Having trouble getting started...AND 1RM


Hi Everyone...

I have had STS for a few months now, but I'm having trouble getting started. I have done the first or second workout in the first mesocycle, but after that, i've fallen off. It's not that I find it boring, I think it's more that I'm a perfectionist, so if I miss a workout, I want to start over?? LOL! Crazy, I know. Just wondered if anyone else has had this problem and how you pushed through it. I really would love to finish it.

Also, can anyone elaborate on the 1RM a bit more? Do I just go through and do one rep of each exercise to see how heavy I can go and then calculate the percentage from there? I think i'm making this harder than it actually is....not sure....

Reese, the 1RM are done by picking a weight that you can do about 10-15 reps with. They do as many reps as possible with good form. So if you pick up a 15 lb dumbbell and did 13 reps then those are the 2 numbers that you enter into the workout manager. The math is all done by the program for you. The guide book and the workout manager both have good information. The workout manager even as has videos of all the exercises.

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