Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for August 2024


Good morning,

I don’t see my post from yesterday? I did 40 Minute Spicy Strength & Conditioning Workout | STF - Day 61 plus yoga. Today I did D62 Abs $ Cardio. I have to run, need to take Sadie to get her 2nd shot.

Debbie - Jai is defiantly in the new workouts. I preordered downloads and DVD’s.

Diane - CDorner #406 Fast Basic Step 80', abs/core moves standing and plank hold and Raw Yoga Stretch, .Thank you for your kind words the other day. Means a lot to me.

Have a great day and workout.
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I cannot believe it is August already! Today I had an excellent workout. I did Cathe's STS 2.0 Upper Body workout #1 and I added two leg exercises to the end of the workout. Total workout time was 1 hour 7 minutes, and I burned 422 calories. I did not lift as heavy with some exercises due to the fact that when I was doing chest flies, I got a little pull across my shoulder muscle, so I did not want to risk further injury. It feels ok now but not during Chest Flies. I was reading about workouts for people over 55 years of age and it said to keep everything slow and controlled for weights as well as doing low steady state cardio like walking uphill to reduce Cortisol being release. No HIIT workouts at all, I guess that means no dread factor. :) I am ok with that!!! Basically, that is what I have been doing lately and I lost a lot of weight.

Belinda, great job on the workout today. I need to look at the new workouts from Cathe, I have no idea what they are about.

I hope you all have great workouts today! We have severe fires in CA again!!!! I sure hope we do not get the smoke where I live, it makes breathing difficult and ash will fall everywhere, and it stains everything.

Make it a nice day.
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This morning I did STS 2.0 Mobility 1 and really liked it. I think it was only like 15 minutes. Then I did my PT exercises and a few others I found on Youtube. Feeling pretty good again.

I am back at work. Sigh... Can't stand sitting here all day after I got used to walking so much with my SIL. I miss it and her already. :(

Have a great day everyone!!!
Today I did CDorner All Standing Lower Body from yesterday, 52 minutes, 129 calories, heart rate 95/139. I then did CDorner Mobility Challenge day 14 neck and shoulder stretches and day 26 leg stretch, 23 minutes, 26 calories. Total time 75 minutes, 155 calories.
Lower Body All Standing
uses dumbbells and fabric loop band
work is 45 seconds
warm up
Band Work
reverse lunge /lift
squat /heel lifts
monster walk
wall sit /press out
tap back/ forward hop
repeat all band work a second time

Round 1 Dumbbells
plie squat /calf raise 20# dbs dropped to 15's the next round
plie/ calf raise iso hold
plie to a jump

Round 2 Dumbbells
deadlift 20# dbs 1 1/2
forward lean lunge right 1 1/2 15# dbs
deadlift 20#
forward lean lunge left 1 1/2 15# dbs
single leg back to knee up hold
break and then repeat

calves 3 different ways no weight

Finisher 5 moves done till time runs out no weight

20 squat pulses, 10 pulse lunges right, 20 repeater knees, 20 squat pulses, 10 pulse lunges left, 20 repeater knees left. jump squat repeat till timer runs out

Belinda, nice job on yesterday's 40 Minute Spicy Strength & Conditioning Workout STF - Day 61 and yoga. and today's I D62 Abs & Cardio. There is a trend for the mobility training, and it seems everyone is mixing in balance work. I always felt balance work was an important component.

Jolie, nice work on STS 2 Upper Body #1 and adding 2 lower body exercises at the end. I am not a fan of Hiit workouts myself. Most of the time they have moves in them that I do not like. I have been reading up on a lot of stuff on exercises and aging along with the arthritis stuff I have going on. One thing I read in multiple places is to avoid overhead presses. One suggested front raises instead. I do to much overhead stuff and I end up with pain in my shoulders and neck.

Debbie, I am sure you will miss the walks. I pick up PT moves here and there on Youtube too. STS 2 Mobility 1 is the one I choose most of the time from that series. I am glad you are feeling better again.
Good morning,

I did BEST AMRAP Butt and Shoulders Workout! | STF - Day 63 this morning. I have to get ready for my appt. I will be back later to catch up on personals.
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This morning I did STS 2.0 Tri Sets Total Body. I went heavier than last week with a few exercises but for the most part, I kept it the same. I'm looking forward to next week where I will move on to the upper and lower body workouts. I'm a bit tired of the total body ones.

