Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties Sunday, Jan. 25, 2009


Good morning!

The dogs woke us up at 5am as usual! Mitch fed them and we let them out and now they are sleeping like angels and we can't go back to sleep.

Today is a rest day for me thank goodness. I might do P90X stretch though. Since I hate yoga but am feeling quite unlimber these days I feel like I should do something about it. I am amazed at how quickly my back has healed though. I'm telling you, that thing that Gregg gave me to put on my back must have done the trick. He reminds me that he was the "x" factor this time. :) I really expected it to take longer to heal this time than before because I hear that's how those back injuries work. I'm soooo happy.

My pics are up in my Picture Trail workout album (and I did put Gregg who has helped me so much with my shoulder in an album called LCCC b/c I thought he should get some billing - but that was like last week). I don't know why I make such ridiculous faces. It is so hard to flex and look normal. I'm flexing in every picture even though it looks like I'm just sitting there. We never could get a good quad pic. I have a lot of good definition in my quads (if I do say so :p) but we just couldn't get the right look. I get terrible cramps in my feet and when I flex it's awful. We'll keep working on it though.

Hope you all have a great day!
Nice pics, Suz.

I just got up and have not eaten yet. I know that is bad. I am going to make a protein shake with some berries and skim milk with some flax seed. I am posting my food for any comments from anyone, as I am trying to eat better and lose about 5 pounds. Lunch may be some tuna, dinner is turkey burgers and asparagus. I have not figured snacks yet. Any suggestions welcome. Is dark chocolate a no no right now?
Suz....AWESOME PICS! You look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

Here are my meals from yesterday:
M1: 5 egg white, 1 egg, veggies-b.pepper, gr. onion, mush., cheese omelet, cup of berries-blue, rasp, straw., 1/2 wg bagel.
M2: protein shake-1 scoop pr.powder, banana, 1/2 cup fat free yogurt, 1 tbls flaxseed.
M3: 2 cups mixed greens, 3 oz salmon, carrot, broccoli, walnuts, dried cranberries, light razpberry viniagrette.
M4: 4 oz orange roughy, 1 cup steamed squash

This is not typical of my meals. Normally I eat 6 (every 3 hours)....however, weekends are different and especially yesterday since my first meal wasn't until 9:30!

Roselyn...I think the dark chocolate would be ok...just in moderation.

Patti...I think I am going to take Debbie's advice and take a full week for recovery. I worked it pretty hard in Dec/Jan and I need this time to recover/repair. I will be starting up again January 30.

Have to take DS to get physical for baseball and buy him an new glove (his b-day present).

Speaking of birthdays, Linda....how'd the party go yesteday?
Hi all!

Suz: Great pictures! Your hard work really shows.

Roselyn: I have a few ideas for snacks that I'll post later.

Rest day here, although I need to do a few 1RMs with DH today.
Thanks for the comps on my pics. I wish my legs looked better but it's a work in progress, right? And I see the women on BB.com and they look AMAZING but even they have cellulite. And they eat way more clean than I do. D@#% genetics! But I can't really complain until I clean up my diet more...and drink more water.

Roselyn - Today is a big, fat cheat day so I'm not even going to tell you what I'm making later. :eek: The meal will actually be pretty healthy, but it's the dessert that won't be. And I can tell you right now that I will be overindulging. So about that paragraph I just wrote above, I have no one to blame but myself really. I wonder how much of it really IS genetics??? :p

Sonya - Your discipline with your diet amazes me! I want to have that discipline. I have it in my workouts and am very driven. I mean, I work out two hours almost every day during the week. What happens with my diet? I don't overindulge, I just don't eat enough. And then I can tend to eat too much sugar sometimes so I guess that would be overindulging.

Patti - Good luck with your 1RM's. These must be tough to do the way everybody keeps talking about them. I'm intrigued...
Today is a rest day. I am so tired since I did not sleep much last night. I stopped at Starbucks and got a skinny cinnamon dulce latte on the way to church w/ protein added to wake me up. Not real healthy but it was better than nothing LOL Then I had to run errands. Wanted to put them off but figured I had better get stamps and stuff before we up and get some snow. They are saying maybe Tuesday. It has been so nice my hyacinths are trying to come up:eek: I just had some Harvest selects chicken tortilla soup for lunch. Way to mch sodium. At 4 we are supposed to go to my grandson's birthday party at CiCi's. I will probably just get some tea and wait for dinner.

Suz, your pictures are great. You are really doing well. Your dh did a good job taking the pictures. I hate that cellulite is so hard to deal with even when we are skinny:confused: If I keep my diet really clean mine seems to pretty much go away. I hate my backside! Wish I could have stayed with my rotation but am battling the knee issue.
Hey Maniacs! Today is my rest day. I'm feeling some nice DOMS from my workout yesterday (Providence). It's been snowing today...a wet slushy snow.

Suz- Great pictures! I can tell you've put on some muscle.:cool: Love the poses.

Roselyn- I think Char sneaks in some dark chocolate everyday. I think a little won't hurt. It's supposed to be good for you!:D Check out the attachment below for some great eating ideas.

Patty- Enjoy your rest day!

Sonya- Your eats look good. I love fish!



  • RCR-mealplan.pdf
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Hey Maniacs!!!

