Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for October 2023

I forgot to check in yesterday. I did Cathe Live Upper Body Challenge with the Ball and had a great workout. Workout was 65 minutes and I burned 461 calories. I lifted the same weights as Cathe except for the 1 arm rows, she had 25# and I did 20#s. Today is my rest day #2 for the week, my feet are sore and so are my muscles. Time to do laundry and watch some football. :)

Have a wonderful day.
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It was 39 degrees here this morning!!

This morning I did Kelly's Power Splits Upper Body workout. I had a great workout, was sweating by the end.

3 sets each exercise, one at a time - 50 seconds on/10 seconds off (although I rested a bit longer between exercises)

Incline Chest Press: 20's
Incline Triceps Extension: 10's
Incline Alternate Row: 15's
Shoulder Press: 12's
Hammer Curls: 15's

Boxing Finisher - Used 1.5# Egg Weights

Workout was 40 minutes, burned 280 calories and HR was 121/150.

Nice job with your workouts this weekend everyone!

Diane - I know what you mean with those posterior exercises that are suppose to help with knots. They don't. That one video I posted on here about those exercises I was doing backfired on me. I did them and I was in pain for two weeks. How is that helping us? And I find it so hard to believe that our back muscles are weak as we work them once or twice a week. I don't buy it. something else is causing this. The only exercise that never bothered my upper back are those pushups where you just move your back muscles to move you up and down. Those never bothered me, maybe I should keep doing those? Other than that, all others irritate my upper back. It seriously makes no sense.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
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Today I got into the gym and did Cathe Live Vertical Loading 2 and had a great workout. I did not do the leg exercises except for the squats, I got on my Max Trainer on manual mode and did that for the length of time she did the leg exercise. Workout was 59 minutes and I burned 455 calories. Wow, I will be feeling this workout tomorrow.

Debbie, great job on the workout today, that one looks really good. Nice job with the weights.

I hope you all have a great workout today. God bless all of the poor people of Israel; my heart goes out to all of them. Iran is taking all of the women, elderly and children and killing them and that is sickening. Biden allowed this to happen, and it is the Dems fault for giving Iran 4 billion dollars the other day. Sorry to talk politics but this just makes me want to scream!
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I just ordered Cathe’s new presale. I was hoping I could pick something else up on the daily deal. Cathe’s presale pice is going up tomorrow. In case someone wants to order.
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Checking in with Michelle Briehler 55 min Full Body Pump. My muscles are feeling it. I originally had planned to do Step Boss PHA 3, but I received Michelle's notification when I got home from work and couldn't resist.

Belinda, Cathe's leg workout looks good, but I don't care for boxing or cycling. I don't own a barbell and I have a good selection of total body workouts. I guess I talked myself out of it.

Debbie, we have the same weather. We went from 70's to 40's overnight. I don't like it.

Jolie, I feel your frustration. I worry a lot.

Good workouts ladies!
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Today I did a really fun workout - RAW R&R September 2019. I have done this workout once before and it is a good one. I really enjoyed it. I had to stop before the last set of standing exercises which bummed me out. I ended up doing the warmup from Timesavers just to get the blood flowing and I probably should have skipped it. I used my Max Trainer for this one and didn't want to just jump on it with my cold muscles. This was a great combo with the floor exercises

Everything was in sections of 45 seconds. So sometimes she would do three - 45 second drills on her Peloton. I did the same on my MT. All exercises were 45 seconds each.

Cardio warmup: Max Trainer - 4 min. 45 sec.

Squats w/Knee Lift: 15's
Walkout Plies: 15#
Plie Sweeps

Cardio: Max Trainer - 4 min. 15 sec

Front/Side Kicks (one side at a time)
Front Lunge/Back Kicks (one side at a time)
Alternate Reverse Lunges: 15's

Cardio: Max Trainer - 4 min.

Side Lunge w/Side Kick (one side at a time)
Alternating Slow Pendulums
No weight Squats

Cardio: Max Trainer - 3 min. 22 sec.

Pizza Press/Hydrants (one side at a time) - I did Clam shells
Rainbows (these were cool) (did one side at a time) - I did bridges
Situps climbing up leg (one side at a time)
One-Leg Bridges

Cardio: Max Trainer - 3 min.

