Have to decrease Cathe workouts! :(


After 10 months from when I went of bcp, still no period...I've tried everything - from Western meds to natural stuff like herbs - and still nothing. And when you're trying to conceive, it makes it very frustrating. So, my new care provider (a nurse/former midwife at a holistic clinic, combines Western w/ natural treatment) has requested that I go from 6 workouts a week down to 4. AUGHHHHHHH! What am I to do?

She told me that instead of the usual workout I do (a cathe video!) I am to take a walk or do yoga. So I'm down to just 4 workouts. (the theory is that the intensity of my workouts is preventing my body's hormones to do what they're supposed to do). Ugh. DH and I really want a baby and I'm up to do anything to try to make it work with my body but this is going to be the hardest one yet.

Any words of advice?

I happen to think 4 workouts a week is plenty anyway. Sorry!!! Do you live to workout or workout to live? If part of your future life involves a small, warm bundle to nurture, then just do what the lady says. Just do it!

It's a tiny, tiny sacrifice for a greater, greater good.

You will never regret it. I promise you.

Rent a book on tape from your local library and turn those walks into something additional, some cultural and literary exploration. Distract the mind from it's drive to workout now now now!!!! Get your mind lost in a world of other people's problems and dilemas and heartaches and joys. Catch up on some famous books you never had the time to read. Grab a friend to come do a yoga session with you and stay for ice cream afterwards. The pair of you can hoot with laughter at your yogini ineptitudes and turn the drive to work out now now now into a companiable time with a buddy. What could be better?

It is true I am afraid that not all women respond well to 6 days of intense exercise a week. It produces stress upon the body, ups the production of cortisol which may be tiring out your adrenal glands and interfering with the production of your female sex hormones, thus making it difficult for you to conceive.

Think of that snug little bundle that is going to love you for the rest of its life....isn't it worth giving up 2 days exerise for for just a few short months? Yes!

Good luck!


I know it's hard but it's so worth it. I myself had to go through 4 years of IF to get pregnant. It was hard going up and down on the scale due to the hormones and not working out at all for several months, but I just had to find other things to do to keep my mind busy and not think about it. Just invasion the goal, it always makes it worth it.

Good luck to you!
I know how you feel. I am in the same boat. I had to cut down my exercise and gain 10lbs to regulate my cycle again. I wanted to believe that I could workout 6 days a week and be tiny but my body was telling me otherwise. I know women who are the same height as me, thinner than me, exercise more than me and have had no trouble conceiving. But I eventually had to accept that I was different.

It will be worth it and I promise you that you will actually get used to working out less. You will enjoy your workouts even more. I know that my workouts have become much more intense and I can actually lift a lot heavier because I give every workout a hundred percent. Besides I have really been shocked at how effective walking can be. I have been able to control my weight, relieve my stress and improve my stamina by just walking. I swear my legs are actually thinner than what they were when I weighed less and exercised more. Take care and best of luck with getting pregnant.

PS - Another thing that worked for me in regulating my period was eating good fats. Apparently I was eating way too low fat. I eat nuts regularly now.
Thanks for the support - it really is helping me out with this. prfitness - I'm also eating tons of nuts/seeds. The nurse that I am seeing recommended a combination of oils too - Women's something or other at Whole Foods that I have to pick up.

:) kelli
Hi, Kelli, if it's ok to do yoga and walking, take heart. They ARE workouts too! I think both are great for clearing the head and helping one become calm and focused! And if a baby is the result, then it's worth every moment even with no Cathe workouts involved! Good luck from me also!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!" http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif
What western meds have you tried? Have you had your thryoid and prolactin checked to make sure that they are normal and not causing the problem. Prior to ocp, did you have regular periods or did you go through long periods of time without a menses?
What type of body shape are you? One should also consider polycystic ovaries (PCOS) to make sure that is not a problem.
Be careful about taking "natural" or "herbal" treatments, they are not always safe especially if you are trying to concieve. Make sure you have enough folic acid either in your diet or take a 400mcg supplement to prevent neural tube defects.
Sorry to say this, but I am not sure if I completely agree with your nurse's recommendations or theories.
I would have paid money to have my periods go away and become infertile during my attractive years (I am no longer at all interested in attracting male gametes within 10 feet of my body). But I do understand the situation you're in. I think I have to agree that it is fine to get by on 4 workouts. Intensity and variety can still be worked in. If you are eating super healthy, exercising 4 times a week, etc. you will remain fit.

