Holy Smokes, it's another onslaught of heavy posting in Hatesville!
Reading from bottom to top:
Diane, OMG, hire an accountant today! We've had a CPA firm doing our taxes for years and we figure it's saved us a bundle in the long run.
August, I'm so excited about your brother giving Cardio Coach a shot!! Tell him, "I'll see YOU in the workout"
(that's Coach Sean's tag line). I heart my Cardio Coach:+.
Robin, hi, hi you!! Sorry I missed you. Don't work too hard:*
Mariah, yes, yes, have a nice warm cup of chicken soup and snuggle under a blankie and watch Oprah. That will make you feel better:* . Thank you for the lovely post ^^^ there. I agree with August that it was well worth the read. --You can send your cereal to me, I'll get rid of it for you :7
Dana, people know I'm home so I get lots of calls during the day. I hate the phone. --Your DH bought a new WHAT instead of a treadmill!? That dog --lol! --WTH is Run DMC? Seriously, I've never heard of them OR that Queen song, but I am old and quite frankly, I'd rather listen to Frank Sinatra and Dino Martin. --I admire your discipline with the candy bar. OMG -- that would've been gone long ago if someone had given it to me.
Shelley, yes, yes, it's YOUR birthday weekend so you should pick the restaurant and movie
. When I come there (cause I'm coming, and then I'm going to Tokyo
) we'll go to that restaurant and then catch...I'm suddenly drawing a blank here...it's right on the tip of my tongue...that funny guy from Canada...WTH is his name...VINYL CAFE!!!!!
Jen, that's hilarious about the website snafu:7 . As for the phone thing, see above under Dana-- lol! --What's this "hi Robin" smilie. I'm gonna have to check it out.
August, you better tuck Pedro in and get a little sleep. Remember, you no sleepy, me no sleepy
Alright, Ive errandized, grocery shopped, picked up my new pants from the seamstress, had lunch, and now I need to do my workout. I'll see y'all later:* :*
Editing to wave at MSY!! Awwww, you DO have a handful there with those two:+ . I've never had children so I have no clue what to tell you. I know when my dogs were demanding I used to put them out in the back yard, but I don't guess you can do that -- LOL! I can ask my DH if he has a suggestion, though.