Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for July 2024

This morning I am just going to walk with my sister-in-law at a metro park. I was going to lift today but yesterday my DH and I did a dry-pour concrete floor in one of our back rooms and although a dry-pour is easier than mixing the concrete with water and dumping it in a liquidy form, it is still hard work. Every muscle in my body is killing me today. I also have a PT appointment at noon. It is COLD here today! It was hot and humid on Saturday and then yesterday's high was 64. Holy crap. Today is the first day of July and the high will only be 70. When I woke up it was 49 degrees. What is going on??

OMG on the bear, Belinda!! I bet that was cool and scary to see!!

Hope you all have a great day!! Great job with your workouts this weekend!!
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Good morning,

30 Minute Strength & Conditioning HIIT Workout | STF - Day 41 is done.

Debbie - thank you for staring us off this month. Watching the bear was so cool. We stayed far behind the bear with the car. You can hike this area too if you want. No way, I would hike this, lol. I hear you on the weather. It‘s raining here nonstop. Doing laundry. Sadie got sick this morning, need to wash my bed sheets.

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Today I did two Caroline Girvan workouts for Shoulders and Arms. Since both were 15 minutes I thought one workout was not enough. I forgot to wear my Fitbit so I have no idea what my calorie burn was for today's workout.

15 min DB Arms and Shoulders, No Repeat. 40 seconds on/20 seconds off

Shoulder Press- 15's
Hammer Curls- 15's
Close Grip Chest Press- 15's

Lateral Raise- 8's
W Curls- 12's
Diamond Press- 15's

Front Raise- 10's
Alt. Curls- 15's
Skull Crushers- 12's

Single Arm Overhead Press- 12#
other side
1 Arm Kickbacks- 10#
other side

Traditional Curls- 15's
Lat raise to front raise - 8's

15 Minute Arms and Shoulders- 2 rounds of each exercise
Should Press Seated- 15's x 2 sets
Upright Rows- 12's x 2
Lateral Raise to Front Raise- 5's x 2
Rear Flys- 10's x 2
Bicep Curls- 15's x 2
Alternating Hammer Curls- 12's x 2
Lying Triceps Ext.- 12's x 2
Triceps Cable Pull downs- 30# x 1 set

I am enjoying these shorter workouts. They are intense with short breaks, and you get a lot accomplished in a short amount of time.

Debbie, I hope you enjoy your cool walk today. It is odd that your weather is so cool at this time of the year.

Belinda, I love the bear picture. Nice job on the workout. Sorry to hear that Sadie is sick today.

I hope you all have a great workout today. The Wimbledon tennis tournament starts today so it will be all tennis for me for the next two weeks. I love this event!!!
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Good Afternoon,

I did Muscle Up Lift It To Be Fit workout 2.

Debbie-it was in the 70’s here yesterday after being 102 last Monday. This morning it rained really hard and only in the 70’s.

Belinda-I would freak out if I saw a bear, that was my big fear when we were hiking in Colorado.
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Good morning,

Day 42 Bodyweight HiiT and abs is done.

Roxie - we were in the car, we never got out of the car. He just walked in front of the car. I would have been freaked out hiking and seeing a bear.

Jolie - great job yesterday.

Roselyn - great job on STS 2.0 bic.

Where is Diane? I hope you ok.

Debbie - have fun with your workout today.

I went to my PT therapist yesterday and she told me to stop lifting weights for 2 weeks. I'm only supposed to concentrate on my back work and she gave me several exercises with the bands. So this morning I did STS 2.0 Abs Metabolic Core Warmup that was about 12 minutes I think and then I did my PT exercises.

Total time was 28 minutes, burned 124 calories.

The my sister-in-law and I went to a park and walked 3.8 miles. We ended up getting lost and walking in circles. LOL!! It is nice out today so it was a nice time to walk that long.

Walk was 1 hr. 38 minutes, burned 332 calories, HR was 86/111 which is BS because I was sweating going up hills and breathless at times. Not sure why this watch isn't clocking my HR correctly when it's in Walk mode.

Belinda - How can they let people hike that area when there are bears around? Holy crap!!!

Jolie - Great job with your workouts yesterday! Looks excellent. It is odd that it's so cold here. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 95 again. WTH??

Hope you all have a wonderful day!!
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Good Afternoon,

I did KCM Body Training Standing workout right before my PT appointment she says I have weak core muscles which is true I haven’t really done specific core workouts and my left glute and hamstring is weaker than my right so she gave me exercises to do and said I could start walking on the treadmill a little if it’s to hot to walk outside. it would have to stop storming out to.
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Sunday was a rest day, yesterday I had a doctor appointment with my cardiologist, and this morning had to get up early again to take my husband's truck for a recall. I have been busy but did finally get a workout in today. I saw last night that Kelly had a July rotation up on the Raw channel. Each of the strength workouts are lower work with some other body part work. The cardio days are the jumping one with a step and the tabata boxing one. I went through them to see what they were like. I do not think I will be doing the Jump one. I did jumping Saturday with CDorner's workout and a knot swelled on the back of my knee, and it felt tight and hurt. It felt okay today.
I did Raw July Rotation Thursday: Tabata Boxing, 31 minutes, heart rate 135/165, 171 calories. I followed it with Raw July Rotation Monday: Lower; Back; Chest, 26 minutes, 79 calories, heart rate 98/119.
I finished with CDorner Full Body Mobility and Stretch from today, 30 minutes, 37 calories. Total time was 87 minutes, 287 calories. It has been so hot here.

