Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Tues 5-2

Hi again,

Lora, most people think about food for everything. Unfortunately bad foods are cheap, so that’s another reason people give that too. Where I work(ed), people would bring in Danish cakes, coffee cakes, doughnuts etc. There are those days when it’s HARD to stay away, let alone try not to back for seconds. How exciting and BOSU! I cant wait to hear what you think of it. I’ve never tried one.

What is going on with everyone’s stiff necks? That so strange it’s happening at once and we’re not following the same rotation or anything…hmmmm I hope everyone is better tomorrow.

I got a pretty good workout in. I didn’t run, I did L&G instead since I ate too much this morning. I think it’s time for me to increase my weights a bit in SH B&T. Yay!

Sabrina, good luck at your Open House today. Your persistence is going to pay off. What food trays did you order?

Well, I think I’ll make turkey burgers for dinner tonight. Gotta do some of the never ending laundry now. Ugh!

Susan C.M.
Hey Lora...you asked where I worked...I work at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Been here for a long, long time. I do some personal training, but just on the side.

Susan - I made burgers last night using extra lean beef. I usually use turkey, but my kids won't eat it because they don't like the way they look (too light). I tell them they are still good...but they don't buy it. I get cravings for burgers now and then and these do the trick for me.

Toasty - I might have known you'd get distracted by somebody's hair (smile)!! You did low-ends with 110??!! YOU ARE THE WOMAN!!

Later guys!!

I'm going to be bad here, but the woman you're talking about, Charlotte - the one in Leaner Legs - you may be too young, but Tom Hanks used to be on a show called Bosom Buddies where he played a guy who used to have to dress in drag because the only room he and his friend could find that they could afford was in a Women Only apartment complex. She looks just like him in drag. It's only this video - I've seen her in others and she does not, but I almost dropped my barbell the first time I saw her. I still get a bit distracted by her now, but that's a good thing - it makes the workout go faster. And you ARE the woman for doing low ends with 110 pounds! Holy cow! I bow down before you!

Marietta - Whole Foods offers a very very lean ground beef that has the same calories as ground turkey - oh, and it makes the best darned burgers you'll ever have! So, I indulge sometimes too...

I enjoyed reading Bill's tribute to his darling Diane Sue. She's a lucky lady! (And he's a lucky man!)

Did a 4 mile run today at lunch. Now I'm starved. Go figure...
Toasty - I sent you a PM. I can't find your email. I need it again.

It wasn't my NRG DVDs that came today. It was my remaining 3 CIA's. I got Sheri Jacqlyn's Interval Kickbox with Caoperia (spelling) ab and leg work, Kimberly Spreen Kickbox/Hi Lo blend & Leg Sculpting workout and the last DVD has a Cardio/Weight circuit by Sharon Twombly and a Bosu workout with Seasun Zieger.

I'm off to do some Lunar Yoga now. See you ladies bright and early in the AM.
Hi All!

I skimmed the posts. I have to be quick. I have to go pick up my ds and friend from batting practice.

Bill ~ How sweet! You both must be counting down the days! Thank you for all that you've done in Iraq. My brother will be going back in June. :-( He's not worried, but I AM. Are they not continuing training officers? That's what my brother said.

Marietta ~ That was some work out! Another one I'll need to print out. However, I still have DOMS from GS-Chest!

Charlotte ~ Oh my! 110 barbell!

Susan ~ I made a yummy spaghetti sauce with ground chicken yesterday. I don't think I could do 100% vegetarian, but that's OK.

Lora ~ I couldn't stand it when I worked. I avoided the lunch room at all costs. There were always sweets in there. Back then I had better willpower. Thank goodness, I'm not tempted like that now.

Terri ~ How are you feeling?

Christine ~ I'm sorry about your mom. I read DebbieH's thread. How recent? (if you don't mind me asking) May 21st will be two years since my dear mom passed away. :-( That thread was a sweet little tribute.

Did you all get Nicole's e-mail? Hopefully, Thursday will bring good news.

OK, off and running.....again!

Have a great night....I guess that wasn't so quick, huh? lol
Good evening,
I know this is late. I finally finished jury duty. I didn't serve in a courtroom. We were called and they dismissed all of the jurors before selection started. It is always an interesting process and you meet a lot of people while you are sitting there all of those hours. I came home today and my husband had sent me a dozen roses. He is so sweet. Yesterday was so busy I found myself eating dinner at 9:30 at night after I got home from dance rehearsal. I didn't eat breakfast and had a wrap sandwich that was mostly lettuce and a tortilla for lunch. Today I forgot lunch. The vending machines only had junk. I ended up eating two packs of peanut butter crackers. So tonight I was really hungry. Today I got in GS Biceps. Not much of a workout. If I had this busy of a schedule everyday I would have to go to bed right away and get up really early like Lora:)

Lora, if you have not used Awesome Strength yet it uses the BOSU a lot. I have to use the stability ball and step for moves in this. THey do give alternative devices along with the BOSU. I have considered one of these but am not sure I would use it that much.

I hope everyone had a great day, I did catch the e mail about Nicole. My heart goes out to her. I hope things get better for her soon.

Diane Sue

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