2 sets of each triset with 8 reps each

Squats: 15's
Alt. Rear Lunges: 15's
Close Grip Sumo Squat: 25#

Chest Press: 25's
Chest Flyes, Pinkies In: 20's
Thumb to Thumb Chest Flyes: 15's

Deadlifts: 40# Barbell
Pullovers: 25#
Kneeling One Arm Row: 30#

Close Grip Bench Press: 20's
Seated Single Arm Overhead Extension: 10#
Lying Triceps Extension: 12's

Seated Overhead Shoulder Press: 15's
Lateral Raise: 10's/8's
Kneeling Delt Fly: 5's
(Probably should have stuck with 12's for overheads but 15's felt ok. Hope I don't regret it)

Biceps Curls: 15's
Seated Hammer Curls: 15's
Seated Sweeper Curs: 15's/12's

Step Ups: Skipped
Alternate Side Lunges: Skipped
Double Tap Reverse Lunges: Skipped

I skipped the last triset again because other than the last exercise, I don't care for this triset. I need to change the first two to an exercise I like and then I'll add it in.

Workout was 57 minutes, burned 255 calories, and HR was 1042138.

Diane - I think I have to agree with you on overhead work. I need to be really careful with those. I probably went too high with the 15# dumbbells for overhead presses today. So far I feel ok but right after the workout I did feel a bit of weirdness.

Belinda - Great job on your workout!!

Jolie, Roselyn and Roxie - Hope you all have great workouts!!

Have a wonderful weekend!
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Today I did 1 hour walk with the pup, traveled 3.3 miles and burned 444 calories. Tomorrow will be a rest day; I will be meeting my parents for breakfast early in the morning.

Debbie, great job on the STS total body workout. I wish I could do a lower body workout but my knees would hurt so bad. However, there are several exercises that I can do and I just add them onto my upper body workouts. I bet it is hard to go back to work after having such a nice and long vacation.

Diane Sue, nice job with the workout. I am ok with the overhead weight work it is the flies that tend to cause some pain for me.

Belinda, thanks for the link to the new workouts. Great job on your workout today.

Make it a great day.
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DH, Sadie and I will take off to Delaware tomorrow, we will be back on the 9th. On the 12th I have my infusion, we will take off for the Key West afterwards.

Diane - fantastic job on your workouts. Cathe mention at the RT about the mobility thread. I agree, balance work especially as we get older is very important.

Jolie - you are welcome. Nice workout today.

Debbie - nicely done today.
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Today I did Gloved Up & Sweaty + floor(floor is only about 6 minutes added to the time from the jump rope bonus) 48 minutes, 200 calories, heart rate 120/165, 3,207 calories. I finished with STS 2.0 Mobility 1&2, 36 minutes, 51 calories. I think next time I do the mobility workouts together I will do mobility 2 first as it starts out with faster moves than mobility 1 does. Hopefully my neck feels better tomorrow so I can get in some upper body. Maybe I will just do arms.

Belinda, nice work on Best AMRAP Butt and Shoulders Workout STF - Day 63 this morning. Enjoy your trip to Delaware tomorrow. Thanks for the link to the Clip for the new workouts. I have been watching the previews.

Debbie, great job on STS 2 Total Body Tri-sets today. I am learning to adjust the workouts for what is best for me.

Jolie, nice work on the one hour walk today with your pup. Enjoy the time with your parents tomorrow. I think if we all pay attention to what hurts, making changes in the moves could keep us from ending up in pain.
Good morning,

Today I did D64 Quick Tabata & Abs plus *GRAND FINALE* Full Body Strength Challenge Workout | STF - Day 65. I am done with Sydney‘s rotation. I will take a few day‘s rest, just stretching and walking.

My doc thinks I have myalgia and inflammation in my neck, shoulders, elbow and ankles. and I cervical radiculopathy (pinched nerve in the neck). I had an xray done yesterday. I am waiting for the results. He wants me to try Cymbalta 30 mg oral delayed release capsule which is a medication that treats depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia and certain types of chronic pain such as nerve, bone or joint pain. Reading through all the sides effects is scary :( I don‘t have depression or anxiety. What can I do to bring down the inflammation? I can handle the pain, been in pain for almost a month with my shoulder/neck/elbows/wrists and knees. I been taking Tylenol, icing my knees, I also been using this https://www.retterspitz.de/en/ . It’s made in Nürnberg were I am from. It helped with my knee when I went to the RT, brought down some of the swelling. I also do gently stretching. I am getting so sick of all of this.
I know you guys been through similar stuff, I would appreciate your input. I haven‘t taking the meds yet. I am afraid to take it.

