Has anyone changed from a PM exerciser to an AM exercis...


I was just curious if any of you have changed from PM to AM exercising?? Right now I work out around 7 pm. I really want to change my routine to the early mornings, but I just can't get out of bed to do it!! I usually get up and out of bed around 6:30, so I am looking to work out around 5:30 am. For those of you who have changed your workouts to mornings how did you do it??

I changed from evening exercise to morning exercise around 6 years ago. It is just so much easier to not let my workouts slide this way!

I guess I made the switch by gradually increasing my intensity in the mornings until I reached my full intensity level. I spent around 2 weeks going at it easier than I was used to doing. I just made myself get up. No "if's, and's, or but's) I get up at 4:30 a.m. The biggest thing for me is that I have to be sure to get plenty of sleep. I usually fall asleep between 9:00 and 9:30 p.m.

I have tried to switch back to evening exercise, but I am so used to this schedule, that it just does not work as well!
It takes a while to get into the habit, but before long you will get used to it.

I am working on trying to switch right now too.... Of course the main issue is actually getting out of bed... but I did it 3 times last week and felt so much better having gotten my workout in. Although since I have to be to work at 7am - I am trying to get out of bed by 4:30 - and I can see going to bed earlier now too... But I think it will help in my consistanly - especially as my boys will be starting up with sports again here soon.

I too am trying to switch from a PM exerciser to an AM exerciser. I did it for a while before I had my son. It was great knowing that my workout was done and nothing could stand in the way of it anymore. My plan was to get up this morning but i'm feeling under the weather and wanted to sleep a little more so now I have to MAKE SURE I workout when I get home.
Let's become morning exercisers together!!!!!
pray for me.......

I switched to am about 3 months ago. I swore for years I would NEVER work out in the morning, but I started a new job that pretty much forced me into it. And guess what? I love,love, love it. I look forward to Cathe, and I feel so good about doing it, that motivation is not a problem. I get up at 5 am during the week to work out. Another benefit is being so much more alert at work in the morning.

I guess I did it cold turkey and now it is habit. It is nice to have the mental sense of accomplishment so early in the day, as well as the physical alertness and feeling great. I have also FINALLY been able to be consistent since being on this schedule.

Good luck. Once you start, you won't go back.
RE: Has anyone changed from a PM exerciser to an AM exe...

I have also switched to being an early riser. It is the best time to get an uninterrupted workout (phone, kids). When you leave it for later in the day, it is the first thing to go.

I don't negotiate with myself. I have all of my clothes ready the night before and an idea of which workout I will be doing. I just turn off the alarm and get out of bed and do it. Sometimes I am not awake for a few minutes into the warm up, but that is OK!!!

I get a better workout later in the day as far as effort and my body feeling ready for the workout, but I am finally consistent with my exercising and not skipping days with my workout in the AM.

I also go to the gym with a girlfriend once or twice a week at 5 AM. I know that she will be in my driveway and I also put forth more effort when I am in a class with others (just a step or step interval class), instead of just Cathe (although Cathe always keeps a good eye on my form!!)!!

I remember a thread not too long ago about people who exercise early in the AM. It had some good ideas (set your alarm clock across the room, etc), so you may want to find that thread...

Good luck!
RE: Has anyone changed from a PM exerciser to an AM exe...

For me it was the oposite I had to go from AM exerciser to PM exerciser. When I did it in the morning I left everything ready next to the bed so that I didn't have to go too far looking for things. I also knew what workout I would do. It took me awhile to get used to it and at the very beginning I even slept with my exercise cloths on so that I didn't have any excuses. I would get up at 3:30 AM everyday to get it done and loved it. But then... the most important part is to exercise so I enjoy my PM workouts just the same. I know that if I don't exercise my body ain't happy : - )) it seems as you grow older you need it more and more to keep it working like clockwork.

Good luck to you! You can do it!

RE: Has anyone changed from a PM exerciser to an AM exe...

I teach a 5 AM kickboxing class and it's HARD to get started. But, when you get use to it...it's wonderful! I have to get up at 4:15 AM to get there and start by 5 AM. After the class is finished....MAN do I feel like I have been to the moon and back and all before 6 AM! It's a great feeling! Really! Give it a try....it may take a couple of times to actually find the energy to enjoy it but I guarantee you will. In fact, my largest class that I teach is the 5 AM crowd. They come in yawning and stretching along with the worst cases of bed head you have ever seen....but we are kicking some butt! Literally....our OWN!
I changed a few months ago, and since I haven't worked out in a few weeks, I am one to talk! But, it is the holidays so now I am getting back on track...

What helped...
Reading some of the posts about why to do it reallymotivated me...do a search on "AM" in the subject line...
Go to bed early is key!
lay out clothes and have the stuff ready for you to hit the ground running.
Have a plan.

Just do it, dont think about it too much.!

RE: Has anyone changed from a PM exerciser to an AM exe...

I did this and I have now been an AM exerciser for about 20 months. This was very difficult for me as I AM NOT a morning person. But I will tell you I LOVE it and wouldn't have it any other way!

This is my single best piece of advice to give you (besides actually getting up! :) ): Know what you are going to do the next day. Sometimes if I don't have a workout planned, then I end up staring at my videos and then the next thing you know 15 minutes has gone by, then 30, then I'm running out of time and freaking out. And...I'm telling you, time goes faster in the morning!!! I swear it does. Anyway, more then once I have ended up doing a warm-up and one step combo because I don't have enough time left!!! So what I do, is lay out my DVD so it's ready to go and then I don't have to think about anything!

Once you master mornings, you'll never want to go back to nights!

RE: Has anyone changed from a PM exerciser to an AM exe...

Thank you all for your advice!! I actually woke up at 5 am this morning and did KPC. I didn't even have coffee!! Tomorrow I will make sure I wake up 15 min earlier for coffee. My workout wasn't too bad. The pikes were shabby, but I think if I would have had coffee it would have been a little better. I do feel GREAT though. Now let's hope I stick with it. You were all great motivators for me. Thank you!!


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