Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for August 2018

Jolie, you put together a nice workout today. I usually have my knees barely bent when doing deadlifts and don't go all of the way to my feet like I used to do. I always thought that is what we were supposed to be doing, or else why would one want to be standing on a platform to preform the move. It is really hard on the back that way. I think the problems with the elbows is extending the arms to stiff and straight. Maybe I am wrong, but that really does bother my elbows and I have one arm that just does not want to come up the angle that the instructors always seem to do. Body mechanics can sure wreak havoc with some moves. I really enjoyed both workouts that I did today. The step was choreographed where it kept me thinking as I went and the 200 workout was just right to be fun. Cathe does give modifiers on the 200 workout and also suggests near the end that you can adjust weights higher or lower or start lower and work up through the 4 sets in each round. I just followed them today and it was nice having the moves down. I used my Iron gym push up/ pull up bar on the floor when I did the burpees to get me up off the floor a bit and protect my wrists a bit.

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