Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for JUNE 2018


Today is a rest day. I am just hanging around the house this afternoon.

Roselyn, nice job getting through the Bulk workouts of Body Best. I always added some extra cardio to those workouts.
Today I did Cardio Coach 8 - one workout I haven't done more than 1 time, I think. Loved it. This is an endurance workout, more like the recent Treadmill Coach workouts I did last week. No sprints, just uphill running. I did well with it, and had fun. Love that I can do endurance running now.

Workout was 1 hour, ran 4.45 miles (which is weird because my TM showed 4 miles, not sure which I should believe), I burned 522 calories (TM said 614) and went 8841 steps. HR was 149/209.

My legs are so sore from Friday's Kelly workout. This is why I hate working my legs, they get sore and stay sore for days. I could hardly get up after I sat down yesterday. Running was hard due to the soreness, I plan on stretching a bit when I get home tonight.

I don't have time for personals today. Have great workouts everyone!!
Today I did Kelly Coffey Build and Burn Kettlebell Kickbox fusion, 26 minutes, 163 calories, heart heart rate average 124, max 152, 1,753 steps. I then did Fit Tower Advanced Legs Glutes and core timesaver #1 legs and glutes only, 33 minutes, 127 calories, met 3.5. Using the barre setting on Map My Fitness it gave me 180 calories :0 . I also did Yoga Tune Up quick fix for the neck, 15 minutes, 25 calories. I had such a splitting headache and neck pain last night. Still feel like it wants to come back. I have been spending too much time on the computer which tends to cause the neck issues.
Total time was 74 minutes, 315 calories.

Debbie, nice work today on the treadmill and endurance. Great start on your steps :) I used to hate working legs. I don't mind so much anymore. Although when I don't work them much and go back at it, the soreness is there for awhile. I guess that is the same for any body part. Rolling helps a lot with the soreness along with stretching.
Doz, you posted on the May thread. So, you are going to stick to STS :) Congratulations on your grandson's graduation,
Jolie, I am so sorry to hear your mother is going through this. Falls in the elderly can be bad. I will keep her in my prayers. How old are your parents? Nice work today. That was a lot of calories.
Today was bulk arms so I am in the last block of beast but thinking of switching it up, maybe cardio days with total body days don't know yet but think for tomorrow it will be bulk legs with some cardio

Yesterday I posted in May challenge. I did Cardio Coach press play.

Today’s workout, Cardio Coach #8 And LesMill’s Core Attack.

Total weight lost 18.8 lbs, with only 3.2 lbs from my goal which will be 22 lbs lost ((((YES)))
I could not have done it without your support; best supporting team ever. Thank you

Been playing in my closet, feel so wonderful to slip on clothes and they fit.

Second round of STS, my goals are still the same, always room for improvements, more toning and i’d Like to lose 3 extra lbs.

Wednesday headed to Columbus to help family pack, movers coming Thursday @ 8am. Not sure if I will be able to hit the treadmill before they break it down. She has everything packed except kitchen, that’s my job lol shouldn’t take long Then me and Jacob headed back home. Well guys off to take my bath, ttyl
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My mom is ok. She passed out because of dehydration. She really hurt herself when she fell but no broken bones. Thank God she fell on carpet. She went to the chiropractor last night and is going again this morning. The doctors did an mri and other tests on her and she is all good!

Today I walked 3 miles on my treadmill, 5.0 incline and 3.3 pace. I burned 387 calories and I walked for 1 hour. I am tired so I took it easy today.

DOZ, congrats on your weight loss, you are my hero! What were you eating, if you don't mind me asking? I need loose about 6 pounds this summer so I have to get on it!

Diane Sue
, my mom is 82 and my dad is 85. They have been some tough health issues but are in great shape now. The both worked out their whole lives and still do so they are doing really well at this age.

Roselyn, nice job on getting through the Beast workouts, those are long and hard. I am going to do more cardio and total body workouts for the summer I think along with Cathe Live workouts.

I hope you had a nice workout today!

Make it a great day!
Today I did Kelly's - Muscle Up/Lift to 2B Fit Workout 1, and had a great workout. This is a fun workout, I enjoyed it.

