Roselyn - Looks like you're getting a lot of good workouts combining Turbo Fire with other stuff. Very curious what you'd think of them after going through Insanity (sentences like that would sound so odd anywhere else).
Linda - That sounds just exactly like a problem I had years ago involving my sciatic nerve - butt pain that radiated down. It was a low back problem but I'd feel it intermittently in my feet and knees - lower leg. I saw a chiropractor - it took a few sessions but when it resolved, it was almost like an "over night, good as new" thing. It sucked though - sorry you're hurting.
Debbie - I thought I'd remembered you lost your dad not so long ago. Part of it is I think we WANT to believe they'll always be around and not think about them dying. Your words hit home for me though. I need to talk/write to him as much as I can now or I'll regret that later. Thank you. Sorry about your bloomin' hip flexor. Extremely frustrating.
Theresa - My back is ticked at me, too. It has a right to be. Not too bad right now, though - I won't push it. Hope yours is doing better today. I thought/hoped you'd have some comments about my pops bout with the cancer. I'd never heard of it before but am not really exposed to medical information like you are. The quality of life problem is really the issue with him now. It's just plummeted - that's the hardest thing about it, I think. He's a strong man and can endure a lot - but not being an invalid. He isn't there yet but I know he thinks about it. He talked to me a lot about my mom. Had some guilt he was carrying (which I didn't know), so that was good. And it was great to be able to see him and DS together. They really connect and DS was a source of light there for us all. He had so much fun - went golfing with one of his uncle's and seems to have some natural ability there. My dad loves golf but can't play anymore - I think he had some vicarious fun through DS and they watched a lot of sports together and stuff. Btw - previewed Providence last night. Looks really good. Wanted to do it right then but - hopefully soon
Cheryl - Good to hear from you! How exciting - a new house

Sorry you've got it going on, too (an injury) - what is up with us? Hope you're back to 100% very soon - have missed hearing from you

Rest day for me today

- It's probably long overdue - I've been pushing it and maybe trying to "stay ahead" of my emotions/thoughts - so, it's probably important I take it easy today for a lot of reasons. Hope everyone gets feeling better very soon (as in - NOW) and has a good day.