Has anyone ever been called selfish for exercising?

ocean laura

Has anyone here ever been called selfish for exercising so much? I exercise 6 days a week for 1-1/2 hours each day. Sounds like a good thing, no? But I have run into people who call me selfish for taking this time for myself (and not spending it with my children, for example). I've tried to explain that by taking this time, I will become a better mom and be a good role model for them also. But I was wondering if anyone else has run into this?
No, I haven't. I've been called obsessed and crazy, but not selfish. And you shouldn't listen to a single word these people are saying. We are individual human beings and deserve 1 1/2 hours to ourselves to make us feel better and be better. I'm sure these same people have absolutely no trouble parking their butts in front of the TV or computer for AT LEAST that long each day. But that's not selfish... no... of course not. And I'm sure they spend every single waking moment doting on their children, too :).

Please ignore those people! I can't express enough how exercise has made me better for my kids. I feel better, and am much healthier and keep up with them. That is me time, time to refresh and relieve stress. I try to exercise while they are sleeping, but if it doesn't work out, then I find other time and squeeze it in.
You aren't selfish. As long as you feel good about what you are doing and your children are happy, then keep doing it!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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No, but my SO sometimes gets really pissed at the amount of time I spend reading and posting on forums and researching and acquiring new purchases.

I tell him to enjoy the high, round butt, be happy it's my personal credit card, and get over it. }(


PS: You're not being selfish, so I hope you don't let that bother you. Sometimes I think people just can't help but project their own crap all over everyone else.
1-2 hours selfish? Bull hockey! My guess is that those who have ever said that are looking for justification as to why they are out of shape or not fit! You are a glorious role model by working out.... If more moms did perhaps our children of America wouldnt be waddling thru their young years! Good for you!
Who the heck are you hanging out with? Who would tell someone they are selfish for exercing? That is weird. You're entitled to spend your time like you want so I say tell them to stop wasting time sleeping or watching tv or eating or whatever..

Yes, by my ex husband. Just one of the very good reasons he is now my EX!!!

My current husband appreciates my effort. In fact, his Christmas present to me was a new DVD machine of my very own to run my Cathe workouts on so I wouldn't have to fight with the kids over the xBox machine :)

It's almost comical what people will come up with to make themselves feel better. These type of people are feeling guilty about not having the willpower to workout or "whatever" and they don't want you to have it either. What better way to make themselves feel better and you feel terrible than to say how selfish you are for not spending every waking moment holding your kids hand. How dare you take time out to enjoy yourself. And the worst part... you look good while doing it! In that 1 and 1/2 hour, your poor children are running wild with no direction and will be tramatized for life. LOL!
Selfish? No, I've never been called selfish. In fact, I would think it would be much MORE selfish to NOT exercise. By not exercising you are increasing your chance of many diseases which can cause disability and even early death. You are also taking the stress from day-to-day life and not releasing it, also causing health and emotional problems. Don't all kids deserve a happy well-adjusted mom who can teach them to be happy and well-adjusted? I'm amazed at how many people don't understand the real benefits of exercise.
I've never been called selfish directly, but my mother-in-law loves to drop little hints about it. She has also tried to directly sabotage my exercise time by picking up my son at daycare early and dropping him off and leaving while I normally exercise. Occasionally, my DH tries to say something about it--mainly to use it as an excuse as to why he can do whateverthehell he wants whenever he wants to do it (he does this ALL the time), but when I call him on it he says, "well you exercise every day."

Of course, I know I am healthier than any of those who try to sabotage me or try to make me feel bad for exercising. I think they secretly wish they had the discipline to do it.

wow! uhm... no! but then.... i get up at 4:00 so i'm only taking something away from myself! noone else! until hubby started working out with me... he was alseep while i worked out!

i still "spend time" with my furbabies cuz they all come out to the garage and keep me company!