Super Set #1
- 25's
Dumbbell Press - 30's
Total of 3 sets/8 reps, no rest

Super Set #2
- 25#
Dumbbell Flyes - 25's
Total of 3 sets/8 reps, no rest

Super Set #3
- 30#
Push ups - 8 reps
Total of 2 sets/8 reps, no rest

Super Set #4
Arnold Press
- 15's
Crunches - 16 reps
Total of 2 sets/8 reps no rest

Super Set #5
Lateral Raise
- 10's
Boxer Toe Touches - 16 reps
Total of 2 sets/8 reps no rest

Super Set #6
Bent Over Lateral Raise -
Supermans (but I did Oblique Twists) - 8# - 20 reps
Total of 2 sets/8 reps, no rest

Workout was 31 minutes, burned 186 calories, HR 125/163.

Then I walked on my treadmill for 20 minutes, burned an additional 115 calories, went 1.02 miles and did 2469 steps. HR was 95/150. 150 is high for walking so not sure what happened there?

Diane Sue - I actually love working my legs, I just hate how sore they get. They are STILL sore from last Friday's workout. Unreal. I really need to make time to stretch, I just don't take that time.

Jolie - Hope your mom is feeling better. My mom is 82 also and I worry about her every day. She lives alone but does well in her house. We bought her one of the Life Line things but it's not Life Line it's a knock off that we got from Amazon but it's sweet. We have my cell, my brothers cell and my husbands cell numbers programmed in it so when she pushes it, it calls us until one of us answers. We can hear her and she can hear us, it is really cool. At least your mom has your dad, if something happened to my mom, I would know until 8 p.m. when I usually call her.

Roselyn - Nice job being at the end of the last block of Beast!! Tough rotation, that is awesome! I don't blame you for wanting to move on, though, I just need the cardio and am loving to run lately. I'm having 2nd thoughts about doing it this summer. I'm enjoying the 30 minutes workouts from Kelly!

DOZ - Nice job losing that weight!! I'm so happy to hear you are almost to your goal. WOW!! Awesome stuff!!! You have worked hard and got that weight off in no time at all it seems. I am proud of you!!!

Have a great day everyone!!!
Jolie- So glad your your mother is okay, I will posts tonight how I lost s the weight. Nice work on the treadmill..

Debbie - thank you. That workout you did is awesome, I’m going to look into that workout. Nice job.

Diane Sue- Thank you. They are growing up so fast. Nice workout.

Roselyn- Awesome work.
This morning I did Sharon Twombly's Zero to Sixty, 71 minutes, 431 calories, met 5.5, heart rate 121 average, max 191 ( I looked at the chart since I was surprised at the high and it was a short blip), I then did Yoga Tune Up knee hab prehab segment, and upper tune up quick fix neck, 20 minutes, 44 calories. Total time 91 minutes, 475 calories.

Doz, that is wonderful that you have lost so much weight and I bet it is so much fun being able to wear some of those clothes again :) You are doing so well at meeting your goals. I hope the moving goes well. You have been busy! :)

Roselyn, great job with near finishing Bulk phase. I think maybe some total body and cardio would be a good choice for a change.

Jolie, your parents are the age that my Dad was at. If he hadn't fell on the stairs and hit his head, and not gotten to a hospital sooner, I am sure we would still have him. He got dizzy and had an urinary tract infection. He was quite active with gardening and building things. Always doing something. I am so glad that your mother is okay.

Debbie, great workout. I really like that one. It goes at a nice pace for getting some heavier weights in. I do not care for supermans either. Yet I read how that is a move needed for helping some of my low back issues. It always seems like it aggravates more than helps. I have noticed much more soreness in my legs and tightness in areas than I normally have. Before the hip started hurting I kept noticing some tight feeling through the hip flexors on that same side. I kept trying to pay a bit more attention to getting that area stretched. I should have been doing the stretching and yoga stuff sooner. Those tight places can sure throw everything off. My Dad lived in another state. Those life line things are nice as they allow someone to live alone, but still be able to get help when needed. My brothers both live in the same state, but it took them awhile to get there. One of his son in laws went and was staying that night when he was sick. My Dad said he was alright and went to bed. I wish he would have insisted on taking him in. It was too late, by they got him to the hospital. His blood was too thin from meds and he had a brain bleed. Anyway, I know he is happy and and at home in heaven. I just miss him calling.
Today I did a couple fun cardio workouts. I started with the Treadmill Coach Bonus workout which is only 30 minutes and it's parts of the Treadmill Coach Vol. 2 workout. Had fun with that.

Workout was 30 minutes, burned 262 calories (TM said 299), went 2.2 miles and did 4322 steps. HR was 147/190.

