Morning maniacs!
Charlotte: I hope DH had a good night- good luck today at his appointment.
I enjoyed this workout- kind of nice to push myself in lifting as heavy as I can but not killing myself with cardio.
I burned 262 calories.
Decline Push ups using 1 riser and high step top – 2 sets/12 reps
Barbell Bench Press w/u – 35#- 16 reps
Barbell Bench Press – 55 #- 3 sets / 10 reps
- I think I can move this up another 5# next time.
Incline Barbell Bench Press 55#- 2 sets / 10 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press – 20's- 10 reps
Incline Dumbbell Fly – 17.5's- 10 reps
Incline Super Sets – 17.5's- 10 reps
Standing Arnold Press – 15's and 13.25's for last set- 3 sets/10 reps
Seated Clean & Press – 7's- 2 sets/8 reps
Standing Side Lateral Raises – 10's and 8's for last set- 3 sets/10 reps
Reverse Fly– 8's- 2 sets/10 reps
- I think I finally figured out the correct form on this exercise- finally felt it in the right place.
Seated Side Lateral Raises – 10's- 16 reps
Close Grip Dumbbell Press – 15's- 12/10/8 reps
Lying Tricep Dumbbell Extensions – 10's and 8's for last set- 3 sets / 10 reps
Cross Body Dumbbell Extensions – 8's- 2 sets/10 reps
Lying Tricep Dumbbell Extensions – 8's- 12 reps
Weighted Dips – 35# DB- 1 set/20 reps 1 set/24 reps
I noticed that I finished all the sets this time from last time, where I failed with one rep to go, so that shows definite improvement! Hooray! Have a great day everyone!
Charlotte: I hope DH had a good night- good luck today at his appointment.
I enjoyed this workout- kind of nice to push myself in lifting as heavy as I can but not killing myself with cardio.
Decline Push ups using 1 riser and high step top – 2 sets/12 reps
Barbell Bench Press w/u – 35#- 16 reps
Barbell Bench Press – 55 #- 3 sets / 10 reps
- I think I can move this up another 5# next time.
Incline Barbell Bench Press 55#- 2 sets / 10 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press – 20's- 10 reps
Incline Dumbbell Fly – 17.5's- 10 reps
Incline Super Sets – 17.5's- 10 reps
Standing Arnold Press – 15's and 13.25's for last set- 3 sets/10 reps
Seated Clean & Press – 7's- 2 sets/8 reps
Standing Side Lateral Raises – 10's and 8's for last set- 3 sets/10 reps
Reverse Fly– 8's- 2 sets/10 reps
- I think I finally figured out the correct form on this exercise- finally felt it in the right place.
Seated Side Lateral Raises – 10's- 16 reps
Close Grip Dumbbell Press – 15's- 12/10/8 reps
Lying Tricep Dumbbell Extensions – 10's and 8's for last set- 3 sets / 10 reps
Cross Body Dumbbell Extensions – 8's- 2 sets/10 reps
Lying Tricep Dumbbell Extensions – 8's- 12 reps
Weighted Dips – 35# DB- 1 set/20 reps 1 set/24 reps
I noticed that I finished all the sets this time from last time, where I failed with one rep to go, so that shows definite improvement! Hooray! Have a great day everyone!