"He doesn't know about 2nd breakfast!!"


Hello all. I thought the Lord of the Rings quote to be appropriate to my recent dilemma. I usually get up around 8-8:30 on the weekdays to go to work. Lately, I've had to get up really early 2-3 times a week and on those days, I feel like I need another breakfast! So, on those days I'm gettting up around 5-5:30am. Around 9 or so, I'm absolutly starving again. Hungry enough for another meal! I guess I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced and if so, what do you do about it? I don't want the extra calories but I don't want to starve myself either. Do you think my body will get used to it or will I be adding on an extra 400+ calories 2-3 days a week???? I know that being awake longer requires more calories but occasionally on those days, I find time to take a nap. So there's another dilemma. Should I not be taking naps even though I'm super tired just so I can "get away with" eating more calories? What do you think??


I EAT. You should too, especially if you're doing Cathe's workouts.

My day goes like this:

Up at 4:30 a.m.
Breakfast at 5
At work by 6:30 or 7
Starving by 9-ish - Snack time (fruit or nuts)
Lunch usually by 11:30
Starving again in the afternoon - more healthy snacks
Dinner - somewhere between 7 and 8. If I didn't have a snack earlier, I'd probably pass out.

Shannon is right - you should eat.

I get up at 5:00
Breakfast 5:30
Snack 9:30
Lunch 12:30
Snack 3:00
Dinner 5:30
Snack 8:00

I follow BFFM so I am eating a small meal every 2-3 hours. I eat the same amount of calories as I would if I ate only 3 times a day. That way I am always digesting something and never get to the point of being starved. Schedule is usually like this:

breakfast 8am
mid morning meal 10:30 am
Lunch 1:30pm
mid afternoon meal 4:30pm
dinner 7:00 pm
snack between 8:00-10

Yes, you should eat. If you don't it can have a negative effect on your blood/sugar levels and that will slow your metabolism.I never liked eating early in the morning...that was actually the hardest part of my weight loss plan, having to eat every 3 hours or so... so what I do is I have a shake as my first meal..I use Myoplex Lite..and then by 8 or 9, I have a "real" breakfast...usually oatmeal and a little cottage cheese or another form of protein.

I am also am up early because of work. I to eat early and then hungry later. I have either eggs and half pita for breakfast at 6:30 then have oatmeal at around 10:00 am. If I have oatmeal for breakfast then I have cottage cheese and fruit at around 10:00. I have found eating every 3 to 4 hours has drastically change the way I eat as well as increase my metabolism and has help me break threw my plateau.


I'm up at 4:30. Breakfast is at 6:30, S at 9:30, L - 12:30. I have an afternoon snack, then dinner and a snack before bed. I couldn't make it through the day if I didn't eat like I do.

I absolutely eat two breakfast meals! I follow BFFM too and my schedule is something like this:

6:00 am..Breakfast
9:00 am Breakfast 2
12:00pm Lunch
3:00pm Lunch 2
6:00Pm Dinner

I echo the opinnion to eat! I eat when I'm hungry. I don't care if I just ate something an hour ago! I just try to make my food choices healthy....well, most of them anyway! ;)

I don't have a regimented eating schedule but that's due to the fact that every day is different for me. I'm not up the same time every day, etc. I almost always eat breakfast w/in an hour of waking though and always snack through out the day as well. :9

This week I felt like I was never satisfied! Hungry every 5 minutes...and EATING too! Well, guess what...after what seemed to me to be a sure fire way to put on a couple of pounds, I ended up LOSING a couple of pounds! EAT!!!:)

>I get up at 5:00
>Breakfast 5:30
>Snack 9:30
>Lunch 12:30
>Snack 3:00
>Dinner 5:30
>Snack 8:00

This is exactly how I eat, except I don't get up until about 6:30am. Otherwise, I eat meals and snacks just like you do!

Wow, everyone has great advice!

EAT, definitely eat. If you don't, your body's metabolism just shuts down. And when you are working out with Cathe all the time building and toning muscles, you really do need to 'feed those muscles'. When I get up early like that I have a soy protein shake along with a piece of fruit. That keeps me going for a few hours, then whenever I get hungry again, say around 9-ish, I have something filling like oatmeal and a yogurt. Aomething I do stay away from is cereal. This, I have found that really does me in and bulks up the extra calories. Yes, even the super good stuff for you like Kashi go lean mixed with fiber one. I don't know why, but that stuff just does not do the trick. Even if I have 2 bowls, I'm always starving about 2 hours later and that adds up to at least 500 calories. So I just stay away from cereal. Oatmeal seems to really do the trick or a shake, be it a fruit smoothie or some kind of protein shake. What I do to trick my stomach (and get a lot of water in the am!) is to grind up at least an entire ice cube tray in the blender and add in about 6-10 oz of water and then the protein powder - this makes something that I think tastes just like a Wendy's 'frosty' - the ice makes it taste delicious. Plus you get a good dose of water (about 22 oz) in the morning which is great b/c you dehydrate when you sleep.

Thank you for all your good advice ladies. I realized now that I can eat another breakfast because I usually don't eat as much for lunch when I do that. I agree that when you are hungry, you should definitely eat, I just didn't want to over eat and take in too much. I'm thinking of also including a protein shake in my day as well. Being a vegan, it sounds like a good, quick form of digestable protein.
Thanks again!!!


Hey Carolyn, everybody gave you such great advice....I get up super early most days(3:30am), and I eat breakfast by 4:15 or so. I snack sometime around 7 and went to "lunch" today at 9:30. Well, when I got home today at 1, I was starving, so I actually had a second lunch. I remember my nutrtionist telling me that if you are eating clean and healthy, your hunger is the signal that your body has used up all the energy, it is simply time to feed it again. She made me add a second snack in the pm(3pm) because I was getting hungry around that time too.


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