Hardcore Rotation Check in for Monday Feb 20


Morning Ladies -

I'm a bit late checking in this morning as I was up late last night at the concert. The concert was really good. They rocked, as usual and the opening bands were pretty cool also. They both had female lead singers that rocked dude! We had fun.

This morning I did Better Burn Better Buns and that's it. I have my doctor's appt in a little bit.

I think I"m sick of this rotation. I'm going to start a Power 90 Masters rotation next week. It says to take a recovery week or 2 before you start and I don't know if I need a recovery week? I've only been doing the TLT's and Firms? What does everyone think? I was thinking more along the lines of a rest day.

Diana Sue - are you doing the recovery weeks in P90X??

Nicole - so what rotation are you doing?

Have great workouts and I'll check back later.
Morning ladies!

Lora-I was wondering where you were this morning. lol I am glad you had a nice time at the concert. They are a lot of fun. I have one Thursday evening in Chicago(4 hours from here). I can't wait. I think you should take a rest, even if it is only for a day. You workout really hard. Your body wont know what hit it! LOL!

The boys are out of school today so I am not sure what we are up to. I need to start figuring out what to pack for Chicago and I would like to get some kind of workout in if possible.

I have to get some kids breakfast so I will be back later.

I posted pic's in my picture trail if you have not noticed the Gala thread yet. There were not many taken but some. It was a great night with good food and good music. I definately stood out since almost everyone was wearing black. lol
Hi everyone....

I had planned on going to the gym this a.m. and doing 60 minutes of cardio but I slept in so I think I am going to do supersets and walk for 40 -60 minutes. We will see I have to run my kids all over and I need to get moving.

Lora -What concert did you see? I am embarressed to admit the last concert I went to was Motley Crue back in August...cheesy but so much fun.

Can someone fill me in on the "buns" rotation thanks!

Hi Jessica and welcome. I think I noticed the other day that you would be joining us. I like you screen name. I take it you have 3 girls? What are their ages? I have 3 boys--Austin-10 (11 in May), Dylan--just turned 9 this month, and Ethan--3 (4-March 19).
Jessica - We went to the SnowCore Tour. It was Halestorm, FlyLeaf, Shine Down and Seether. I went to see Seether and Shinedown, but the opening bands rocked pretty hard and they were decent shows. The drummer from Halestorm was EXCELLENT. He was like a little Jon Bonham (Led Zep fame). It was a fun time. No alcohol and all age event, so it was pretty tame ....good clean fun.....just the way I like it these days! I ran into my 16 year old niece there also. She was front row!!
Hi Sabrina,
Yup, I have 3 girls + my Niece who lives with us for now..so 4 girls ack!
Rain is 11, Celeste will be 7 next month march 18th, Riley Mei was 5 on February 7th MY BABY :(,and my Niece
Nikole is 14.
Hi Everyone.

Welcome Jessica! Nice to have yu hear. Well is everyone off today? I am thinking Marietta is since she works in a bank. My business is running as usual today. It is suppose to warm up to the 30's today and that will feel warm after the last few days. I need to look and see what is on the rotation today as I haven't even looked yet! I am planning on working out in a couple hours.

Lora-Glad to hear you had fun at the concert.
Sabrina-I loved your gala pics!
Dallas and nicole-I hope everyone is well at your houses
Diane SUe-I cannot believe how fast time is going and how soon your DH will be there.
Susan-How is your working out going?
Lisa-Any word on the job?
Marietta-What are you doing today? ARe you back on with the rotation? Don't forget our butt add ons today :) Right Nicole?

Hope everyone has a good day. I will be back later.

Hey Everyone!

Just thought I would join ya. I am going to do Boot Camp today. I think I will omit the squat moves though since I just did squats yesterday and KPC so I will jump rope during those squat moves instead...with a pretend rope as I don't want to trip. I can be so clumsy! LOL!


Glad you mentioned something about the Sno Core Tour. I am going to see them all play the end of this month in Baltimore. I can't wait! I know I already like Flyleaf, but wasn't sure about Halestorm. And of course, the others are my favorite. So you had a good time?

Wow! I can't imagine having that many girls in one house.

Our kids' birth dates are close together. My oldest is May 25, Middle is Feb. 9 and baby is March 19th.
Good morning,
I got up extra early this am thinking I would need to leave earlier due to travel advisory when I pick up grandchildren. School was canceled, but I got my workout finished early. I did a 5 mile treadmill run, P90X Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps, Ab ripper X and 50 kneeling Bowflex crunches and 100 seated resisted Bowflex crunches. I have 3 grandchildren here today so have entertaining to do:)

Lora, I started the recovery week which is where I injured my back on Yoga X attempting the wheel, then I realized looking at my scedule I messed up because I started P90X on a Thursday so I started w/ day 4. When I started recovery I forgot and started on Monday. So, I started and switched things up a bit and went into phase two. I did get in Core Synergistics, and yoga X. I still did cardio. I think on vacation I am taking these with me and will try to getr in some of the recovery or use tubing and try week 3 of phase two. I am not sure. We will have a dvd player in our room.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Hello Everyone,
Well today I did Imax3 and did 1 set of the BBM workout:7 Hey I feel it working already:7 LOL I will ride my airdyne 20-30 min. sometime this afternoon or this evening:)

Lora happy to hear you had a good time at your concert!! Just the thing you needed;-) I decided I am going to do the Kathryn rotation. I did Imax3 today and boy did that feel good!! Just what I needed!!