WOW, Suz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your pictures are really inspiring!! You have been sweating...I know you have....L@@K at the definition!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

Behind in posting my workouts. Here she blows...


I did MM abs followed by:

Arnold Press 25's 3/10 (cannot believe I was able to do 10 reps for all 3 times)
Seated Clean and Press 10's (not sure I was doing these right..felt too easy) 2/8
Side Lateral Raises 10's 3/10
Reverse Flies 10's 3/10s
Side Lateral Raises 8's 16x's

Close Grip DB Press 20's 1/10 and said to hell with it! :mad:
Lying Tricep Ext 12's 3/10
Lying Tricep Ext 12's 12x's
***skipped the Cross Body Ext because I don't know what that is***
Weighted Bench Dips 35# 2/20

Today's workout

Pushups off stepper 3/12
Bench Press w/u 45# 16x's (don't laugh)
Bench Press 65# 3/10 (your not still laughing, are you??)
Incline Bench Press 55# 3/10
Incline DB Press 20's 3/10
Incline DB Flies 25's 3/10

Then ate lunch: tuna fish mixed with caesar dressing and sugar free vanilla pudding and salad. (The pudding washed down the tuna-ick)

Off then to do Cardio Coach #3 ....
burned 341 cals
traveled 4.1 mi.
time: 40 mins

Off next to shower and then see Underworld!! Been a fantastic weekend so far!!!! Oh yeah...I got DOMS in my shoulders. Now I haven't had this experience in a long time! WOW!
Sonya - Your discipline with your diet amazes me! I want to have that discipline. I have it in my workouts and am very driven. I mean, I work out two hours almost every day during the week. What happens with my diet? I don't overindulge, I just don't eat enough. And then I can tend to eat too much sugar sometimes so I guess that would be overindulging.

Suz....Thanks! I guess that's the thing...with the time and effort I put into my workouts I don't want to sabatoge all that hard work by not eating healthy. You look pretty damn amazing....but think about what Tom Venuto says....feed the muscle.

In the book The Seven Pillars of Health by Dr. Don Colbert he said something that has always stuck in my head....he talks about how God created us and how our bodies were designed to eat only certain foods, obviously back then they had to hunt and gather, he basicly states that your body just doesn't know what to do with all this processed man-made crap becasue it wasn't designed to process it! There was a quote in Men's Health..."if you can't kill it, grow it or pick it, don't eat it! I TRY to live by those standards and I think I do about 95% of the time and when I do indulge I try not to over do it.
Sonya: I love that quote- heard it a while ago (or read it in MH) and liked it. I try to live that way and somedays I mess up. But I have that same philosophy. I push myself SO HARD in my workouts that I don't want to waste all that work by eating crap. I have been trying much harder to eat every three hours and that is helping me, too.

Since food is the topic today, here is yesterday's menu:

Breakfast: Protein pancake (4 egg whites, 1/2 C. oats (not quick), 1/2 banana, cinnamon) w/ a bit of sugar free syrup and bee pollen

Lunch: 5-6 c. spinach, carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, 1 veggie patty, 2 ounces of fat free feta cheese and dressing made from olive oil and balsamic vinegar

Snack: 2 blueberry protein muffins (combine 12 ounces frozen blueberries, 1 C. oats, 2/3 C. egg whites, 1/2 C. powdered nonfat milk and bake at 375 for 20ish minutes in muffin pan)

Dinner: Brown rice and steamed chicken and veggies from Chinese restaurant

Snack: Fat free greek yogurt with frozen strawberries (all smushed up) with a sprinkle of Fiber One cereal

Gotta run, later hotties!
Diane Sue - It's been snowing all day here. But we only have 2" on the ground. Crazy. It's supposed to snow all night and all day tomorrow but still not that much more on the ground. But the windchill will cause it to be minus 10 to minus 20 in the morning. Brrrr... Sorry you didn't sleep well again. I bet that's getting old! Thanks for the compliments on my pics. Mitch sure is a good photographer. I think we'll try again maybe after I get my spray tan for Mexico (if I do that). I need to practice smiling better.

Dallys - Thanks. I looked around the BB site for some ideas on posing. I'm not that original! Did I read that you are getting a ROAD BIKE??????? :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Charlotte - Thanks for the compliment. I WANT DOMS IN MY SHOULDERS!!! It's been awhile since I have been able to really work 'em. Maybe this week. Nice work you did there! Isn't cross body extension where you start out like you're going to do a regular lying tricep extension but you cross it over your body to your other shoulder instead? That's what I would do anyway. Awesome job on the weighted bench dips!!! That's heavy! I hope to be able to build up to those again. I'm was back up to 3 sets of 20 dips the other day off my bench with straight legs and it didn't hurt my shoulder so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I don't want to do too much too soon though.

Sonya - Thanks again! And you make such good points. So would you say that you can't really "hunt" chocolate cake??? :p Seriously though, I just think about how I could really take it to the next level if I would properly feed my body. I mean, the whole cellulite thing really bugs me. Mitch says I hardly have any at all, but he has to live with me. ;) Like Diane Sue said, I could control so much more of that with diet. And as cycling season really hits, I know I'm going to need a lot more energy and if I don't start eating better with lifting heavier I'm going to really be sorry. And I know that I always lose an average of 6-7 pounds every summer because of cycling without changing my diet and that scares me right now.

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