Diane - you are so welcome. I am excited for the new workouts. The Cathe Live workout from last week is identical to the upper body we did on the RT.

Off to Delaware.

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Today I did Raw Arms, 22 minutes, 91 calories, heart rate 117/144 heart rate. I followed with STS 2.0 Mini Ball abs, 11 minutes, 27 calories and finished with STS 2.0 Mat Yoga, 27 calories. Total time 56 minutes, 145 calories. I am hurting in my neck and shoulders and just didn't want to push those areas. My hands hurt and joints are swollen in my fingers along with trigger fingers. I almost left out all weight work. I may try band work next week and lighten up till I get this all under control. I am wondering if my steroid injection my doctor gave me in April has quit working. Not good as I usually can work things out for at least 12 to 18 months.

Belinda, I am so sorry. I understand and would be afraid of adding that med too. Particularly when it affects depression and anxiety when that is not a problem. I had a doctor offer me something for allergies that was usually used for depression and my daughter that is a doctor said no. According to John Hopkins Mylagia is a term describing muscle aches and pains. I always look up all of those words and things they say and research for all options. So that is probably a reference to your auto immune disease, bone and joint issues, etc.. The pinched nerve in the neck is something to worry about. Hopefully it is the inflammation causing the pinched nerve and you can get that down and do moves to try to create some space. My doctor offered to inject a nerve block into my neck before and I told him I would wait. It was one of those times where the neck pain was getting unbearable. There is limited space in my spine through that area. I don't remember when I have been completely pain free. If it were me I would check out options for that situation and hold out if at all possible. I would imagine what you are using could help with the compresses. I do not use Tylenol. It just does not do anything for me and I avoid Ibuprofen unless I just can't take it and cannot sleep. I use lots of boswellia and curcumin. I know your doctors need to know what you are using. I fill all of that out when I go in. I often wonder if he even looks at it. Hopefully your X rays will help know what is wrong. They made me get mri's of my neck.
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Today I took the pup for a 3-mile walk, 1 hour and burned 402 calories. There is going to be a heat wave the next 5 days so I will see how working out goes this week. Tomorrow I will have painters at my house all week, we are getting the outside of the house painted a new color. Tuesday, I have ad dentist appointment at 7am so no workout that morning. I have to start tackling all of this dental work and stop putting it off. I ordered Cathe's STS 2.0 Giant Sets, Super Sets and Tri Sets workouts from Amazon, they should be here tomorrow. I hope there are some upper body premixes in each of them since the low body work hurts my knees a lot. If I do low body workouts, I will do body weight or low weights only.

Belinda, go to a Chiro to get the pinch nerve in your neck taken care of, there is no need for meds for something like that. Also, take Alpha Lipoic Acid, that helps with nerve issues. In regard to inflammation, Debbie, Diane and I speak a lot about this issue. Get an Infared light, take supplements, Ice, and look at your diet.

Have a great day.

Great job on the workouts everyone.
Diane - my doctor thinks the pinched nerve is causing the inflammation. I been checking if the X-ray are posted on My health portal. It’s saying until the 6th. I will google the Mayo Clinic and see what I can find out. If I remember correctly my doctor wanted to give me the same medicine last year? I used the Thyroid during the RT, otherwise I wouldn’t have made it through. I stopped taking it ie. I use the Retterspitz, which is all natural. I’ll am happy you are pain free. I know it has to get better eventually. Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.

Jolie - thank you for all your help. Do you have a link on the light and meds?l I rally appreciate your help and advice.
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This morning I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 1. Good workout. I still need to be careful with my shoulder, I can still feel that sticking point and I'm not sure why it won't heal? Hope it does soon.

This workout was old school lifting, 1 minute rest between each set:

Flat Bench Press: 20's - 12 reps
Flat Bench Press: 25's - 2 sets/8 reps
Flat Bench Fly, Thumbs In: 20's
Pushups: 16 reps (on knees)

Vertical Chin-Up: 30# Band - 10 reps
Horizontal Chin-Up: 30# Band - 8 reps
Vertical Pullup: 30# Band - 8 reps
Horizontal Pullup: 30# Band - 8 reps
Rear Delt Fly Thumbs Out: 8's - 12 reps
Band Face Pull: Blue Band

Barbell Curls: 30# - 10 reps
Barbell Curls: 30# - 2 sets/8 reps
Alternate Isolated Hammer: 12's - 5 reps each side (killer!)
Reverse Curl: 10's - 16 reps

Lying Triceps BB Extension: 25# - 10 reps
Lying Triceps BB Extension: 25# - 2 sets/8 reps
Lying Cross Body Extension: 10# - 10 reps
Band Triceps Pressdown: 10# Band - 10 reps/24 fast reps

Barbell Shoulder Press: 25# - 10 reps (I got to 7 reps)
Barbell Shoulder Press: 20# - 2 sets/8 reps
Seated Arnold Press: 12's - 10 reps (I got to 9 reps)
Side Lateral Raise: 5's - 11 reps
Alternate Side Lateral Raise: 5's - 12 reps (I only got to 10 reps)

My shoulders were feeling this. I went light with the laterals and that was still hard for me.

