Hey there fitness friends! My DH is buying me Cathe's whole dvd collection for my birthday in March, so I will be selling all my Cathe videos then! I wanted to post here first to give you a heads up in case there is someone who is a Cathe collector, a newbie who wants to try cathe , or someone who just wants to buy the videos but at a cheaper price! I'm gonna post at fitprime and video fitness also! I want to take the time to go over my offers before I make any commitments to anyone--I don't want to break up any series if I don't have to, but if there are no requests for the series than of course I'll sell them individually--wanna have smooth transactions
You can email me at [email protected] with cathe in the subject line! I don't want to post prices here, this is by no means to compete with Cathe's prices( I only buy from SNM), I just want to get rid of my videos to someone who can use them or just wants them at a good price! PS They are in excellent condition! Thanks