Has anyone got any shipping notices today?

(Wanders in with a stuffed parrot on her head, a grass skirt and coconut bra) Someone told me there is a Buffett party going on over here. I can't remember when I ordered, what my number is, I've gotten no shipping notice, and I've lost my shaker of salt. Can I have a 'rita?

this is a fun thread, we are so far back at the end of the line, there will be plenty of time to sober-up before we get our workouts!!!
}( }(
*Pours Robin a stiff one and passes the chips and guacamole* Come on in Robin - a Buffett party is not complete without you! Love the outfit!!!

Labs - with what I'm reading about these workouts, maybe a few margies is a good idea! :p
Hi Robin...was wonderin when you were going to find us! If only Amy would get over here.... I've poured her 3 drinks, but I had to keep drinkin them myself......
Oh yea- thanks for confirming you really did have a parrot on your head, thought I was going to have to leave to collect myself!
you know, i knew there was a reason i loved you "wait in liners" HA!


My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
--Ellen Degeneres
Suz - what great news! My number is 12265, and haven't seen anything yet. I ordered somewhere around Aug 30, 2006. The end of the line is coming! I think I can see it from here!

This is better than Christmas :)

As I sip yet another cocktail my mind begins to ponder life's toughest questions......

Why do we have plenty of computer hrs in the day but cannot seem to get the toilets cleaned?

Why do we crave the agaony of Cathe DVDs when we are almost out of Motrin?

Why does Jimmy Buffett look sexier w/ each sip?

Why didn't we start this long line of waiting party animals last week?
I was just kidding! Just messin' with you all b/c you're drunk on margs. I keep trying to post that but it won't work on my work computer so I am using a co-worker's and her keyboard is a nightmare to use!!! Some really hi-tech ergonomic thing. So I'm being punished. But I didn't want to wait until I got home to post this. So I really do have a heart. That'll teach me. I must admit I was a little giggly when I kept trying to post and it wasn't working. :p


Oh Suz.........I think you underestimate how the drunk parrot heads may react......I'm feeling kindly tonite so come on over here and I'll protect you from anyone tossing you in the salsa trough:7
Party Time!!!

Who started this party without me?! :eek: Traci, you gave up our little secret. Now everyone knows why we are in the back of the line. We were partying when the presale started! :7 I had a sugar hangover, and the rest of us were too drunk to get online. :eek: :7

I am in the 11,000 family. No shipping notice yet. The UPS man delivered my Versa-Loops today, so I am ready for the firewalkers. The UPS man also delivered my Cathe Volume 1 music CD. :) No DVDs yet. :-( I told him to look forward to seeing me again this week. ;-)

I am eating junk until my package arrives. ;-) Pass the chocolate please! :9

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Party Time!!!


My name is #11753 and my dvds have been shipped...:D :+ Cathe and SNM are hauling A** to get these workouts out to us..:)
February Orders Are Shipping!!!

I just received my notice! :7 February orders are shipping! :7 Glory! :7 I will have these babies by this weekend. :7

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: February Orders Are Shipping!!!

I wonder if I should be nervous, I ordered in Sept (16th), of 05. My order # was 9450 and I haven't received any notice and there is nothing in the tracking under my phone #!! I hope there isn't a problem.

RE: Party Time!!!

Hey Heather-
You COULD start practicing those firewalkers! SO SOON & you'll have the real deal!:D
RE: February Orders Are Shipping!!!

Congrats to Heather & Luvmylabs!!!!!!! You guys are going to be AWOL for awhile I'm sure! Enjoy!!!! & its been wonderful having you all at the party today!

Vickie- Dont worry- I cant recall the phone number I used lololol
I bet you'll get it any day if you ordered that early. Drop SNM a line if its really weighing on your mind...just remember it may be awhile before they can get back to you...in the meantime HAVE ANOTHER COCKTAIL and enjoy the Buffett concert.:7

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