Jessica I posted a link yesterday of the sets of exercise's for BBM. Some of us are doing it!! Just for the *FUN* of it and because......... We want really good butts :7 Btw I have 4 kids... 2 girls12,6, and 2 boys 8,10.... I so know what you mean about your 5 year old being your baby..... My 6 year old is mine I have to go get her in a few minutes...She is in kindergarten.:7

Well Terri what did you think of the BBM workout. Today it really was not bad because I only had to do a set of each exercise. It only took me like maybe 5-8min?? I decided to do l legged squats instead of duck squats so I ended up doing 20 to each leg. For Kickbacks I just used ankle wts, and did some of those Slimseriesrish kicks}(

So Marietta and Susan and anyone else WHO else is doing this with us??? I posted the link for the workouts in yesterdays post in case you missed It.

Hey Sabrina this would be easy for you!! Does not take that long :D Btw you looked GREAT in your Gala pictures!! I think you should be on the cover of one of my romance novels:D

Well gotta go get DD!! Will be back later!

Hey Guys!!

I am off work today, but I'm trying to do better about checking in on my days off.

Welcome Jessica and Charlotte!!! So glad you guys are joining us!!!

Lora - Glad you had fun at the concert! You deserve to have a good time.

Terri - I'm back to the rotation (kinda)...I did Circuit Max and CTX Step and Intervals. I also did CTX chest. I want to do some glute work...but I don't know if I'll be able to.

Sabrina - I'm in a rush but I'll go check out your pictures later...I'm sure they are gorgeous. Have fun today with the kids.

Diane Sue - Sounds like you had a great workout!! Get to entertaining!!

I may come back later...

Hi everyone,

I didn’t checkin yesterday, but I did SIM-TLT and 15 minutes on my elliptical stepper.

Today I did Karen Voight, Great Weighted Workout, 15 minutes on the stepper and I did some of the BBM exercises. I'm fried!! I can’t do SLDL just yet. I haven’t done any ab exercises, and don’t plan on doing them any time soon.

Diane Sue, GREAT workout today.

Sabrina, I love how you curled your hair! You and your husband look really, really nice. I’m glad you had a good time.

Nicole, I think I’ll substitute SLDL’s for Gorsha Lunges tomorrow.

Terri, last night we watched House of D. Thanks for the recommendation. It was a good one. We also watched Must Love Dogs. It was OK, kind of boring.

Got to go! Have a great day everyone,


Susan C.M.
[link=http://lilypie.com][img noborder]http://bd.lilypie.com/elmYm5.png[/img][/link]
Sabrina YOU can DO IT:7 You still have time today. It only takes like 5 min.:7

Dalllas you doing the BBM workout with us right???}( I remember I think you are!!:7

Charlotte Welcome to our check-in:7 So happy to have you here!! You look AWESOME!! Read my above post to Jessica and feel free to join us in the BBM:7

Diane Sue have fun with the Grandkids!!:D

Dallas,where are you today???

Well gotta get back to housework:-( I am doing laundry and changing bed linens today.......So you know you will be seeing me ALOT today:7

Susan I am so excited that you are joining us in BBM!! Does'nt that name crack you up:7 Do what you can!! I think it is GREAT you are even doing it!!

Tomorrow is going to be more of a challenge doing 3 sets of each, but then we get to go back to one set.

Heck I better be getting back to work:D
Hi Everyone - Finally back from the doctor and the drug store. He said all of my sinuses are severely blocked. I have pansinusitis and severe polyps throughout. He recommends surgery....but I questioned him up one side and down the other. Good thing I did my research. I suggested trying a long term dose of antibiotics, changing all of my medications (perhaps my body is immune to the ones I'm on since I've been on them 5 years) and trying another tapering dose of prednisone. He agreed, but I found it extremely upsetting that he is a "conservative" surgeon and that's what he says I need. We'll see what happens with my suggestions, but he said I'm so severe that he doesn't think it's going to help.

Charlotte - Welcome. I've always liked you and read your posts. I have noticed that you like the kind of music I do. I thought Flyleaf rocked! and I really liked them, but their set was cut very short due to technical difficulties. I LOVE Seether and Shinedown so much. The lead singer of Shinedown was very good with the audience. I saw them in a school gymnasium ....it was very intimate for that kind of show. I love working out to Seether. I also have really been into Nickelback lately.

I am ADD girl with this rotation thing. I can't decide if what rotation to do or if I even want to do a rotation. I've got so much on my mind lately....it's hard for me to focus.

Well I can't wait to go to the concert and I can't wait to try out the BBM workout too! Need something new and this is just what I need! I have been working upper body out more then lower so I need this! WOO HOO!!!


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