Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Feb 22 Wed


Morning Ladies -

This morning I did The Firm Complete Body Sculpt. It was an okay workout. I'm trying to take it easy for a few days cuz the instructions for Power 90 Masters says to do a 1-2 week recovery period before starting, so I have opted to just ease up a bit this week. I'm going to do a TLT tomorrow, an easy FitPrime one on Friday and just do some Pilates and stretching on Saturday. Hopefully, I'll be able to stick to this. I consider this a "recovery", although I'm not sure?

I'm starting a P90 Masters rotation Sunday. I'm losely planning on doing one month of all Masters and then a combined P90X with some TJam thrown in. I found a rotation on Videofitness. Then hopefully Cathe's new stuff will be out. I'm sure in a funk and (believe it or not) could use some new stuff to make me feel better. I always want chocolate and to shop when I'm depressed like this. Not good!

Diana Sue - P90 Masters was formulated to be a stepping stone from Power 90 and to get you ready for the next step of P90X. The workouts are very much like P90X, except they are a bit shorter, a bit less intense and the weight work is not split. Also - Tony does stop in between exercises to explain them. I don't find this too big of a problem, as I usually run in place when I don't know the workout and then after I learn it, I just run in place or start doing the moves while he is talking. I even did this with Power 90X....I don't like to stop for breaks, except water occasionally.

THere are a total of 6 DVDS, Sweat 5-6 (cardio), Core Cardio - which is sort of an easier version of Ab Ripper X (is that the name of the ab one in X?) with some cardio moves in between to make a 50 min. workout). Cardio Intervals - 60 min. cardio interval workout with most of the kind of moves in Core Synerg, etc., Sculpt 5-6 a total body weighted workout that has some unique moves, Upper Middle Lower - which is a workout similar to Core Synergestics without the weights. It does ab work, all sorts of pushups and core work. It is considered a resistance workout in the Beachbody Info. The last DVD is Plyo Legs. This is like a slightly easier version of Plyo X. Although, I find I can make these as hard or easy as I want to. I have done them and made them as challenging as P90X and there have been days I modified for an easier workout. That is one of the things I love about them.

So, I guess I would say...yes, you could use them as a maintenance system for P90X. You would have to add on to each workout to make the intensity you desire (I know you!!) You could always do 2 back to back or mix P90 X with Masters or even Cathe with them.

Have great workouts everyone. Sorry I've not been very inspiring lately and have been in this funk.
Good morning,
Thanks so much for the information Lora. I am really liking doing the P90X series so thought the masters might be a good addition. I also thought saw that they looked a little shorter (good for when I have less time and also good to add onto). I probably wont order any till after vacation. I still have 6 more weeks of th p90X series. I am off to do I Max3 a treadmill run and P90X Back & Biceps, & Ab Ripper X plus some:) BTW I recieved my other swim suit. It is tiny. Much smaller than it looked in the catalog. Although I ordered it in a different print than the model was wearing. I'll check back later.

Have great workouts
Diane Sue
Good morning.
I'm off to the gym for 60 minutes cardio plus abs I'll also walk 40 minutes tonight.
Have a great day!
Good Morning,
This am. I plan on doing Kickmax, 1 set of BBM and ride my airdyne for 25-35 min.

Lora don't let your boss bother you!! Have you thought about looking for another job!! I don't think any job is worth the harassment you are going through!! ((HUGS))

Dallas what did you Dr. say?? Hope everything is well with the foot!! As far as getting back to working out again!! Play it by ear, and when you feel up to it you can start blastering you butt away with us:7

Susan I have a pilates magic circle that I like to pull out when I am doing Cathe pyamids. Karen Voight has a good workout that I use with it. I have not read about those new dvds that you listed. They look good!!

Sabrina how did it go??

Charolotte I am happy to say I am not as sore as I thought I would be???? Hows yours feeling today:7 I am sure lifting heavy like that would make you feel it!!

Hey does anyone have 1lb wt. gloves??? If so how do you like them. I am going to do kickmax today and thought it would be nice to have those:D

Terri how are you liking you new shoes??

Diane Sue how many suits did you buy?? I like the one you posted yesterday, but I do have to say I Like the neon green one better. It is just such a *FUN* color, and it looks good on you!! (They both do!!)

Marietta hey girl!! You have been busy!! How are you liking working those gluetes?? I bet you are loving it!!

Hello to everyone else that follows!! :D

Will be back later!!
Good Morning Ladies,

Today is power hour and 500 jumping jacks and I forget what else :) I have to look at the roation. Marietta, I am not sure what I will do next after this rotation. How about you?