Then I did Kelly's Meltdown Kickbox/Boxing workout - that is such a fun workout, I love it. My HR really gets up there with this one. I had to skip the very last combo because I ran out of time. Still had a great workout.

That workout was 21 minutes, burned 188 calories and did 2221 steps. HR was 148/180.

Diane Sue - So sad about your dad. My dad has been gone for 9 years, I can't believe it. Seems like yesterday. And I miss him a great deal still as well, I don't think that ever goes away. :( I figure if my mom calls one of us on that Life Line thing, if we aren't close to her house we can call 911 ourselves. I feel less worried knowing she is wearing that thing. Nice job on your workouts. My hamstrings are so tight and so are my hips. When I get home I'm going to foam roll and see if that helps. This is still from Friday's workout. Hope your hips flexors are feeling better.

Hope you all have wonderful workouts!!!
Today I started a week of my own Total Body Circuit workout, then I'm off for 5 days to take my son to college! I did 3 rounds, the first two set were 12 reps and the last round I went to failure. Workout was 40 minutes and I burned 321 calories. My average heart rate was 121 and max was 171. I had too much caffeine before my workout my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. I wont do that again. I wanted to do 4 rounds but thought it was unsafe so I quit at rounds. I am feeling better now.

3 rounds of this circuit

Chest Press- 25# x 12, x 12, x 16 TF

1 Arm Rows- 25# x 12, x 12, x 17 TF

Seated Overhead Press- 20# x 12, x 12, x 14 TF

Bicep Curls- 17# x 12, x 12, x 17 TF

Lying Triceps Ext.- 15# x 12, x 12, x 15 TF

Leg Ext- 50# x 20, x 20, 60# x 14 TF

ABS- 3 exercises to failure

My mom is sore but that is it. Her Chiropractor is really helping her out. FYI, the emergency room doctor told us the last time I took my son to the hospital that if you feel like you are going to pass out, lay on the floor or put your head between your legs. If your head is below your heart or level with it you wont pass out. I need to tell my mom and dad about that. If you are out walking and feel light headed, lay down flat for a few minutes and call for help. At least you wont fall and break some bones or hit your head.

Debbie, great cardio workout today. I am going to check out that kick boxing workout from Kelly. That Life Line type product you got on Amazon sounds very interesting, I am going to check it out and get my parents each one to wear.

Diane Sue,
So sorry to hear about what happened to your dad. I just feel so bad when I hear terrible stories like that of your father.

DOZ, and Roselyn, I hope you all have great workouts, I will check back in to read your posts.

Have a nice day!
This morning I did Fit Split Mixed Impact cardio timesaver #1, 28 minutes, average heart rate 136, max 177, 195 calories, met 6.1, 2,521 steps and added 5 minutes on the rebounder which was 30 calories, 431 steps. This was one of the rebounder workouts someone had posted, but I stopped because my left knee started hurting. I don't know why because it was fine through Fit Split. I sometimes find that the rebounder with hard jumping makes my knee hurt on the push off. I then did Sarah Beth yoga on youtube, 20 minute morning yoga, 21 minutes, 52 calories and finished off with Yoga Tune up prehab, and knee hab #1, 26 minutes, 66 calories. I went back and did the Yoga Tune up shoulders 10 minute later, but didn't count it. Time was 81 minutes, 340 calories. My plan for tomorrow is to do upper body weights.

Debbie, I lost my mother 26 years ago and I still miss her a lot. She had ALS (Lou Gerigs) It was a painful time for all of us. My Dad has been gone almost 5 years now. It is hard to believe it has been that long. I love that you have the life line for your mother. I was considering Meltdown boxing. I was thinking it is not a high impact workout, but really can get the heart rate up and is fun :) Great workouts today!!

Jolie, I pretty much avoid caffeine. I drink decaf coffee. I think it makes the stress levels worse and it messes up my sleep. I use a pre-workout bone broth drink from Dr Axe which does not get my heart rate going crazy and seems to give me a bit of extra energy without a crash. That is my morning drink and it has ashwhaganda in it which helps with stress and stuff for recovery. My book by Ben Shatto says to skip energy drinks and caffeine when trying to mend after over training or injuries. I think the caffeine kicks up the stress hormones a lot. You might be careful with it. I used to run grandchildren to schools and events and watch the little ones during the day and would often get up when it was still dark and drink an energy drink and drink coffee all morning just to keep going at a breakneck pace all of the time. I think it was really bad for me I would get in bed and my heart would still be racing and I know that feeling like it is going to come out of your chest. It was probably best that you did not do another round. I don't like waiting for those bad side effects to wear off. That was a nice looking circuit, by the way :)
Today I did Kelly's workout - Muscle Up/Lift to 2B Fit Workout 2, and had a great workout. I like this workout - actually, I like all workouts from Kelly. So glad I decided to try her out.

