Hey Everyone - I decided to do CCPP last night. I could hardly get started b/c my legs were still in so much pain but thought if I could get on with it, they would feel better at some point. It was a rather weak performance, compared to my usual CCPP stats but it is done. I used all machines (bike, SM, TM and arc), running on the TM which oddly felt better on the legs than walking. Calorie burn was just over 700. Legs feel a tad better today - did lots of stretching last night with more on tap for today since the 40 mile ride is tomorrow. My legs hurt to just barely touch yesterday so today is an improvement. Sunday is going to be a big ol' day of rest, aside from stretching/yoga. Today is yoga, abs and upper body - moved those to today when I decided to do CCPP. Did do some hanging ab raises last night.
Happy Friday!!!