Diane Sue-Wow that swimsuit should turn a few heads!
Nicole-I love my shoes! You really should get some. Pink sauconys are the best. Although I am sure the color is not what makes them so good :) I do however like all the room in them. I know Lora likes hers as well.
Lora-Thanks for all the info on p90 masters. I think I would do p90x if I were foing to do one.
Dallas- What did the doc say?
Susan-Thinks for the nice compliments about my son.
Sabrina-Same to you :)

Nicole, I have not been getting that sore form he BBM workout. Am I doing something wrong?

Good Morning All!

The dr. I went to see last night was WONDERFUL! It was like night and day! She was very thorough. She had to redo my x-rays, but again it came back with no breaks. When I went to see her there was no pain to speak of, but I explained the history and that I was anxious to get back to running, etc. However, I don't want to have a re-injury. She gave me a shot of cortisone. That wasn't fun, but hopefully that will be the answer. She also gave me some shock absorbers. Now why didn't they other guy at least do that?!?!?! She said give it until the weekend before I start cardio and no lunges and squats and keep it low impact at first. I can still do upper body, abs, pilates and yoga. Basically, what I have been doing. She said this weekend I can start with some cardio and take it slowly. She said, "Don't go out and run 4 miles." I said, "That's just a warm-up." ;-) She gave me some stretching exercises to do. There's more, but this is getting long. I wished I would have waited to see her. My faith is restored in doctors again!:) Very happy right now!

Lora ~ I hope you have a good day at work. Have you looked at any of the job postings? When I used to work at a the University of Chicago it seemed like there where endless job postings. Thanks goodness I didn't have to bother with it. My bosses were wonderful!

Diane Sue ~ WOW! What a bathing suit! I must have missed the neon one Nicole was describing? I remember the light blue one. I like that one so far. You'd look great in anything!!

Susan ~ I'll come and hold the baby for you! I wish I could. Do you think it's gas? My two boys had a horrible time with it.;(

Nicole ~ Crack that whip! }( You go girl! I'm going to go print out that BBM and see if I can do any of the exercises right now. I can do floorwork.

Terri ~ How's the Jan. rotation going? What do you see yourself doing next?

Marietta ~ When is the big event? That's sweet that your making the invitations. Take a picture of them when there are done. I'd love to see them.

Sabrina ~ I got your e-mail. What time will you get to the hotel? I'll send you another e-mail.

Hi Charlotte, Joy, Jessica ??Lisa??!!

Today, I plan on doing upper body (not sure what yet), floorwork (I'll check out that BBM or I'll do a DVD) and CM #3. Tonight I'm supposed to do a pilates reformer class. I can't wait!

I'll try and check back later!

Good morning!!

This morning I did Power Hour. I haven't done that one in a while...I thought the squats were never gonna end!! I'm supposed to also do 400 walking lunges, 500 sit ups, and 10 set of 8 pushups...fun!! I may just end up doing 200 walking lunges with 10 lbs in each hand. The sit-ups...I don't think so. But I will do the pushups...I'll also get in a little cardio...gotta have cardio.

Lora - My friend...you need another job. I don't mean to make you feel bad or anything, but this job is not doing you a bit of good. It's zapping the life out of you and it's sooooooo not worth it.

Diane Sue - I know all about being very, very busy...I hate when that happens.

Terri - I think you may have the rotation a little mixed up...we do the jumping jacks tomorrow. Anyway....I need to look at the Feb 06 rotation...thinking about doing that.

Jessica - Have fun at the gym. What cardio do you do at the gym??

Dallas - Excellent news!! Glad the appointment went well...really glad you don't have any fractures or anything. Don't those shots bite??!! If I never have to get another one of those in my life...it would be just fine with me. But they can be helpful...I know you are dying to do cardio...the weekend is not too far away...hang in there. The worst is over...I see brighter days ahead!!

Hi to all that follow!!

I'll be back later...

Well hello there!

I'm just going to do some cardio on my elliptical stepper today. I'm not sure for how long.

Lora, I was once asked to leave the job I had to work for another company (they offered more money, etc), so I did take that opportunity. Well, it turned out; my boss and her boss were NASTY!! They were the meanest women I have EVER come across. They'd brag how crappy they treated their husbands too. One morning my boss was in her usual mood, that I just matter of fact told her I couldn't take seeing her and listening to her. I walked out...now, I'm 20 years old, on my own without a job. So, I went to the gym, met a guy who worked in an office complex and invited me to lunch the next day. I went, met with someone who was looking for help. He hired me and I've been with him for 16 years now.
You've got to get away from that woman! She's NUTS.

Dallas, I'm SO glad you found a good doctor! Maybe you're right about the baby having gas. I do eat lots of veggies and the last couple of days I've had broccoli. Whoops!

Marietta, yes, it was the baby that made me hit pause yesterday. Now, you've got me thinking about PH. I might try that one tomorrow.