Super Set #1
Sumo Squats
- 25's - 8 reps
Bridges - 25# - 16 reps
Total of 2 sets no rest

Super Set #2
- 15's - 8 reps each leg
Stiff-Leg Deadlifts - 25's - 8 reps
Total of 2 sets no rest

Super Set #3
Curtsy Lunges
- 15's - 8 reps
Praying Frog Squats - 16 reps (loved these!!)
Total of 2 sets not rest

Super Set #4
Flip Curls/Pledges
- 15's - 4 sets each
Skull Crushers - 15's - 8 reps
Total of 2 sets not rest

Super Set #5
Side Curls
- 15's - 8 reps
Overhead Triceps Extensions - 25# - 8 reps
Total of 2 sets no rest

Super Set #6
Hammer Curls -
15's - 8 reps
Kickbacks - 10's - 8 reps
Total of 2 sets no rest

Workout was 30 min., burned 157 calories (a lot more than last time, wonder why? I show I burned only 72 calories last time I did this), HR 118/179.

My left hamstring is really sore and tight, ever since last Friday's leg workout. I foam rolled it last night and have been stretching it and nothing is helping. It's almost painful. I hope it heals soon.

I walked on my treadmill for 20 minutes, burned an additional 104 calories, went 1 mile and did 2437 steps. HR was 87/116.

So I made Banana Chocolate Protein Pancakes last night because I'm looking to eat more protein and I always get hungry around 7 p.m. so instead of eating cereal, I opted for this. Other than it's almost impossible to get it under 300 calories, it was really good. I made it with 2 tbsp of RAW protein powder, 1 mashed banana and 2 whole eggs. Mixed that all together (protein powder sure doesn't mix well, it got all globbed up) and then cooked them like pancakes. They came out pretty good, but hard to flip, they made a mess. I topped them with a little almond butter and man were they good. And filling. I tried making a protein mug cake the other night too, but that came out really nasty. Still looking for good recipes for those. I just ordered protein powder called AboutTime Vegan PP and I hear it's good for cooking with it. Hopefully it won't glob up like the RAW does.

Diane Sue - It's hard thinking of our lost loved ones, I'm thankful I still have my mom. I need to add in yoga, I keep saying that but just don't have time. I need to, though, I am in a state of soreness right now and it's not good!! Hope your knee is feeling ok.

Jolie - Caffeine can do horrible things to a person. I love my coffee, though. I try to limit myself on that as best as I can. Nice job with that workout, very strong one!!

DOZ - Hope the moving is going well. I hate the drive to Columbus! So boring!!!

Roselyn - Great job with cardio!! Anything with the name Insanity scares me. LOL!!!
My day is turning into a stressful mess. My husband texted from work and said his Range Rover that we just spent 3300 dollars on air shocks and a valve cover gasket is now making noise and the transmission was slipping on the way to work :( Then I took my husbands laptop in last week for repair and it came back with the same problem that is intermittent. I took it back Monday and have been trying to reach them. Today I found they were trying to call me from a phone number that we had about 8 years ago. My number was written down when I took the computer in both times. The lady at the desk called me this morning apologizing since the tech had tried to call with the old number. He finally called back and said he has been out of the office working all week and had turned the laptop on to look at it and it did not malfunction :( He will look at it more. I already paid for work done and it is supposed to be guaranteed work. I took my grandson to the library as promised so am just getting around to posting. I stopped so many times during this workout through phone calls, texts and the arrival of my grandson.
I did Fit Split Mixed Impact basic premix push day and pull day (weights) 66 minutes, 342 calories, 1,250 steps, 4.7 met.
pull day
one arm rows 30# dbs 12 ,10, 10 reps
pullovers 12# dbs 8,6,6 reps
overhand row loop and 15# dbs 10,10,10 reps
deadlifts 35# barbell (Cathe used 45 but being careful of the low back) 10,10 reps
upright row 35# barbell 10,8,8 reps superset with rear delt fly 12# dbs 10,8,8 reps
lateral raise 8# dbs 10,8,8 reps superset with external rotation with loop 5# dbs 6,6,6 reps
barbell curls 35# barbell10, 8,8 reps giant set with w curls 12# dbs 10,8,8 reps with sweeper curls 15#dbs 10,8,8 reps
stability ball hamstring roll ins
Push day
bench press 20#dbs x 10 reps superset with chest flys 15# dbs 10 reps repeat 2 more times 8 reps each same weight
knee tap push ups body weight 2 sets 8 reps
plyo push ups on knees using step 3 risers 20 reps
alternating close grip bench press 20#dbs 16,12,8 reps superset with lying barbell extensions 30# 10,8,8 reps
dips 30# barbell 32 reps
shoulder press 30# barbell 10,8,8 reps superset with goal post 12#dbs 10,8,8 reps
front squat 35# barbell 12 reps , 12 reps, 12 reps superset with high tight
calf raise 15# dbs 50 reps

