Headsup on Cathe vhs sale


Hey there fitness friends! My DH is buying me Cathe's whole dvd collection for my birthday in March, so I will be selling all my Cathe videos then! I wanted to post here first to give you a heads up in case there is someone who is a Cathe collector, a newbie who wants to try cathe , or someone who just wants to buy the videos but at a cheaper price! I'm gonna post at fitprime and video fitness also! I want to take the time to go over my offers before I make any commitments to anyone--I don't want to break up any series if I don't have to, but if there are no requests for the series than of course I'll sell them individually--wanna have smooth transactions;) You can email me at [email protected] with cathe in the subject line! I don't want to post prices here, this is by no means to compete with Cathe's prices( I only buy from SNM), I just want to get rid of my videos to someone who can use them or just wants them at a good price! PS They are in excellent condition! Thanks

I hope you don't mind if I join in here too. I am also converting to all DVD. I have several Cathe VHS I would like to sell. Some old Firms too. If anyone is interested, e-mail me at [email protected]

I am at work, but here are a few that I already have on DVD and would like to sell.

Body Max

I would like to sell to someone I recognize here on the forums.

Powerstrike 2...

Since we are on the subject of selling videos...would anyone be willing to sell me their Powerstrike 2 if it is still in good condition? I am waiting for the PS#3 DVD still.

Just wondering.


Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
RE: Hope you don't mind me posting either!!

I converted to DVD and have the following tapes available.
Body Max
Rhythmic Step/only viewed once never used it.
Power Hour/viewed once and done once
CTX Series

If any one is interested please email me at [email protected]

RE: Updated List!

I just wanted to update my list of videos that I have available.

Interval Max
CTX Series

Thank you guys who inquired and purchased the other videos. If anyone is still interested in the above tapes email at [email protected]

Not on the topic, but Apryl, gosh I wondered where you've been!

I am usually here lately or the Firm YaYa board, but I remember you and you were so inspiring and wondered where you were hanging out!!

I just wanted to say hi!! I'm sure you dont' remember me, but I seriously wondered more than once where you were :) Never see you on the YaYa board..

Hey All! I still have everything, no deals have been made! I wasn't prepared for the overwhelming requests which leaned strongly on breaking up alot of the series so that's what I'm gonna do! I have made my price list and I'm posting at fitprime because I don't want to step on SNM's toes with their video sales here(hope you understand)if you are still interested email me again still putting cathe in the subject line!Thanks!
Just an update to let you all know that I haven't contacted anyone yet about the tapes! I Plan on going over everything by Monday(my day off) I have over 100+ emails to go through(yikes) and I started to browse through them and alot are requesting the same videos-Oh my! This is gonna be tough! However I do encourage others to still email me on there requests once you checked out the price list-if still interested email me-who knows maybe it's still available? Ya never know unless you try--as of now they are all available ~ The weekend is still open for requests for those who missed the post! ;)

I sold three of the 5 tapes I posted. Here is a list of the rest I am trying to get rid of.

Body Max
Step Max
Step Jam
Reebok Step Circuit Challenge
Mindy Mylrea Slammin Sports Cardio
Christi Taylor Happy Hour Hi/Lo
CIA 9702 Step, Kickbox, and Aerobic Funk Janis Saffell
CIA 9902 Kickbutt Combat Keli Roberts
Kathy Smith Time Saver Shaper Ball W/O
Firm Total Body Susan Harris Body Sculpting Basics
Firm Total Body Complete Aerobic Weight Training
Firm Fat Blaster Allie Strickland
Firm Cross Trainers Firm Cardio Heidi Tanner

E-mail me at [email protected] if you are interested.

I am not new to Cathe but new to posting here. I, too, have converted to DVD (got one for xmas) and have lots of cathe vhs tapes that I will be putting on ebay but saw this post and if someone wants to email me, I will sell to them before listing on ebay. I have the new Intensity series viewed once! I already replaced with DVD. Also have CTX series, Cardio Kicks, Rhymthic Step, Body Max, Step Fit, Power Max, CTX Upper Body (viewed twice). Also have Firm Core Cardio 2 and Total Body Shaping Mix (in clamshell cases). :)
I shouldn't probably post this here, but what the heck...

I have a Firm Upper Body/Standing Legs DVD for sale.

Also, for those interested in Pilates type workouts, I have Karen Voight's Total Body Training and Core Essentials on VHS.

If interested, email me at [email protected].
RE: Update on list!!

Hello Everyone,

I just want to update my list once again. The CTX series has been sold.

Imax VHS is the only tape left.

Thank you guys again

Hi, I too am making the dvd switch so I have most of my vhs still left, we can negotiate prices.

Feel free to email [email protected]



P.S. Money order or paypal bank account please.

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