Nicole, let me know if you find one pound gloves. I was looking for some a while ago. Like the jollies, I think they'd be a great addition when doing kickboxing.

Diane Sue, not much longer until your vacation! So, you checked out the link from yesterday with the Pilates ring? I think we all like spend money on more and more fitness gadgets, huh?

Hi to everyone, I'll be back later.

Hey everyone...I'm back!

I decided to do GS - BSB. I went a little heavier. I hope I won't regret that. I also did FIU floor and 3 sets of 20: leg extensions and prone leg curls. I then did a workout from the Oxygen Glute issue. 3 sets: hip thrusts w/10lb plate, standing cable kickback, and kneeling cable kickbacks. I hope I feel something tomorrow! }( I was planning on doing CM#3, but I'll save it for tomorrow. The pilates reformer should take care of my abs anyway, I hope!

Susan ~ That had to be the hardest part with breast feeding. Figuring out which foods would upset the baby. Oh, the second hardest part was weaning. :-( Hang in there!:) My dh got gloves for me for x-mas. I should get those out.

Sabrina ~ I'll e-mail you about tomorrow right now!

Ooops, sorry about all the typos in my original post. I wanted to type fast, so I could get to my workout. Tomorrow I'm back to 5A work outs....much easier.:) I'm so glad this is a forgiving group. Holy smokes all the hostile threads lately! ;(

Take it easy!

Hey....where is everyone??

I finished up todays workouts by doing 35 minutes on the elliptical, 10 sets of 8 pushups, 200 walking lunges with 10 lbs in each hand, and 1 set of BBM exercises.

The day is not going very well for me...my heart is a little troubled so please say a prayer for me.

Susan - I'm thinking those veggies could have done it to the baby...what's a girl to do?

Dallas - I agree...this is a very safe haven and I hope it stays that way.

I may be back...

Marietta....Here I am :7 Hey I FINALLY picked up the oxygen issue today:) I will have to check out those exercise's Dallas did!! Oh and just hearing you talk about those walking lunges HURT me LOL. Today I rode my bike then did BBM exercises and then tackled KM and my legs were dying by the leg drills!!!

Terri I am happy to hear you like your shoes. I am going to pick me up some sauconys with my next shoe purchase!! Oh btw I have not really been that sore from the BBM workout either???? I think maybe Debbie prepared our butts??? LOL

Dallas I am happy to hear you like this Dr. better. Sounds like you got *some* butt workout in:7

Susan I remember Kathryn posted something about hers and really liked them. She states to be sure and get sand filled ones. Over Christmas I did see some at the mall. I think I may head over that way on Friday and buy them:D

Dallas get yours out and see how your like them:7 Just do your upper body with them:D

Hi again,

Marietta, I will pray for your troubled heart. I hope whatever it is clears up soon.

Dallas, Yeah, I saw those threads today. I missed a lot while I was in the hospital and went back to catch up. I still stand by what I've mentioned before that I will NEVER, EVER give my opinions some things (esp. diet). It's just not worth it. I love our check-in and it's really the only place I post.

My Aunt, Uncle, Cousin and her family are in NY this week. They live in AZ. We're all meeting for dinner tonight.

I am late,
I think the whole rest of my time before dh comes home will be busy. I finally finished off with my ab work this evening as I did not have time earlier. I added a 2 mile treadmill run to I max 3 and did P90X Back and Biceps. THis evening I did ab ripper X using a med ball for part of it, Bowflex kneeling resisted crunches 100 reps, seated resisted crunches 150 reps and Woodchops on the ball 50 reps.

Nicole I bought two suits as I have a new one I bought last year as well. I think I like the Tourquise and lime one best as well.

Dallas, I am glad you went to another doctor. Good luck getting back into your workouts. I know how frustrating that can be.

Marietta it sound like you have a very busy schedule. I pray that you will find peace with whatever is bothering you. Take care OK:)

Susan, I hope you can get the baby settled down. I know how that is. If it's not nursing and feeding it is teething or something else. You both will both adjust eventually into a routine which I am sure you know. It won't be much longer till dh is here. I can't wait. I have been looking at the pilates rings for awhile. I just would just tell myself hey I can squeeze a ball or pull with bands but the pilates ring would do both and I think be a good workout tool.

Dallas, I agree with Marietta, I hope this stays a safe haven. I know I make errors in typing and wording when tired or in a hurry. I always hope everyone understands when it is one of those times where things are not quite right. I do!! I just checked out a couple of those threads and it makes me sad that some people cannot just listen or ignore something and go on. Why tear up a good thing? There is so much motivation here and I feel like I have some good friends here even if I have not met them in person.

Diane Sue

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