First let me just say ...
I Love Flylady! Although I still tend to flutter a bit now and then, her system is great, so are a lot of her tools!
Okay, I switched things up a bit this week. I read an article this weekend that said you should never work arms the day before or after Chest or Back. So I did
Back today and will do Arms later in the week.
Honestly, I don't think I really had any business working out this morning, throat is still really sore and it didn't take much to send my HR through the roof. I noticed during running between sets that I didn't have to work hard for my HR to rise, so being short on time and figuring easy cardio would be the way to go I finished with 4 DS LIS. Well, lets just say at the end of the combos my HR was nearing 170 and by the end of the blasts it was 181-182

for low impact! But in the end, I am an idiot and don't know when to just stay in bed.
Today was
Back. Quads are really sore from yesterday and traps are already feeling sore.
4DS HIS through first blast as warmup.
8 sets - 20 seconds on/10 seconds off.
Ran during 2 minute rest between each set.
Underhand/Overhand BB Rows:
45# - 8 sets/15-13 reps
**Alternated grip
Lat Pulldown:
2 15# Green tubes and 1 5# Red Tube together - 8 sets/11-9 reps
***Up 5# tube.
Dumbbell Pullover:
33# - 8 sets/9-7 reps
***These were killer they day after chest day!
T-Back Squeeze:
Purple Band - 8 sets/16-14 reps
Then did Combo/Blast 1 & 2 and Combo 3 from 4DS LIS.
Finished with stretch from 4DS LIS. Workout was 1:00 and burned 530 calories. (Saturday w/o was 1:09 and I only burned 466 calories)