Raw July Rotation-Monday Lower: Back: Chest
this one uses cables for the lat pull downs and low cable rows and dumbbells for the rest (suggested option is tubing or lighter weights used in the same positions or just do your own with weights

Heels elevated squats 25# db 10 reps (Kelly uses 30's)
Glute Squat 40# db 10 reps (Kelly uses a 50)
Deadlift 25# dbs 10 reps (kelly uses 30# dbs)
split squat 25# db 10 reps left then 25# right
Cable Lat Pull Down I used 2 pieces of tubing together with the door anchor
Low Cable Rows I used two pieces of tubing for this as well
Incline Bench Press 15# dbs 10 Reps
no rests between moves
repeat all of it 2 more times for 3 rnds

Jolie, nice work on the Caroline Girvin workouts that you put together. I like shorter workouts that really get the job done. Those look like good ones.

Belinda, nice job on yesterday's 30 Minute Strength & Conditioning HIIT Workout STF - Day 41 and today's Body weight hiit and abs Day 42. Do you carry bear spray with you when you go hiking?

Roxie, nice work with KCM Lift to Be Fit yesterday and today's Body Training Standing workout. I like the one she does for balance.

Debbie, great job on the walks. Sorry the walking tracking is not good. I am sure you tried adjusting the tightness or looseness. I found one time when I was messing with walking that swinging my arms made a difference with my Fit bit. Which I am sure made me look silly. I don't like getting lost and disoriented like that. Good idea using STS 2.0 metabolic warm up before PT exercises.
This morning I did RAW Butts & Guts because there are no weights in this workout and I like it.

This workout was 36 minutes and I burned 204 calories which surprised me.

Then I got on my treadmill and walked 1.7 miles for 35 minutes, burned 229 calories. Entire workout was 1 hr. 15 minutes, burned 433 calories and HR was 110/141.

Then I did some of my PT exercises. These take some time to do, she gave me a lot and I didn't even do the band workouts today. I sure hope it works, doesn't seem to be making much of a difference.

My lower body is toning up nicely with all the walks I've been doing. I feel trimmer.

Roxie - I think my core needs work too, so I am trying to get in some good core and ab work in during the week. I also want to start strengthening my lower back. I seem to have let all the little muscles go because they are boring to work and now I have an imbalance. How is your hip feeling now that you have been doing the PT exercises for a time? I hope you are.

Roselyn - Nice job with the Biceps workout, I love that one!!

Diane - I saw those July rotations that Kelly put up, but I haven't watched any of them yet. I want to do them but can't for right now. Figures in the summer when I have time to kick butt with my workouts, I can't do anything. :( Great job with your workout, did you like the one you did from the July Rotation? How was the Tabata Boxing workout? I miss my boxing workout.

Belinda & Jolie - Hope you have great workouts today!

Hope you all have a great day!!!
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Yesterday I forgot to check in. I walked the pup for 1 hour, traveled 3.2 miles and burned 481 calories. Today I woke up with a tight left trap muscle and my collarbone is hurting too. I must have slept on it wrong and the shoulder work that I did on Monday must have made it tight as well. I was supposed to do Chest today, but I will not be working out, I want to rest it so I do not run into a serious issue. Oh well, if it feels good tomorrow I will give it a go. What are you plans for the Fourth of July? My huband might have to work and my youngest son will be surfing so I will be by myself for the day. I want to take the pup to the beach for a walk but I will have to see if there will be any parking. People come at the crack of dawn to get their spots at the beach, parking is rough on the fourth of July.

Debbie, I bet not lifting will help you recover faster. It will be nice to get some outdoor walking in for a change.

Diane Sue, nice workout! I have a recall on my car that I need to take care of also.

Roxie, nice job on the workout, those are some good workouts. They are slow and controlled just the way I like to workout.

Roselyn, nice job on the STS workout.

Belinda, it is so great that you get your workouts done even while you are traveling. When are you going home?

Have a wonderful day. We are supposed to start getting hot weather again after today.
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Good Afternoon,

I just went for a 2.34 mile walk and it is so humid outside but I did notice some of the neighbors are planning on having parties tomorrow so more trazodone for the dog. I am doing the July dvd repetitive rotation the raw one isn’t for me. Apparently Kelly doesn’t like working the lower body so that is why she chose that as her focus this month.

Debbie-with the Body Training workout and the band work PT had me do yesterday plus today’s walk it is hurting bad right now, some days it feels good other days not so much.
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Today I did CDorner Vertical Step #388, 212 calories, 36 minutes, heart rate 146/172, 3,364 steps. I finished with CDorner Stretch after Step (the longer one)17 minutes, 32 calories. She works on those hip flexors and calves well in this one. Total time 53 minutes, 244 calories.

Debbie, nice work on Butts and Guts today. Good choice. I liked the Tabata Boxing workout. The music not so much. I sort of don't like the tabata voice either, but it is a good workout. I plan on doing each of the weight workouts this week unless something else nixes my workouts.

Roxie, nice work on the walk. My dog does not like the fireworks and stays under my feet and whines most of the time. I am best off going to bed and letting her lie by the bed as there it is dark and quieter and she relaxes some. She does the same with thunder storms. I don't mind the lower body focus so much, it is just that I am having some tight issues and discomfort in the area right now so trying to keep the hip flexors and calves from being really tight. The July workouts are short so I will try it out. May not do it the whole month. No on the jumping one for sure. I would pay dearly on that one.

Jolie, I will be sitting around by myself during the evening as my husband will be working. I will probably work on my art project. Nice work on the 3.2 mile walk today.
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