength over the summer. S&H has helped tremendously, but I still need more work!

Sandi M

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