Has anyone got any shipping notices today?

I just got my notice. My DVD's will be here on Wednesday. Perfect timing since I'm starting my new workout and "diet" on the same day. I've been absent from any kind of healthy eating or exercise for quite some time.

For the record, I ordered Sept 30, 2005 and my order number is 10833.

"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one's watching.."
I'm singin' along - eatin' guac and on my 3rd margarita! Those of you w/ shipping notices....DROP THE FOOD.....you go to front of line....Hey wait a minute..... you cant take that drink with ta:p
*******snickers as she waits for P90X, Amy Bento, Jari Love...........too many late night shopping binges........
Oh heck- give me another chip
Thanks for posting Alli! We appreciate it! You're welcome to a margarita while you wait as you diet plan doesn't start today... :+

Traci - the Amazon order will be here tomorrow, a Gap order is sitting on my door step, and I'm waiting for Cathe. Oh DH is going to be NOT happy!! *Slugs down that margarita and reaches for the guac and chips*

Mixes up a Virgin daquari for Michele - good thing Traci thought to bring Daquari mix, too!
YEAH!!! We're getting up there! *Passes BIG margarita to bHappy* Thanks for posting! How exciting! Although I think I had these shipped ground... Another 7 days to California...
WOOOO HOOOO! I just received my shipping notification this afternoon. Good news for those in the 12000 group because I am in the 11000 group so things seem to be moving right along.:D
I don't have my order number anymore but I ordered on Sept 25th 05' and I recieved a shipping notice today. I am out here in So Cal so I am scheduled for delivery on Nov.3.:) :) Way excited!!!!
I think I was the very last order...September 30, 2006, very late in the evening. I'm gonna be the last one here, I hope there's enough margarita mix for me ;)

edited to correct the date...


Just got my email .. should have them Wednesday .. don't remember when I ordered .. around September I suppose .. don't know my order# either ... LOL .. don't know a whole heck of a lot ..

.. but will be joining in a cold adult beverage after class tonight with ya'll .. to celebrate the pain that awaits me .. }(

won't be able to do them till the weekend ... due to classes at night .. but will be ready for the weekend ..

{{{ clink }}} toasting to a quick delivery to all ...
:D :D
Brandi - there will be a lot of us hanging out in the wings with you. We can rotate hitting the store for more margarita mix and tequilla!! :+

TO all who have received shipping notices - YEAH!!! How exciting!!! Let us know how they are!
Not yet, but I'm in the 123## range. Still have the Gym Style workouts that will just now be coming out of the plastic wrap today after 3 months! I am sure Gym Style will keep me happy, occupied and SORE until the new ones arrive!


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