At this point I sometimes actually DO Cathe with my "warm bundle" while she is home from college. Well, actually, our legs and arms are too long to do Cathe in my living room at the same time, so usually she says "When are you working out, Mom, I want to do PowerHour."

Good luck. It does sometimes take time. Don't worry, you won't turn into a lump of jelly in a month.
Thanks Bobbi and others! I know you gals understand since you're fellow cathe-ites! :) I'm working on my new schedule - what do you think?
Thursday - OFF
Friday - Cardio/weights (like Step,JUmp,Pump or Cardio & Weights)
Saturday - Upper body weights (like Pyramid UB or PS)
Sunday - yoga or pilates and walk
Monday - Cardio/weights (see above) or just weights ??????
Tuesday - yoga or pilates and walk
Wednesday - Lower body weights (meaner legs, PS, PLB, etc)


lax_lover2 - I was on provera for a 10 day cycle, didn't work. My doctor wanted to do clomid and I was out - I'm not up for that after so short a time!

I've never been regular except on bcp. I have a history of anorexia, which is one reason I've had trouble in the recent past. Currently my weight is just about right - my nurse and former doc didn't think that was an issue anymore.

I'm getting a pelvic ultrasound, but pretty sure it's not pcos - I've read up on that and I meet very few of the symptoms.

I take the herbs that my nurse and herbalist prescribe. I've done a lot of reading on them and take caution. I lean towards these as I believe that slow and natural is the best way to go for me. drugs like Clomid scare me.

I have been taking prenatals since last feb - they include folic acid.

No thyroid problems - I've had it checked several times. Not sure about prolactin but I think they checked that too. Every single blood test/hormone test/etc I've had has been 100% normal. I just had an Estrogen test yesterday so that will probably reveal a low level - and the culprit.

Don't worry. I usually only do 4 or 5 Cathe workouts a week max, and I reached all my fitness goals!!! 4 a week is plenty to gain and maintain fitness levels!!
All of your information was helpful.
Since you did not bleed with provera, this implies that your estrogen is low, as will probably be revealed by your blood estrogen level. In that case, clomid would not work as far as infertility treatment and you will need other meds like Follistim to concieve. But, now I do agree to cut down on your Cathe workouts and your routine looks reasonable. Remember anorexia has probably put you in low hormone state and you probably need the critical ratio of fat to start to menstruate again, make sure you stay at a weight that you and your health care team feel comfortable with and if you have any further body image issues you should make sure you seek the appropriate help.
I agree with you, does not sound like PCOS and the sonogram probably won't add a whole lot as long as your office exam was normal.
Good luck, and remember on not to obsess about trying to get pregnant, that stress on your body makes it harder to get pregnant.
Balance is the key here!
4 should be fine.. and after all it's for a great cause (mother of 2 teens!)

Thought you were cutting down to 4 work out a week but you still have 6 on your plan??? Try to stick with the 4 it will be fine...

Seems like this is really hard for you to do. Reward yourself if you just do 4 a week - remember its for a wonderful reason :)
lax lover2 - thanks! Sounds like you know your stuff. Do you work in the health field? (or do you just do a ton of reading, like me?!) ;-)

Danielle - thanks for the comments - that totally helps me feel better about this!

Robyn - you're right, it is still 6...however, the 2 walking/yoga/pilates days for me will be much less intense from what I normally do. So while I won't be taking the days off, I'll still be doing a workout, but greatly modified....no kicking, punching, or crunching with Cathe!! Yes, this is very hard for me!!

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