Headsup on Cathe vhs sale

all VHS are gone

Finally ! All the videos have been sold! I want to thank everyone that was interested in my tapes! I sent out my email confirmations yesterday and we are all Good to Go! If you haven't received an email, I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may have brought you! This was a tuff decision process , nothing personal only went with the best shipping options! I hope you all understand! Thanks again
PS If someone still has Cathe videos for sale please post them here, I had soo many requests it was unreal;)

I also have made the switch to DVDs. These are the tapes I have

Cardio Kicks
Slow and Heavy Series
Cross Trainer Express
Circuit Max

If anyone is interested please email at [email protected].
I would like to sell The Slow and Heavy Series as a set. Thanks
Kathy, Hi!

>Not on the topic, but Apryl, gosh I wondered where you've
>I am usually here lately or the Firm YaYa board, but I
>remember you and you were so inspiring and wondered where you
>were hanging out!!
>I just wanted to say hi!! I'm sure you dont' remember me, but
>I seriously wondered more than once where you were :) Never
>see you on the YaYa board..

I do remember you! Thanks so much for saying hello. I appreciate the compliment. Thanks!

I lurk at Ya Ya's, but I find it difficult to keep up w/all the different forums anymore. I LOVE the new Intensity series, and that brought me out of lurkdom here!

Have a good one! I hope you are doing well!

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