Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 8/9

I figured I'd start this even though today is my rest day. I wanted to answer Diane Sue's question from yesterday:

Debbie, I love In the Ring. You got a great cardio burn:D Out of curiosity how do you set your zones. I put mine in the high end and they are still not that high. I hit mine for 22 minutes today. A lot of the time doing cardio I was above that. Max HR was 168. I have been starting the last two days at 58 as my resting HR. I actuallly got up to 170 on the treadmill a couple of days ago at 8.3 mph on the treadmill. Wish I could push harder:confused: Maybe because I am closing in on 60 soon?

I can't set zones with my HRM, it does it for me. I just had to key in my weight, height and age and it did the rest. Seems to be a lot better at figuring calorie burn then any other HRM I've had. I use to get really low calorie burns because of the fact that I set my zones for me. I'm thinking they were wrong. My calorie burn seems to be higher when it is in the "in-zone" instead of the "above zone". My rest zone is usually around 58 when I start and I try to get my HR up to at least 161 before a workout is over. Doesn't always happen, especially with Amy's workouts.
Today is a rest day. I stayed up way to late last night. We went to see the latest Harry Potter. Everyone went out in silence. What a cliff hanger. Nothing solved. I didn't feel good about the ending at all.

Debbie, my calorie burns generally work in close to what Cathe has posted in the Workout manager. I figure sometimes I probably burn more than I think. It has been quite awhile since I did the zone settings. Mine has you lie or sit with no distractions for a few minutes. (No caffeine or stimulants) to get your hr. Then you do an own zone test where you actually move through different hr zones every minute ie. 110, 120, 130 and then it tells you what zone range you should be working in. I really have only done the resting zone once and it has been awhile since I did my own zone test. I found a way to bypass it. I used to do it every time and it would go up and down:confused: I like my hr rate monitor for that reason but I need to use the features more. I think for the most part it is pretty accurate. I remember you saying which hr monitor you have but cannot remember what it is. So, which one? I know my calorie burns seem low and max hr at times but I think calories in and out match my activity level pretty well with what I am doing. I hope that I am making since.
Debbie, as far as workouts and HR I think we don't need to kill ourselves trying to get that maximum HR all of the time. On Amy's I usually hit my higher end zones doing the Power ups or intervals only premixes. That is why there are times where I will only use portions of different workouts that I know will get me where I want to be. Sometimes I am lucky to get above 130bpm :confused: Then I am frustrated but just accept that that is where I am going to be.
Hey guys! I did triceps today- S&H followed by PH and then CoreMax #1. It was my first day of my new rotation. I think it will be really fun- I'm excited about it. Loved the burn from PH at the end!

Gotta go get the wee ones down for a nap and maybe yoga, maybe grocery, maybe both. :)
Patti, I am sure you have said, but which rotation are you doing? Was this your own rotation? Was that PH triceps only?? I am always interested on new ways to put things together. I guess I never looked at PH for skipping chapters. I know the lower is a burner.
Just returned from a another walk. This time I took Coach Sean with me, CC5. I walked the whole thing except the last 4 30 second sprints. I was amazed at how high I was able to get my HR with just walking. Walk was 55 minutes and I burned 520 calories.
Diane Sue: No, I didn't invent it- it is one of Debbie's. I think I'll do it for 8 weeks or at least that is the current plan. ;) Instead of week #3 I think I'll do a week of Meso 2. I had fun with it today and like that it calls for a fair amount of yoga. I did manage to get that in today, too. :)

WEEK #1:
Day 1: a.m. S&H Chest only/Power Hour Chest only, Coremax #1; p.m.
yoga of choice.
Day 2: S&H Back only (do supermans, prone planks & supine planks
after PH), PH Back only, Cardio & Weights step only premix.
Day 3: S&H Shoulders only/PH Shoulders only, abs from Kick, Punch &
Day 4: a.m. S&H Tri's only/PH Tri's only, 10-10-10 cardio only; p.m.
Yoga of choice.
Day 5: S&H Bi's only/PH Bi's only, Step Blast premix doing Combo 1,
3 & Challenge (44 min.)
Day 6: S&H Legs only/PH Legs only
Day 7: REST or Stretch Max #1

WEEK #2:
Day 1: Gym Style Chest only/MIS Chest only; Rhythmic step section
#1, #2, #3 (no step challenge).
Day 2: GS Back only/MIS Back only, ME abs; yoga in p.m.
Day 3: GS Shoulders only/MIS Shoulders only, CTX Kickbox cardio only.
Day 4: GS Tri's only/MIS Tri's only, Coremax #2; yoga in p.m.
day 5: GS Bi's only/MIS Bi's only, Low Max step premix sections #1-
Day 6: GS Legs, Cardio & Weights abs & CTX Kickbox abs
Day 7: REST or Stretch Max #3

WEEK #3:
Day 1: Pyramid Upper Body Chest only/Muscle Max Chest only, PUB Back
only/MM Back only, Step, Jump & Pump abs.
Day 2: IMAX 2, 1 hour yoga of choice (split these up, do either or
in a.m. and p.m.)
Day 3: PUB Shoulders/MM Shoulders, Coremax #3 (easy day, in prep for
tomorrow workout.)
Day 4: Step Blast/SJ&P Premix: Step & Hi/Lo (90 min.); yoga in p.m.
Day 5: PUB Tri's/MM Tri's, PUB Bi's/MM Bi's; All Step Abs & Power
Hour Abs (this is a great combo and its on Ab Hits if you
have it)
Day 6: PLB Legs standing only/MM Legs only premix/PLB Floorwork;
p.m. yoga of choice - you will need it!
Day 7: REST!

WEEK #4:
Day 1: Pure Strength Chest only/Body Max Chest only, PS Back only/BM
Back only, abs from PS Back, Bi's & Abs; p.m. yoga of choice
Day 2: Hardcore Extreme High/Low Intervals (73 min.)
Day 3: PS Shoulders only/BM Shoulders only, abs from MM
Day 4: Kick Max; p.m. yoga of choice
Day 5: PS Tri's only/BM Tri's only, PS Bi's only/BM Bi's only, abs
from PUB
Day 6: PS Legs & Abs; p.m. yoga of choice
Day 7: REST & Recovery!
Patti, thanks for sharing the rotation:D It looks good. I am going to have to pull out PH and use portions of it. I am doing some total body workouts for a bit. So much going on around here. Once school starts this month and I settle into a routine I am hoping to pull out STS again.

Linda, nice calorie burn for a walk.:)
Hello ladies!

Today my bf set up the tv and dvd player for me in the workout room, so that was cool. I did Sculpt Sweatfest for the first time in quite a while. I wish I had a bosu! It looks like Mindy has a couple new bosu workouts, too, and then Amy uses one in one of her workouts, too. Maybe I'll get one once my fall teaching is secured.

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