ya.... like everyone else said: ignore those people!!!!!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
:eek: Oh, this sounds familiar!!! I'm sorry this has happened to you, too. My stepmother has made comments like these. I am a single mom, and my workout schedule sounds just like yours. I always try to get it done in the morning to get it out of the way. Sometimes my 4 yr. old is home with me, sometimes still asleep, or in preschool. I've also been told that I'd be a much more successful person in life if I devoted the energy for my workouts into my career. (I am a Hairdresser). I was also told I was setting a bad example for my daughter for working out so much. And here I was thinking I was showing a good example!!! Actually, some of the responses to your post have been helpful and quite theraputic for me;hopefully for you as well!! I think anyone that makes negative comments about our workout schedules must have some issues too. Good luck,Nancy J.
Yes, I have been called selfish! And I say....bull _ _ _ _ !! And how RUDE! They just don't understand. Some people take time to read, watch tv, play video games, you excerise! Much healthier!

I just ignore those people, most of the time, I think they just wish they had the desire and commitment that you have!


Selfish?????? For.......extending your life expectancy? or for having more energy throughout your day? or for decreasing your chances of suffering from just about any chronic illness out there? or for setting a good, healthy example? or for sharpening your mental focus? or for increasing your levels of endorphins that allow you to feel more joy in your life? or for elevating your mood?


Yup - they may have something here - NOT!!!;)

Just have to add another reply of support.

There's nothing selfish about maintaining your health. If an hour and a half is what you have to do to achieve your goals, then do it. I also am a mother of a two-year-old and work out at least one hour six days a week, sometimes I'm able to add a 90-minute workout here and there. It may seem now like you're not spending time with them, but in the long term it will be for the best. You don't want to wait until the kids don't need you anymore to find that you have all sorts of health problems that will drain you not only of time with your children but of finances, emotional stress, etc.

My father-in-law died last year of diabetic complications...and I saw first hand how devastating it was for his family. That was what really got me off my butt and working out.

Also, I have found that with consistent exercise, I have more strength and energy to lug my daughter's stroller around town so that we can go to playgroups and shopping, etc. I'm more patient with her because I'm less stressed. I'm happier because I'm no longer overweight; thus, more cheerful around her. The quality of your time together may be more important than the quantity of the time.

I also agree that these people are sabotaging you. Having lost 30 pounds this last year, I've had all kinds of interesting comments, both positive and negative, from people. My husband has been so inspired that he wants to exercise too. And on the other hand, I often have co-workers practically trying to force feed me doughnuts. Just keep your eye on your own goals and don't let these people drag you down with them. It's a lot easier for people to criticize successful people for whatever reasons they can cook up than to be successful themselves.
no one has called me selfish, crazy, but not selfish. I had a really serious weight problem, so if they had the nerve I'd probably go a little "crazy" on them. I also try to work out when it is most convienient for everyone, in the early am. But on the weekends when my husband is home, it's whenever I am up and at 'em. You know, come to think of it, I never really watch TV anymore between working out and working and the kids. I can say I really don't miss it!! I'd rather be with Cathe!

Thanks to everyone for their kind comments. Its good to know that I'm not alone. I know in my heart that I'm doing the right thing, but it's just a little discouraging to get negative feedback. It usually only happens when my exercise schedule conflicts with someone else's desire to do something else. I do try to be considerate and get my workout in earlier if I know that there is an activity planned, but sometimes this is difficult. But as long as Cathe and others keep making excellent home workouts, I will continue to exercise. Thanks again.
Yep! I have as well as praying in the morning/night by Dave. But....he can't keep his arms (and other body parts off of me ;), but I am too tired after working and children. :) I wouldn't worry about what others have to say, though, as depressing as it can be, I have found a wonderful support group(s) as well as a friend (s) and mentor(s) that we communicate everyday. It helps keep my goals, ups/downs in focus. Trust me there are times when children don't want to spend time with you (or me). Which is hard to accept sometimes. They much rather spend time with friends or read a book as they began to set boundaries of their own. Annette
I agree with sara,I also don't think people realize that your workout's are not just for yourself,but also for your children.
I've also been called obsessed with it,my family thinks its a phase,but the truth is,me working out makes me a happier,more energetic,patient,mother!plus,it gives me confidence,and self worth!I love it and Intend on doing it the rest of my life!

My husband never says a word to me!
ignore the negitive people,focus on the positive!


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