HC Extreme vs Terminator?


For those of you who have both or are familiar with both, what are the pros and cons? I am considering one of these, but not sure which one. I bought the whole hardcore series except extreme and I have the intensity series. Just wondering which would give me more "burn for the buck"!!! Thanks!
Oh...Yoouuuuu Again!!!!:) :) :) Miss "tiny waist who lives in the mountains with the AWESOME workout room"...Lord I'm jealous!;)

Seriously, I have both but have not looked at HC Extreme. I looked at the back of the case today though...before you laugh, hear me out. It looks like the only strength segments in HC Extreme come from High Step Challenge (HC Series) which I did today and thought was pretty easy. It looks like the cardio segments came from KickMAX, LowMax and IMAXIII. I could be wrong and clueless here.

Now, I LOVE Terminator. Gauntlet requires a bucket to sweat in. It is an awesome compilation of cardio and weights. ImAX Extreme is my favorite cardio/step workout. I like it because it runs for a little over an hour...great for solid cardio days. I have not done Viper but have heard great things!

Now that I have proven myself useless....
I have both and I like both of them, but the Terminator has 3 workouts that combine weights and cardio, while HCX has only one that combines weights and cardio and the other 2 are all cardio with some leg toning. Hope this helps make your decision.
>Oh...Yoouuuuu Again!!!!:) :) :) Miss "tiny waist who
>lives in the mountains with the AWESOME workout room"...Lord
>I'm jealous!;)

LOL!!!!!!:) :) :) :) :)

I have seen your photos and you look terrific!!!!!!:) :) :)

Thanks for the excellent advice. I am leaning towards terminator anyway! And I have a big bucket in my room to sweat in; it doubles as a garbage can for all my snot rags!!!
Thanks for posting this!!!

The Hardcore Extreme is the only one that I don't have, and I posted a poll a few weeks ago about this workout...I did not get very many replies...I would also like to know what people think of the Extreme...love it, hate it...

I have Terminator and I love it!!!! The Imax Xtreme and Viper are my favorites...They are a great combination of weights and cardio.

I like that "More burn for the Buck"..that is cute

:) ;-) :D :p :9 :7 :+
The terminator Gauntlet is the toughest in my opinion and my favorite. I like HC Extreme too but I will use it less frequently than Terminator for the reasons posted above.
I also like it. I'm sort of new to Cathe, so I pretty much like most everything so far. It is a good variety of cardio high low and cardio with leg toning, as well as a good weights/cardio workout with the High Step. I really like the Music in the Hardcore series, so I'll get a lot of use out of it. I also love the Terminator and get a lot of use out of that one.
I did HC Extreme premix 2 today and it is awesome! I sweated buckets! I found the HC Extreme premix 1 very choppy as you have to switch between high step, regular step and no step...moving the band under the step...it just got vexing as my intensity dropped during the changes. I still haven't done the third premix yet.
I've done Terminator many times and enjoy it thoroughly...especially the Viper and the Gauntlet.
I would recommend getting both...but if your focus is burn I would get the HC Extreme as it definitely gave me a better cardio burn. If you prefer circuit then I would get Terminator (the intensity is maintained as you switch between step and weights).
Hope this helps!
I have to put in a vote for the Terminator! I think it is a better "burn for the buck". I love how it combines the imax, c&W plus bootcamp and wts! It is so versatile. I have used it so many ways like the gauntlet for cardio only, skipping the wts or gauntlet for cardio and lower body skipping the UB portions. I also love the 3rd mix of just cardio! I have only done HC Extreme premix 2 and it was good but I still think Terminator ROCKS!!!

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