Debbie, nice workout. I love Kelly Coffey's workouts. I really like my knee hab Yoga Tune up dvd. I particularly like the pre hab which is rolling with their therapy balls. I used this with little soft hand squeezing balls when I first had my knee surgery and then tried tennis balls with a sock for when they used two in a bag together. Those therapy balls make such a difference. I like that the rolling starts on the gluteal area, then outer thigh, and moves down the leg, a move with the balls behind the knees sitting back on them kneeling and you move side to side and it gets the hamstrings and calves, then to calves, shins, and finally rolling the foot and facia. It is a quick 14 minutes and helps a lot. It is pretty simple. Maybe you could find some of those moves on youtube. There are some short clips. The other segments move through stretching and more use of the balls, to the the 3rd phase is more of a preventive movement strength pattern. I wouldn't mention this one, but it has been one of the best investments I have made for helping the legs and hips. I also like her upper body Yoga quick fix tune up. I got my balls from Amazon. Stretching helps, but the extra massage and work with rolling is a must. I got one of the smaller bumpy rollers because my smooth one just doesn't do enough. I have to keep the areas that are tight mobile with legs swings etc. much like Tony Horton uses and mentioned in my books. Resting the area completely only leads to more tightness. I have been trying to roll any sore areas at night before I go to bed as well. Just maybe 5 or 10 minutes. It helps. My knee feels pretty good today. If it didn't I would have skipped the lower work in these two workouts altogether.
I do not like the vegan proteins. I think I have tried quite a few now. They do get thick when trying to mix them in things and the taste is just not good. I think the Amazing Grass Peanut butter I sort of liked if used with the right stuff. You put the vegan stuff in yogurt and it is way too thick. I have tried different protein bar recipes that were good, but the fat and calories due to the nut butters etc. was way to high. I got some Dr Axe Bone Broth Protein Meal to try (got it free with my points) and I am not enjoying the flavor too much, it is better than vegan but does thicken some and tastes a lot like all of the fermented flax and stuff it has added to it. It has lots of vitamins etc., but I doubt I will buy it again unless maybe something else tastes better than vanilla creme. I don't mind it mixed up with almond butter, coconut, and enjoy life dark chocolate chips. It is sort of a calorie bomb. I warm the almond butter in the microwave so that I can get away with about a tablespoon and a half then sprinkle in the other items with 1 scoop powder. Mug cakes do not turn out well for me either. I do not get enough protein if I do not supplement. Really, I don'e generally eat enough if I don't add the collagen powders and bone broth protein that I use. I think Garden of life started making a whey protein. I tasted some at Sprouts one day when I was walking by and I told the girl I didn't like that stuff. It was okay. I keep reading about the harmful ingredients in protein powders and vegan ones are the worst when tested. One thing I make that I kind of like is vanilla whey in pumpkin with pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon and an egg with a bit of coconut milk. I cook it in a small bowl in the microwave and stir it in between cooking. Sort of like a pumpkin custard. Drizzle a bit more coconut milk on top or a bit of pure maple syrup and walnuts make a nice addition. I use canned organic coconut milk most of the time unless I am making a smoothie, then I use so delicious unsweetened.
Gosh Diane Sue that is stressful

I did Gym Style Chest and tris today

Wedding prep is getting more intense , shower next month and July 28 invitations have to be addressed and mailed, her dress is in and here, mine is bought, bridesmaids dresses are in and men all measured for suits, going to the chapel soon!! Well october but that will be here in a blink
Roselyn, that time will be here before you know it. Are the dresses already fitted?

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