Workout was 1 hour, burned 265 calories, and HR was 101/147.

Belinda - Other than cutting out sugar for your inflammation issues, I don't know what else to suggest. I totally agree with you about being leary about taking the prescription. I think you should look into some natural supplements first and see if they help. Diane and Jolie gave some good examples. I'm sorry you are going through all this, I sure hope you feel better soon.

Jolie and Diane - Great job with your workouts!!

Roselyn - Are you doing STS 2.0? I am doing the 8 week rotation. I hope I can continue with it, so far so good.

Have a great day everyone!!!
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No workout today. I got up early and went for my wellness check-up. I decided to come home and get some other things done, like cleaning the aquarium, stuff needed on the yard, and I will bathe my dog and take care of her nails. My doctor says I should be eating 1800 calories to even maintain weight. I rarely get over 1600.

Belinda, I hope you hear something on the x ray soon. I have been looking over the Auto-immune protocol diet. I don't know if I can tolerate the things I have to give up though. No coffee, no dairy, no beans, no grains. It is pretty limited, but they say it gives results. I use the Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic. I wish we doctors were studied in medicine and natural medicine. I often think they have no idea of what other options to try other than more meds. I understand the pain from the never would cause inflammation, but it seems they could come up with something to do besides put you on another med. Sorry this is going on.

Jolie, nice work on yesterday's walk. Yes, there are upper body premixes on Supersets and Tri-sets. Not on Giant Sets as each giant set is upper and lower so you would just have to skip the lower segments as you go through. I wondered about the unilateral mix, but I think there is still some single leg lower mixed in. There is also a bilateral mix. I guess I would have to check on workout manager and see what those premixes contain from the Total Body Giant sets.

Roselyn, nice job getting in an upper body workout.

Debbie, great job on STS 2 Upper Body 1 today. I started out with the 8-week rotation so I could get a feel for all of the workouts. I think I took a few extra recovery days between workouts at times because I needed it, so it was beyond 8 weeks.
This morning I did STS 2.0 Lower Body 1 and had an excellent workout. I think I was supposed to do this yesterday and Upper Body today but it doesn't matter.

This is how it went - 1 minute rest between each exercise

Squats: 20's - 2 sets/10 reps
Front Squats: 30# - 2 sets/10 reps (those were tough on my shoulder)
Barbell Deadlifts: 40# - 3 sets/10 reps
Dumbbell Reverse Lunges: 15's - 8 reps
R/L Reverse Lunges: 15's - 8 reps each side
R/L Static Lunges: 15's - 8 reps each side
Close Grip Sumo Squats: 30# - 10 reps
1.5 Close Grip Sumo Squats: 30# - 2 sets/6 reps
R/L Side Lunges: 15# - 2 sets/8 reps
R/L Static Side Lunges: 15# - 8 reps
Barbell Hip Thrusts: 30# - 3 sets/12-10-8 reps (really felt these!)
Barbell Calf Raises: 40# - 20 reps
Elevated Barbell Calf Raises: 40# - 2 sets/12 reps
Barbell Calf Raises: 40# - 15 reps
Stability Ball Hamstring Roll Ins - Skipped
Stability Ball Quad Raises: 2 sets - 15 reps w/ball on shin; 12 reps with ball on toes (burner)

Workout was 55 minutes, burned 301 calories, HR 116/142.

Then I walked on my treadmill for 1.25 miles, 26 minutes, burned 289 calories and HR was 159/181 (better) and I did 3003 steps.

Diane - I think the 8 week rotation is very doable for me. I'll be ready for Kelly again when I'm done or I have been toying with doing STS 1 again. Not sure as of yet. I need to count calories, not sure if I'm eating too much or not enough. I just hate counting, I've done it for years and I just don't want to anymore. I go by my pans and how they fit. So far so good. LOL!!

Have a great day and workouts everyone!!
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