Heartrate Count vs. Perceived Exertion



hi all!!

well, i recently started back up with cathe's videos..to "shock" ;-P my system..(let me tell ya...'shock' is an understatement! :-D)

one thing i noticed...up to now... i've been doing dancier step videos at the 6" height...

when i went back to cathe..i put the 8" on..and i felt really good..."perceived exertion" seemed good, and challenging..but not too much..

when doing the 'heartrate check'...the numbers said otherwise..i was 'way over' the 85% level...(with cathe's chart..and my own 'formula numbers'..

which takes precedence?? the perceived exertion, or the heartrate?

i didn't feel overly stressed during the workout...i'm wondering if i need to 'tone it down'...as a result of the 'numbers'...despite how i feel...(so i don't 'overtrain'...)

i'd appreciate your thoughts and advice!


Hi Wendy

I can tell you from my experience that it really depends on what your normal heart rate and maximum heart rate are. Mine have always been higher than the charts and I started using perceived exertion before I even knew what it was called because I was getting so frustrated using the charts...I was never feeling like I was working out hard enough.I would say check with your doctor first to make sure there's no medical reason why you can't use the perceived exertion method and if that's ok, then go by how you feel. The talk test is a good way to check also. I've been using the perceived exertion method for several years now and have found that the best way for me to get the most out of my workouts.

Good luck
thanks laura!


thanks so much for responding to my post..

yep...for me..with the whole 'heartrate equation' thingie..the number seems soooo low! i can reach it just marching! :eek: and it is kinda frustrating...

i don't feel as if i'm getting a workout if i go 'by the numbers'...(hmmmm..i wonder if some of it has to do with my 'age factor'
in the whole 'equation'? lol..

i think i'm gonna pursue the perceived exertion method...and will ask my doctor...

thank you for sharing your experiences, it's very encouraging..

have a great weekend!

thanks again

Hey Laura!

Just a quick note to say Hi and say it's nice to see you posting.
We've missed you around here! DebbieH
Hi Debbie

Wow, that made my day! Thank you so much. I've just got alot going on right now and not enough time to post.


Glad I could be of some help.
I also wanted to tell you I am not concerned about optimum fat burning, just fitness, so my goals may be different than yours and you have to take that into account.
Please let me know how things go.


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