Has anyone done any Mindy Mylrea workouts?


I have a BOSU and am looking for dvd workouts that use the BOSU...I came across Mindy Mylrea and see that she has a few workouts that use the BOSU- I watched the short clips on college video, but I thought I would post here to see if anyone has actually done any of her workouts to find out your opinion. I figure if someone likes Cathe, then I will have a better idea of how to interpret their reviews of Mindy's workouts.


Hi Sarah,

I love Mindy! She is does very challenging workouts but they are fun. She is very chatty which some people don't like. I love her personality!

I have 3 of her BOSU workouts. The ones I have are BOSU Total Sports Conditioning, CIA:2301 Awesome Strength and Explode. These are both great workouts.

The Sports Conditioning is fun because she does exercises that would mirror certain sports like football drills and ski drills.

Awesome Strength is a workout that has 3 different people doing the workout with different pieces of equipment. Mindy uses the BOSU. It's a very challenging workout that works the whole body.

Explode! uses both the BOSU and a body bar. There is another workout on this dvd but it is led by another instructor. I don't think Collage has this workout but you can get it on Mindy's webiste.

Mindy also has a new BOSU workout but I don't have that one yet.

Bosu dvd's

I have Mindy's Bosu Blast. I haven't done it yet, just previewed it. It looks really good though. I also have rob glick's bosu cardio dvd and that one looked rather boring but when I did it I was impressed with how tough it actulay was (I'm not a step person, btw). So I'd assume Mindy's is killer in comparison! She is VERY chatty, and a very wired/hyper personality. I doubt I could do her workouts all the time, but a few here and there are OK.

Thank-you for responding so quickly! I saw Mindy's new bosu workout on Advanced workout -Best of Bosu - total body blast and that is what led me to looking into her workouts. She does seem to be pretty hyper, but hopefully it won't annoy me too much.

I love Cathe's workouts and I haven't found anyone else who can even come close to her workouts. I have stopped doing any other instructor's workouts actually because it just feels like they are not worth my time. But I really want a BOSU workout and I thought that these workouts looked like they would challenge me.

It is good to know that others who know Cathe and her workouts like Mindy's workouts. I think I will go ahead and get her dvd. I am a bit worried that her new one - total body blast will be too advanced for me at this point since I haven't been using my BOSU much. But it is the only one available at Advanced Workout.

Again, thank-you thank-you for your replies. If anyone has done her latest dvd please let me know what you think of it. I will wait a bit to see if I hear back from anyone before ordering.
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Her workouts are tough and she knows what she's doing (she's been a top trainer of other fitness instructors for many years). I always like her workouts and find them very creative. Her personality is over-the-top bubbly but not in an offensive way.
I have a few of hers and the bosu ones are good. The work outs are challenging, and she certainly is peppy. Not annoying, but I prefer Cathe's personality a lot more. Mindy's the only other instructor that I feel really works me out - Workout, Explode, and Best of Bosu are all very good.
Thanks, Cookie! I appreciate your response. Yea, I am sure Cathe will still be my favorite, but since Cathe still doesn't have a BOSU workout I thought I would try Mindy. I know I am so spoiled after finding Cathe, it really is hard to find another instructor that I like. I am going to bite the bullet and get one of her dvds. Do you recommend one of her BOSU dvds over another?
She is bubbly and over the top, but I just love the way she uses that extra energy she has. I don't find it annoying at all. She is there to please and give you a fantastic workout. Her workouts are very challenging, and she will change your body for the better, if used consistently. Of course, nobody is better than OUR CATHY!

For a bosu workout, Mindy's bosu workout is the best. Be warned: It's tough.

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Thanks Janie! Yea, it looks tough! That is why part of me wonders if I should go for a little less intense one to start so I can get my BOSU skills going first. I just don't want to have it be something that I am not looking forward to doing. With Cathe, I love her tough workouts, but the BOSU is a different matter, I think. But maybe I should just bite the bullet and go for it. Thanks for letting me know that you think it is the best.

Yea, and once again, nobody can touch Cathe....she is in another league.
Hmmm.... which one to recommend... guess it depends what you're looking for. Her Best of Bosu is interval training, and Explode uses a bodybar for circuit training. Both of them are great. I've done some of Cathe's on a Bosu without problems. LowMax was one. If you have her beginner ones (Basic Step and Body Fusion), you may be able to try them with the Bosu. Hope this helps. Best of luck!
Yea, I too have done Low Max on my BOSU - it is quite doable. I tried to do rhythmic step using my BOSU the first time I did rhythmic step (I didn't have a step at the time) - I found that to be a bit tricky. Basically the higher impact stuff on the BOSU gives me trouble - it takes me too long to do the move and Cathe has already moved on. But I haven't tried it recently...and I know her routines a lot better now, maybe I should give'em a go again.

I don't have any of Cathe's beginner or intermediate workouts. Maybe I should get some new ones that are either low impact or beginner/intermediate though. That's a great idea! I LOVE rhthmic Step - I really would like some more workouts like that one. I am sure I am not alone. I will also work on figuring out what dvds that I have that I can do using the BOSU.

Ah, yes, what am I looking for? I guess a bootcamp/circuit kind of workout would lend itself well to what I want. I want to do strength training exercises on the BOSU - things like squats with dumbbells (maybe a barbell) on the BOSU, pushups using the BOSU, things like that, as well as cardio work. I don't have any of Cathe's high step workouts - I keep thinking I should get one of those and use the BOSU. But then interval training would also be good....

Your feedback is perfect! Just what I was looking for. I think I am going to go ahead and get Mindy's new BOSU dvd, the total body blast on the BOSU or whatever the name is (I've forgotten already). I have watched the video clip on collage video a couple of times now and think it looks like a lot of fun.
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