One Leg Squats: Skipped :(
Lunge Front/Back: Skipped :(

Great workout! Workout was 50 minutes, burned 329 calories, did 2230 steps and HR was 122/159. I love my Garmin, it reads my HR excellently on my Max Trainer. The Fitbit could never get a read on my HR on that thing.

Jolie - Excellent job on your workout yesterday. I used my MT today. I put it on Manual mode but it kept going into cool-down after I finished the floor work and got back on it. I had to restart it each time i got back on it. No big deal but I thought it would let me know start/stop it without having to restart the program. Love that thing, not sure why I don't use it more often? Fear factor maybe? I agree, God Bless all the people in Israel. What is going on, I am actually getting scared with all these wars going on and us having the most idiotic president ever. Just plain scary.

Belinda - Great job on your workout yesterday! Are you still in TX?

Roselyn - Nice job on your workout!

Cam - Good job on your workout! I feel the same way when Kelly comes out with a new RAW workout! LOL!!

Diane - You didn't post yesterday. I saw you did some good workouts so good job there!! Hope all is well.

Have a great day everyone!
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I walked over 3 miles this morning and did XTrain Hard Strike. I can’t remember the last time I did Hard Strike, so much fun. The music was great.

Debbie - great job this morning. I am still in TX until Thursday. Time flies here.

Cam - for the BB you can easily use DB’s. I got the bike dvd for my husband, he loves using the bike. I always loved Cathe’s leg workout. I only skipped one presale, ended up buying them at a higher price. I am having so much fun with Cathe’s workouts.

Roselyn- great job yesterday.

Have a great day.
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Today I did Cathe's Perfect HIIT Low Impact. This is pretty fun. I haven't done this one in a long time, but I am glad I took it out. I added a little of the hi impact segment but kept it low. I had a lot of energy today. A little sore from yesterday's Pump so I was glad to give the arms a break.

Belinda, I always sub barbell workouts for weights, but I am passing this time around. I have a lot of workouts to keep me busy. I am really enjoying Michelle Briehler. I have a paid subscription to her channel and she has a lot of weight workouts that I haven't tried yet.

Looks like we all enjoyed revisiting older workouts.
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Just a quick check in. No workout today as I hosted my ladies game day. While we were playing a game we heard this horrible noise and suddenly water hitting the floor. Our 48 galon aquarium side burst out at the seam and the whole tank ran out on the floor. We were all trying to scoop the fish out and get them into a bucket. I had to scoop my bristlenose fish up off the flloor. Somehow he was stuck on some of the decor and was swimming around in water on the floor. Lots of clean up. I go to my arthritis doctor in the morning so no workout tomorrow.
Yesterday I did CDorner Full Body Workout with Dumbbells 52 minutes, 135 calories. I liked this one a lot. No overhead stuff and nothing that caused me pain. I followed this with STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch, 25 minutes, 35 calories. Total time was 77 minutes, 170 calories.

CDorner Full Body Workout
each group of moves done twice 1 minute work each move, do all 3 moves then repeat with slight changes

Squats 25# dumbbells 25# dbs
Chest Press 12# dbs; chest press with turn 12# dbs
bicycles regular; scissor reach

wide squat 39# dumbbell; 45# dumbbell 1 1/2
bentover Row 20# dumbbells; 15# dumbbells 1 1/2 count
forearm plank hold; option plank on hands with knee ins

Deadlift 20# dumbbells; 20# dumbbells
biceps curls 15# dumbbells; 15# dumbbells curls with turn
side to side crunch lying on the floor. second set is with feet raised I did standing side to side

Glute Bridge 30# dumbbell; 30# dumbbell
close grip triceps press 15# dumbbells; 12# dumbells 1 1/2 count
reverse crunch

Wow, where did the morning go? I've been so busy since I got to work. Tomorrow is my Bus Driver Banquet so I'm getting ready for that.

This morning I did RAW Shadow Boxing 1 and had a pretty good workout. I didn't break a sweat but burned some good calories. Workout was 42 minutes, burned 371 calories, did 3646 steps and HR was 141/166.

No time for personals but Diane, OMG!! That is terrible!! I can't even imagine the mess that made! So sorry that happened to you.

Have a great day everyone.
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Today I walked over 3 miles and did STS 2.0 Giant Sets TB. STS 2.0 is scheduled for tomorrow, I did it today. I am flying home tomorrow.

