Has anyone ever been called selfish for exercising?

Not necessarily *selfish* but I don't think some people understand why I would *want* to exercise. For me, I've found that exercise makes me a happier person & a better Mom. I call it my anti-depressant!! :p I don't have any big hobbies, I don't scrap book or do crafty type things, I don't watch a lot of tv, or like to waste a lot of time. I get up early to workout or workout during my dd's nap while my other 2 are at school, so no one really even notices. And I'm the *cool* Mom because I can race my dd's & friends, and be really active with them. So...selfish??? NO way!! People will say whatever they can to make themselves feel better about being lazy. Period.
Yes, there is someone who calls me bad names for working out: ME! x( Whenever I try to leave the office to go home to work out, I think "gee, couldn't you stay and just do one more assignment? It's kind of early". It's like I feel that unless I'm billing enough hours at work, I really have no right to do anything for myself, so I punish myself by getting home too late to work out. Meanwhile, I'd probably be more efficient at my job if I were in better shape. But guilt should be my middle name.
I have been made to feel guilty by my parents and husband. I don't get very much free time to myself with the kids so I use that time to work out. Well that cuts into alone time with hubby because the evenings are the only times I have alone. My parents think that I am just playing around and not being a grown up. I have come to ignore their comments but I must admit that guilt will creep up on me once in a while.
I have never been told that. In fact, I normally get the opposite reaction from most folks because I am so motivated and that simply amazes most people!

I personally start feeling a bit guilty on occasion though and it's nobody's doing but my own. I work out 6 days per week, for an average of 60 mins a day. It's not that much in the scheme of things but I think of all of the other things I could be doing instead and start to feel bad. I don't let it stop me though. Not only do I know that it is GOOD for me, but I ENJOY it and I deserve to have something to do that I really enjoy. It's my only "hobby". My DH has bowling, I have exercise. :)
Picture, if you will, me out walking my dogs with my DD, 9. She says to me "Mommy, why do you work out?". I reply "Well, honey, to stay healthy and strong". She says "And that's more important to you than spending time with your daughter?". Oh yeah. I get guilt.
I've never been called selfish, maybe obsessed or workout queen - by my kids, lol. One thing I have heard and really bugs me is other moms at the office I work in will make comments like, how do you find the time to workout. I'm always SO busy running around with my kids, I have no time for myself. That one really gets on my nerve. To me that is just an excuse not to workout. I've only been into physical fitness for about the past 4 years, and I finally got off the couch, so I could be healthier and do more with my kids. The time I take out for myself to exercise benefits my whole family, as I can now feel better about myself and am a happier person. Sometimes people who don't have the motivation to work hard will say things in a negative way to justify their lack of motivation. That's not to say everyone who doesn't work out is unmodivated, but it's just the ones that don't and make negative comments to people who do, that bug me.

I think it's a good idea to remember that nobody can *make* any of us feel anything... whether it's guilty or selfish or any other emotion. You choose your own feelings.

Don't let what someone else says about you rent space in your brain! :)
I bet none of these people you have run into would EVER say this to a MAN! This type of comment wouldn't even register with a guy. They are not programmed to feel guilty for doing things for themselves like women are.

Forget the guilt, ignore the comments. These people are probably wishing they had your level of discipline and dedication! Just smile and say nothing, you don't have to explain yourself.
Selfish is not the word I am thinking of. How about SMART and powerful and aware and determined. You can't have the world applauding your efforts at what some might see as a waste of time. But remember it's your time. Clear your conscience and continue to do what you love.
I am a Mother also and spend 1-2 hours daily working out and I am a older Mom of a very young 9 year old.:) I wouldn't have it any other way.
You go girl!!!.
I've been called "addicted" because I exercise 1 to 1&1/2 hours six days a week. The person saying it felt that my "exercise addiction" was the same as being an alcoholic.
I find it bizarre in our society that watching 25 hours of tv a week is considered normal, yet exercising 9 hours a week is considered "addictive behaviour". By the way most of my hours in front of the tv are working out to Cathe and maybe a few movies a week. I definitely don't hit the 25 hour mark.
My kids love working out with me. They are 7 and 5 years old and have seen me working out in the basement since they were infants. My daughter even joins in during parts of Drill Max. She especially likes the leaps across the floor. She's a little energizer bunny saying let's do more.
I definitely don't think keeping in shape so that you have the energy to keep up with your kids is being selfish. It's being an awesome role model!
I've never been called anything negative (to my face) for my exercise and eating regime. Once in awhile people will ask me about how I got to the shape I am in or some such question but I've never gotten negative feedback. One reason is that I am pretty damn direct. If you screw with me I will fire right back. People who know me are aware of this. I suppose I project this a bit as well because I don't get the rude comments from people who don't know me that some of you on here seem to get. Self confidence goes a long way toward making the journey through life a most pleasant experience. JMO.
I am with everyone else on this one...ignore them. You must have time for you or you will not be able to make time for anyone else. There are way to many obese children these days and I would agree that being fit will help your children be happy and healthy!

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