Diane - Oh no! So sorry about the mess. That is horrible! Those tanks hold at lot of water :( Great job on your workout.

Debbie - great job this morning.

Cam - that is great you enjoy her workouts. Her subscription is very cheap compared to other.

Great job everyone.
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No workout. Arthitis appointment this morning. Nothing much with that. I was in a hurry after bloodwork and forgot to pick up the prescription. I will have to call and have them send it. I told them I was not completely out yet anyway. But they texted after I was home and said the prescription is ready. I am not making another one hour drive one way to pick it up. When I got home I went outside to dig a hole and plant a hibiscus that came a couple of days ago. I really needed it in the ground for a while before frost. I will do a workout tomorrow.

Debbie, those things like the bus driver banquet probably are a lot of work with setting up. Nice work on the Raw Shadow Boxing One. I am glad we have a big shop vac for clean up.

Belinda, nice work on the walk and STS 2 Total Body Giant sets. I was going to do that one Monday and had the work sheets set up, but decided to wait till I was not tired and had a lot more time for set up. My husband tried to order me the Cathe Step mat, but it was out of stock on Amazon so he got me another one. Does the Cathe one come all folded up? I laid the one I got out flat to try to get the creases out. It will work though. I am just glad with all that water that we have ceramic tile looking like wood in most of the house. Plus it flowed toward the garage so what we couldn't catch went out that way. The ladies were such a big help and I was just glad it did it then when I was home and not today while I was gone. Our fish are pretty big and I am not sure what we are going to do. The tall tanks to fit the space we had this one are in the thousand dollar range. We did not pay near that for the one we had because the guy in town who owns a small pet store was getting rid of a lot of the aquarium stuff. He said quality fish shipped are not easy to get and quit selling them.
Today was Penny 45 min No Repeat Cardio & Strength. That was a toughie but I powered through.

Diane, that's horrible what happened with your fish tank. We have big fish tank too, and I get concerned that the damn thing is going to blow a leak.

The Hamas terrorists attack on Israel is sickening. My heart aches. I cannot imagine the horror they are experiencing. Awful, just awful.
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Sorry I have not checked in the past 2 days, so much to do and I just plan forgot! Tuesday my husband and I went for a 5-mile beach walk, he took the day off work!!! It was our 25th wedding anniversary, I am glad he was able to leave work so we could spend the day together. Walk was 1 hour 45 minutes and I burned 947 calories. Yesterday I took the pup for a 2-mile walk, my feet were sore from walking the 5 miles the day before. I also did a quick upper body circuit; 2 rounds and I lifted a little heavier weight and it felt great! Today, I took the puppers for a 3.5-mile walk, 1 hour 10 minutes and I burned 621 calories. We say several coyotes out while walking so we stuck to the streets to play it safe.

I have to go back and read your posts from the past few days so I can catch up on what everyone is doing for workouts. Have a great day.
This morning I did RAW Burnout: Upper Body. I had a great workout but changed some of the moves. I went heavy this time and really felt it. I had some really good workouts this week. I'm taking tomorrow and the weekend off. Tomorrow because I have to work until around 9 tonight so I think I'll just sleep in an hour.

45 seconds on/15 seconds off

Superset #1
Supination Curls
: 16's
Half Curls: 12's
3 sets alternating each exercise

Superset #2
One Arm Rows:
3 sets

Superset #3
Seated Overhead Press
: 12's
Seated Lateral Raise: 10's
3 sets

Superset #4
Close Grip
Bench Press: 20's (I did regular bench press)
Pullovers: (I did Flies) - 15's
3 sets

Superset #5
Skull Crushers
: 10's
Dips: (I did Close Grip Presses - 15's)
3 sets

Total workout was 44 minutes, burned 276 calories, and HR was 118/142.

I don't have time for personals again. I have a lot to get done today to prepare for this evening. Have great workouts and a great weekend everyone!!
I did an Ifit ride this morning. Number 7 in the series and it was another ride on the beach. I'm like - isn't there anything else to see in Austrailia? If you've seen one beach you've seen them all from a bike video! Anywho- my husband leaves for hunting tomorrow and its supposed to snow tonight where they are going. Hopefully they can get into the area they want to hunt. My guess is they come home early and my "me-only" weekend gets cut short!
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